Bring something useful that will instead prevent the group from being put into a situation where a clutch is necessary. It is good for kiting and handling bosses during horde, which alone can easily make it worth using. Light>heavy or light>light>heavy for elites. Good QP option. Obligatory reminder, that this list is based on my personal preferences, and it may differ from yours. I prefer the Swift Slaying trait Talents : 1-2-3-2-1 (when you are so righteous even your skill tree looks like a double tailed comet). I prefer unchained but ur more a tank as that class (still great dmg both ranged and flail on cw’s stunning them are insanely fun). Necklace: Up to 30% BCR, up to +2 Stamina (or +20 health), Barkskin. This is a very fun and powerful build I have made for others who play by far the most fun and explosive Sienna Fuegonsomething. Axe and Shield with crossbow pairs well with a BW, but be prepared for low damage output and kill count. 5x, so the dagger outperforms the sword if you're good at headshotting (or are a Pyro with 55% crit). So for me it would either be Handgun instead of drakegun or 2h axe/2h hammer/dual hammers/1h axe for the shield. However, because I do quite enjoy the drengi from time to time, Royale with Cheese has quite the fun builds. B) Career is good, or effective even piloted by a less skilled player. I believe it reduces stamina regen delay, which is not the same as, and is longer than, block break duration. My main vermintide build (I use this build the vast majority of my play time) is: Sword and shield (opportunist, block cost and skaven) Handgun (conservative, chaos and infantry) Necklace: barkskin, health and block cost. A Rat Slaying Subreddit for Warhammer: The End Times - Vermintide, and Warhammer: Vermintide 2. Reliably staggers everything but the meatiest chaos overheads. Career Changes. You won’t need that much ammo unless you want to shred a lot of horde as well, and compression chamber is just so, so damn good against berserkers and maulers. Hello Vermintide Reddit! With the new Saltz career that came out, a ton of new players are trying out cataclysm. Don't bring handmaiden to try to clutch. I don’t know any other meta builds. I strongly suggest trying that one out. You need the headshots, right? EDIT: I watched some of the vid and you're kicking ass with body shots. Good luck and have fun, it is a great class to play :) Sister/WHC are more offensive picks such as WHC gives you the player 20% tagging dmg on enemies. Grail Knight. This is as correct and concise as of March 14, 2018. Really high 1HKO potential on executioner sword for a long time. What’s hot right now for builds? Bounty hunter has 2 great builds that come to mind, one focused on boss killing and one focused on horde clear Boss killer one requires a melee weapon that isok enough for hordes, such as Rapier or Falchion or Flail with the standard Attack Speed and Block Cost Reduction properties and Swft Slaying trait. Which is why we call it the Meth Knight. This build is based around the Axe & Shield, a weapon i played since Vermintide 1. com/r/Vermintide/comments/vdr4uq/any_busted_or_op_builds_in_v2_right_now/) but a lot of them require DLC (which I'll eventually buy into once I've decided what characters I like). Tanglegrasp thicket is best by far. Spirit echo. The single target damage from Grail Knight is unmatched by any other career, and with the Standard traits and properties on their weapons and trinkets (don’t fall for the temptation of natural bond, barkskin is more valuable) you should be good. That is honestly all there is. Cataclysm is a difficulty for players who have finished the gear grinding and looking for high-level challenges gameplay. 10. As for shade, you want 5% atk speed or 20% dodge, 15% damage when party has grim, Bloodfletcher (other two look good on paper but are garbage in practice), health on kill, and 30% cooldown reduction. They are all fun and also good enough for cata twitch or dwons. Keep in mind that most damage comes from Necromancer DLC Guide. 4. The most meta builds are probably those described by Royale w/ Cheese on steam. I think it's time to give my beloved mace and sword a break and give some love to the rest of Kruber's armory. Overall all changes are welcome, Grail Knight has been destroying everything melee range way too long, a small nerf on its most popular DPS skill & buff to underperforming DPS talent is reasonable, and increase its ult cooldown from 40 to 60 makes player only able to benefit from Strength effect on one Handmaiden - unlike the other 2, this is on the list for a completely different reason. Push attack>light>light or heavy>push attack>light>light for hordes. So Necromancer is less about doing damage with DoTs but more about hitting/killing enemies during DoTs. Best. With 6 stacks of his passive, any of his melee weapons can be good. But rarely people give this as the reason for using it. Might want not want to use it with randoms though. The Dagger is also a nice alternative to the fire sword for burning builds. The cleave stops at maulers and SV, and the horde and armor damage is low. But you can only have one of them in hand. These are the builds I made for Vermintide 2 Wiki reform project. Pretty much all equipment builds will be something like 20% hp, 33% curse resist, 33% stamina recovery, 60% block cost reduction. Spear with moonfire bow/longbow. 2 hand build using great hammer and great axe. Barrage. 40% damage reduction after using a charged attack makes me tanky even on legend or cata, and you pretty much have your ult permanently so long as you're Most fun for me are: 2hh/throwing Slayer: crazy suicidal tasmanian devil. Even then the difference between the two matters on cata vs modded. For bosses, shade. But pyro attack speed build is crazy. Gromril curse sounds great in theory, in practice it's hit or miss for me. With Daggers and 3rd Level 30 talent, Shade is one of the best boss-killers in the game. And then of course if you want to go full meme the Flamestorm staff is always fun. Disclaimer: Stats and numbers in this guide are used from press release preview version. If you get hit, create some space and cool down to 80%. Innovative ammo hoppers feel more fit for a solo playthrough with bots surrounding you. Gear allows you to hit damage thresholds for break points, but it's not required (I have a group of friends who like to play cata with blacksmith weapons) 3. B: Unchained, Pyromancer, Engineer, Bounty hunter, Footknight. Drakefire pistols. Mercenary (Kruber), Ironbreaker (Bardin) and Witch hunter (Saltzpyre) are some beginner friendly career I would recommend. I run what I feel was a fairly standard build: -Shotgun -Dual hamms. Waystalker gets better use out of hagsbane for ammo recovery and extra shot fired. 5】Chaos Waste Mechanic Handbook - Including detailed all new Boons and Event Boons Mage Build for Vermintide 2 full grim and tome Champion runs. Don’t use heal share. Slower Heavy 1 spam, but faster attacks and more Elite-killing potential with Heavy2. Charm: Up to +5% attack speed, up to +20% crit power, Decanter. D) Career has to be piloted well for Standard traits and properties on their weapons and trinkets (don’t fall for the temptation of natural bond, barkskin is more valuable) you should be good. Finally, gift of ladrielle is just The two builds I mainly use are gromril plate+drakegun and Linked Compression Chamber+Handgun. Give the AI sniping weapons such as Xbow/Longbow/Handgun. If you're a melee character the melee talents will do better damage in melee. I like where this is going, add weapon and trinket loadouts, and it'll be extremely useful for sharing builds. Green elf. I have Victor (bounty hunter) who just get level 30 and I just finished all the map (Also Bogenhafen/Ubersreik) in Veteran. Some builds and recommendations would be much appreciated fellow knights of the empire! My footknight senses are tingling. For Xsword, use kill THP if available, as you can get a lot of horde and elite kills in melee. I also give comprehensive explanations on things like positioning, target-priority, and all kinds of gameplay tips so that new players can learn how to take advantage of these builds' strengths. I've really been having fun with ranger veteran Grudge-raker build with stagger thp, master of improvisation There's not really a "best" one but rather 2 very different builds are meta on her. Exact numbers may be different from formal release version. Reply. Item dupe can be used similarly to generate extra morgrims/censers for you and your team and is a must take boon. Aug 13, 2019 · Introduction. On Cata he can perform well, but needs to be able to rely on his team a bit more. With the introduction of teammate build viewing UI update, I noticed why so many new players struggle with Cata. Bull of Ostland: This is an extremely good attack speed bonus, which you can keep up 100% of the time against mixed hordes with this build. Lvl 30: This is a personal preference choice as all 3 are good options. -increased ammo survivalist pouches -movespeed. I'm a bit late but I can't resist. Enhanced power sounds great but is better for ranged classes. 10% cooldown reduction on trinket for furthering the meme and availability of your active, 30% stam regen for more sustainability. One other very important note, EVERY BOT NEEDS TO HAVE BARKSKIN ON THE NECKLACE. All elf builds are pretty much Sword and Dagger or spear /w Longbow. the handgun with +18. gift build linked): Ironbreaker Bardin, Mercenary Kruber / Grail Knight, Sister of the Thorn Kerillian, Warrior Priest Saltzpyre / Witch Hunter Captain / Zealot, and Unchained Sienna (with Bomb Balm temp hp talent for ult). handgun is kruber's best range weapon and it is the same for IB. GK - double stab instead of wide slash ult, because of more monsters. The hammer can sweep hordes and headshot very well, so I mostly use it until there's a fleshy boss monster, then I use the axe. This guide highlight one to three builds on each career as recommendation for non-modified Cataclysm difficulty. where the team is highly coordinated and mutually supporting so the IB can afford to double down on tank and horde clear because they can count on teammates to handle other threats. That may seem like stating the obvious, but not getting hit twice in short succession very often is the key to unchained. Level 10: Pushes ignite enemies. Not exactly a streamlined build or anything, but it's a real fun time. Shade and Handmaiden are going to feel weak until you get to 25, as both rely on their talents more than waystalker. Most fun: definitely Bluntsman! Merc is the best all-rounder, which makes him the "best" for QP since you cant rely on teammates the same. All these builds now can be found on the corresponding wiki page. I’d love to try something with pyromancer or Witch Hunter. One headshot kills packmasters and berserkers/monks, and three headshots kills a Chaos Warrior. Also, to make some things clear, here’s a shot list of pros and cons for every bot. You can also hit trade very effectively on Footknight to instantly recharge when needed. They're tingling 13 hours late. I tend to watch the rear and flanks and pick of any instances of hyper density I see. Have fun and slay on \m/. Yeah Dread Seneschal feel like the stronger builds so far. Trinket: Cooldown Reduction, Curse resist, Grenadier. C) Career is average, may have some rough weaknesses that can be overcome with player skill. HM - Oak Stance instead of Asrai Alacrity, crit synergies. Using shield weapons on both, spear&shield if you have it and hammer&shield. Magicka Grind Build All Classes; Stamina Grind Build All Classes; PvE One Bar Builds; PvE Endgame Sets. Arcanist. Chaos Wastes Career Tier List (Opinion) Discussion. Add a Comment. Health is a great all round choice. These builds have good skill ceiling and strong to play with practice. Like, melee weapon selection alone has such an intense level of variety. Longbow to kill anything with more than "decent" hp. -Feedback. Takes no time at all tbh. Asrai Alacrity, enhanced power, wraith walk (I prefer willow stance), birch stance, gift of ladrielle (I prefer power from pain). This is for full tome and grim on Champion but can be used on anything. Str. The burst in this build can be enhanced further by replacing Isha's Bounty with Atharti's Delight making every hit bleed. Snipe specials with left click hold to right click, and melt bosses with left click hold. Lot of micro to it but feels like high rewards. Don't use it. Hold right click and wait a moment until enemies are about to land a hit on you. The shining part is how almost all the changes encourage using all your weapons in synergy rather than the crank for 5, build THP, crank for 5, build THP, unload all that I've seen a lot of people do, but also doesnt want you to completely devoid use of it, making it really a more strategic career, which is the engineering perfection this class Bulwark is good for tanks that stagger enemies a lot. For me anytime you are not playing GK, Shade, or Slayer General purpose Sword and Mace. Coruscation is overall better but can't delete monsters quite as fast as beam, and can't snipe I run the Witcher Build for example which is double 2 Handed Swords and Strength Potions Brettonian Longsword and Executioner, Steel for Humans Silver for Monsters, or in the case of Vermintide 2 Brettonian for Hordes/Specials and Executioner for Elites and some Monsters. run attack speed on your charm and crit/scrounger on handgun. On Legend with Enhanced Power, +20% Armored, +10% Skaven, and +10% Chaos one body shot will kill Stormvermin and every special but packmasters. Just a weapon that can handle hordes well, greatsword, dual swords even, sword+dagger. . "Smiter" (without drakegun) or "Enhanced Power" (with drakegun) over "Bulwark". Shields are probably the prime candidates for opportunist builds with how much base stagger they have. There's an okay amount of content in the base game and very little of it in the dlc, which are slightly overpriced. Any solo builds viable in champion or higher levels ? Hey, I’m playing the game for 7-9 days now and I pretty enjoy it. Thank you so much for your work, you've Talents: Level 5: THP on cleave / damaging multiple enemies. Skill and situational awareness are the most important aspects of this game by far. The best bots in my experience are (in order, ranalds. C: Huntsman. Builds for all careers, Legend difficulty. You play at 80% overcharge and can stagger pretty much everything. what most often kills and wipes your team is specials and 1shotting them at long distance is huge benefit. This is going to be a quick TLDR of the build options that will jumpstart one’s progress into succeeding in Cata. For a true tank build with it 111121 mace and shield with rifle for sniping specials. For killing specials waystalker with (if you are good at aiming) longbow or (if you don’t trust your shot on line of sight skills) swiftbow. Trollhammer or shotgun. Strong melee classes become much more important on Cataclysm, and the strong ranged classes suffer as they have a harder time surviving when things get out of hand. My usual team consists of a few of my friends, a Merc Kruber, WHC Salty and a Shade Kerillian, so my low damage isnt really an issue, I make up for it with crowd control and stagger damage. Unyielding covers Warrior Priests weakness to pushback from Rattlers and Fire Rats but may not be needed if your team can take care of them for you. 2. 20. Hey, if you’re a new player reading this and want to know what end game builds look like and why, here you go: Royale w/ Cheese’s Guides. Unchained flail/any staff: an immortal killing machine if you manage to keep heat permanently in red and THP high. if he has teammates that can create space during hordes his ranged firepower is utterly stupid. With the block cost reduction talent, you want to combine it with bcr on your weapon and necklace. For Legend, everything is still viable, but you just need to be a good player. I also wasn't sure if the list was up-to-date anymore. 160CP Builds – All Classes; PvP Builds – Solo Cyrodiil & BG. This is the easiest slayer build, I think. 1H axe with with AS + BCR + Swift Slaying. Equip a 300 power white quality version to confuse people using the mod to see loadouts in Tab menu. HOWEVER; the most powerful on paper in Huntsman. The sword has more cleave, but less attack speed, and does less damage to the first target. It lets you block off areas (useful when there's 3 assassins), toss a bomb and kill an entire stacked horde/patrol, ledge entire hordes, and stagger elites. Then I run Strength Pot and Concoction for single-handedly melting hey, i run normaly cata wih RV masterwork pistol build, but last days i play with idea in my head with throwing axes build, honestly im starting getting bit tired of pistol because sniping with it is nothing extra 1-2 shots min - 3 shots max on long range, fast mode in most hectic moment have worst accuracy possible I so want to use it, but I'm only so-so at getting headshots. Charm with AS + Player Choice (I have Power vs. L15: Enhanced power - increases you DoT which is main source of your damage and your beam staff damage, possibily of other picks for some other build. You can do a lot with a Flail and Volley Crossbow. Shieldmaiden can make an all stagger build on shield and spear which staggers literally every enemy type out of attacks except For speedruns, maiden with spear. Basically unkillable if you play defensively and boosts group damage and can control entire hordes while put in a choke point on cata. Makes your DoTs worse but has synergy with the Malediction of Nagash passive (Sienna and skeletons do 20% bonus damage to burning targets). Enhanced power because yes. If you want detailed guides for slayer (or bardin in general) go here. Stamina DPS Sets; Magicka DPS Sets; Tank Sets; Healer Sets; Beginner Builds. I have seen a lot of builds that use A&S and Drakegun, but those are usually for difficulties like Cata Twitch, modded difficulties, etc. Also the dagger has a ~x3 damage multiplier on crits/headshots while the sword has ~1. But in this game no one care abput the meta even in the higher difficulty, so play any class, any carer, any weapon. ADMIN MOD. Gromril shot, combined arms, experiment capacitors, ablative armour. It also has some fairly nice horde clearing combos that both stagger and kill. Then you have the famished flames DoT build, which can be done with coruscation or beam. Meta builds to me only matter on Cataclysm and the modded difficulties. Throw in your stamina regen boost, and you are legitimately a budget ironbreaker -- hold block and you can ignore basically any attack except shoves and specials. Crit based characters (WHC, OE, SoTT, etc) become world ending with boons like crit lightning and ranged crit explosion. A) Career is excellent, and made even better when piloted by a good player. Any flail build can be a 2 hand sword build and the infinite volleybow build can be an infinite griffon-foot build, too. 0 comments. Works well at staggering/dwindling hordes on higher difficulties. Tunnel fighter is guaranteed value. For casual friend-randoms play basically anything. A: Handmaiden, SOTT, Shade, Waystalker, Ironbreaker, Ranger Veteran, Slayer. Kerillian's is midway through testing and Bardin's still very far away. 5. i listed full build here Jul 3, 2021 · This is the ultimate Chad build in Vermintide, it mixes the most intuitively overpowered career in the game, the Grail Knight, with a complete disregard for your own personal well-being and a ton of potion use. Death knell is a must have, since it makes you one headshot fanatics and greatly increase your damage against anything else. My build is focused around the Briar Javelin. Level 20: 50% block cost reduction and blocks vent overchanrge. Barrow Blades just feels like its there to solve a builds lack of easy access to flames, so if your build does have easy access to flames and you don't need it dread seneschal feels like an actual upgrade and can put in a lot of work. A good halfway point. Talents 111321. I like this build cause flail let's you cc armoreds often swarm your teammates on legend+ and the volley crossbow can be use both to pick off specials and elites AS WELL AS for horde control. In terms of armor damage, the dagger is better than a sword, about Ranger vet can use his parting gift lv 30 in combination with morgrims bomb to drop a nuke with every ult. Speaking of crossbow, do you think you'd be better served with the talent that gives 2% cooldown reduction per reload? Since you're reloading constantly? Nitan17. Ranged choice is whatever you can clear your ammo quickest with, probably grudgeraker. Explore the game and have fun. Aug 14, 2019 · Introduction. Baam_. Enjoy and happy hunting. Hope this helps a little. The inherent attack speed and cleave from sword and mace helps to recharge quickly, along with inspiring blow. Brett Sword is the tried and true "raw damage" 2h weapon, where its capable of easily dealing with As everyone has said, Bw is the best class. Level 15: +20% damage to staggered enemies. Members Online 【Updated to Patch 5. Gold Farming Build [Speedy G] Grind Builds. The general technique is this: Hit horde with a Dagger Heavy1 or Push to stagger them. Charm: proxy, skaven and attack speed. That would be a very tanky, survivable build that can still be tweaked here and there depending on preference and playstyle. You cannot lose, if you do its totally teams fault 100%. Shieldmaiden can make an all stagger build on shield and spear which staggers literally every enemy type out of attacks except chaos warrior overheads. Sorta kinda flexible. THP is the most important thing to keep you alive in legend and cata. As far as actual tips, I would say wait to build of damage resistance from his talents before trying to really ad clear, and don't be afraid to use is ult on any elites that might be pressuring you as it comes back decently quickly especially with his tier 30 where you get it refunded. Alternatively, talent set 1,2,3,3,2,2 with staff or Moonbow work just as well with more burst damage and less sustain. Jun 16, 2021 · Using a purple potion with decanter will allow you to get upwards of 26+ guaranteed criticals hits which you can use for 26 javelin shots or to use with melee javelin hits. 1 / 2. L20: Unusually calm - best overcharge removing talent of those two, best for when you quickly switch between staff and sword for some quick blasts. Experimental Steam Capacitors is tricky to master, but there are tricks such as firing off just enough ammo bar to recrank to 5, and refresh the 5 before open fire. For builds, there are two most important things: Pick the right level 5 talent for THP generation. reddit. Stagger is for specific thresholds, requires specific builds. With the above builds, the bots' talents, traits, and properties are Spear is hugely overrated. Either of the other 2 elves bring more utility to the group. Foot Knight builds. Use Fire Sword if you are in need of THP or enemies are too close to you and you need to stagger them. This site would be on the same level of value, as trait calculators for Verm 1. Most op class is probably Witch hunter captain. OE - Leading Shots instead of Armour Piercing Slugs, due to crit synergies, absolutely disgusting with explosion on ranged crits boon. First you have volcanic bolt, which makes her the best sniper in the game. What I meant was, when you get your block broken, there is a very short delay (let's call it The modded realm offers a true solo experience which is incredibly hard. Edit: Talent numbers are: 2,3,3,3,1,2. Slayerrrrr. + %30cd reduce talent and full cd reduce+movement speed build. It'll decimate most hoards. Don't get hit (twice in a row). Any talent that provides a team buff or some form of utility is the talent you want to pick for bots. Necklace with Health + BCR. Members Online Timothy Bentinck (Saltz's VA) on the origin of Victor Saltzpyre's voice. Is the only build that can do so without an ability up like ironbreaker taunt. Love the mix between L4D and rpg mecanic and the dark fantasy world is really cool. Sister of the Thorn. I'd take unchained over necro as a bot, much more durable and does more damage, since bots prefer melee over ranged at all times, plus the Bomb Balm talent helps everyone stay alive. Okay now for the talent build that i have found to work best for me. 1st charged attack set enemies nearby on fire and staggers them. With perfect rolls, you'll cap out at 90% bcr. 5 power to infantry on your gun and charm one shots every special. Shield weapon. The combat feels the same, the differences in character customization are minuscule, and the quality of Vermintide 2 is at the level of Vermintide 1 at best, and that's now, after a year of patching. Slayer is absolutely insane on Legend, probably one of the strongest solo carry classes despite his lack of ranged. Also two level 20 talents boost that passive. It takes some practice to be able to get a fully charged blast off when surrounded by rats. Current state: Sienna's, Kruber's and Victor's guides are completed. It also synergizes with javelins since you need space to throw. The best bots are Mercenary and Ironbreaker by far. No more walls of text to explain your build (under a video lets say), just a minute of clicking and viola - everything looks clean, universal and digestible. Dodge back while swapping weapons. 1. Both are weapons that want to be used against hordes. Bots are dumb as f and will just walk through gas and hazards. Firesword on the other hand can safely deal with the densest of stormvermin hordes by its lonesome with the ability to interrupt storm overheads. Infantry but I haven't actually checked any breakpoints here) Trinket with CDR + Stamina Recovery. Not optimal or objectively good builds, but builds you enjoy running on lower difficulties with music blaring. Very useful, and grants tons of THP. Best: Mercenary. I've been following this post about OP builds (https://www. Pot + Shrapnel +MWP Altfire/Hunter with either another MWP clip or a minigun followup = win. Pros: Great support talents; Good sustainability; Great damage output; Has access to some of the best weapons in the game; Steam Forum Guide for the New Players. Axe and Falchion or Billhook are the defacto best but you can run some off-meta stuff and still clean hordes. The downside of this build is that horde clear is pretty bad, so it's important to lean into your role: focus on sniping specials and killing armored elites as necessary, then burst down monsters if they spawn. I think the hardest part of saying any particular Mercenary build is "OP" is that there are so many different ways to play him, and so many different aspects to focus on. •. Its crucial to reduce the damage they take when they do that. Level 25: Burning enemies deal 30% less damage (synergies with level 10 talent) Level 30: Bomb heals team for 30 HP. And since mobility=safety, charmed life was the best choice for me. You can block with 0 stamina (you'll have your block broken but will not take damage) as soon as the previous block break animation is over. Huntsman: Sometimes it's fun to stay back and play Duckhunt. During a hoard you can do a heavy bash, swap, shotgun blast. you are doing Sigmar's Work, thank you! Praise our lord and savior! My go to man when I wanna know more about any build in the game. Stamina Damage Dealer; Magicka Damage Dealer Dual Hammers with AS + CC + Swift Slaying. bf es pz ci dg gn wp iv qq dw