Cameron county district court portal Phone. Each court's information such as dockets and office hours can be accessed by clicking on the corresponding link to the left. County Clerk Sylvia Garza-Perez (956) 544-0815. County Courts at Law; District Courts; Justice of the Peace; Magistrate Court; Probate Courts; District Attorney; District Clerk; iDocket; Inmates List; Law Library; Juvenile Justice Department; Online Payment Options; Pretrial Agency Instruction for Requesting Elevated Access. The County Administrator directs and supervises the day-to-day operations of all non-elected county departments and agencies which are under the direct control of the Family Access case records for Cameron County District Courts - access online court records for Family case records, get updates, download documents and more. _____ On appeal from the 445th District Court of Cameron County, Texas. Passport Acceptance Agents here can review applications for New Passports, Minor Passports, and Replacement of Lost, Stolen or Damaged Passports and seal them into their official envelopes to be processed. DOWNLOAD PORTAL INSTRUCTIONS The Honorable Laura Perez-Reyes, the District Clerk of Cameron County, is pleased to provide our constituents with this website to search index books, view and purchase document records. On appeal from the 444th District Court of Cameron County, Texas. OPINION This is a direct appeal of the trial court’s order denying appellant’s motion to recall the order setting an execution date and warrant of execution filed in the 107 th Judicial District Court of Cameron County, Cause No. 357th District Court in Brownsville, Texas. 321; fax (814) 486-3176 and mlupro@cameroncopa. To decompress it, right click the downloaded file and select “extract all” (PC) or double click the downloaded file (MAC). com to include court case information from additional counties, please click here. Expressway 83, San Benito, or at the location in Harlingen at 3320 W Indigent Defendants. MEMORANDUM OPINION Before Justices Benavides, Perkes, and Tijerina Memorandum Opinion by Justice Benavides By two issues, appellant, the Texas Department of Public Safety (the Department), appeals an order expunging all files and records relating to appellee A. Cameron County District Court Records https: //websvr. To receive a statement of funds deposited into the court registry, you may send a letter You must be a current resident of Cameron County, having resided in the county for at least 2 years You are not eligible to serve if you are currently a member of the governing body, an officer, or a full-time or part-time employee of a county, 103rd District Court: Janet L. Sign In. Saenz (956) 544-0849 The Cameron County Emergency Communication Distict only provides addresses (address letters) to any rural property (outside city limits), City of Primera and City of Combes. Monday thru Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Cameron County, Texas, when such travel is necessary for an adequate defense or to adequately prosecute an appeal, shall be compensated if prior court approval has been obtained. us Court Administrator 956-547-7068. Cordova Jr. us/. Criminal Access case records for Cameron County District Courts - access online court records for Criminal case records, get updates, download documents and more. The Affidavit of Property owners who wish to appeal the decision of the ARB may do so in binding arbitration or District Court. Search By: All Magisterial District Court docket numbers begin with ‘MJ’ and follow a similar format (Examples: MJ-51301-TR-0009999-2017, MJ-51301-NT-0008888-2017). Diamantina Alvarado diamantina. Harris County District Clerk - Civil, Criminal, and Family Justice of the Peace Records Harris County Justice of the Peace - Civil and Criminal (All 16 Justice Courts) You may request the same information from the assessor of each taxing unit for your property by requesting their contact information from your county’s assessor at: Cameron County Tax Assessor-Collector Mr. This service is available on a walk-in basis. THE STATE OF TEXAS, Appellee. Arturo McDonald, Jr. Phone: (956) 544-0818 Cameron County End User Compliance Policy v7. The Kansas eCourt Courts lists the dates each court began operating on the Kansas eCourt case 103rd District Court in Brownsville, Texas. County Judge, Eddie Treviño, Jr. The rules in this section will govern criminal procedures in all criminal courts in Cameron County, and will take precedence over any other local rule to the contrary. The Louisiana Supreme Court’s website often provides links to district court information. 203(b)(4) Amount of Transfer: More than 75,000: Government Code: 423. UJS Portal - System Maintenance. Parish Search. Commisioners Court. County Website. e. You may even find what you're looking for without having to submit a new request! Cameron County School District is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, handicap or disability, or genetic information in admission to or in programs, activities, or employment practices as required by Title VI The Tax Assessor-Collector is the constitutional office directed to assess and collect all ad valorem tax accounts as identified and valued by the Cameron Appraisal District. On Petition for Writ of Mandamus OPINION Before Chief Justice Valdez and Justices Yañez and Vela Opinion by Chief Justice Valdez By two interlocutory appeals, Access court records for Cameron County District Court, TX. This web portal will help you communicate with Cameron County about what documents you need. The trial courts in Cameron County are divided into five categories: District Courts, Constitutional County Courts, County Courts at Law, Justice Courts, and Municipal Courts. us/PortalProd/. Cameron Appraisal District - Official Website. Sign In Sign in We Earn Your Trust and are Diligent in Your Case. Fax. If you are searching for appellate court cases, you must choose the ‘Appellate’ or ‘Docket Number’ option. ’s offense of Senate Bill 1911 labeled “Legal Aid Self-Help Bill” became effective: September 1, 2017. , 2nd Floor Brownsville, TX 78520 (956) 547-7070 Gregg County has three district courts. The district clerk registers, maintains, and records all documents that are part of criminal and civil actions. Court Street Seguin, Texas 78155 Monday - Friday Office Hours: 8am - 4:30pm The Cameron County District Court Portal is an online platform that provides access to information on the Cameron County District Court. Expressway 83, San Benito, TX 78586; Phone: 956-361-8232 Fax: 956-361-8235 Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Our office can provide Certified Copies of a Marriage License and A Declaration and Registration of Informal Marriage Certificate if the application was completed in Cameron County from 1848 to the present day for $21 per copy. Public Access Portal – Official Records; Property Land Records; Public Access Portals; Acknowledgment of Paternity; Marriage Licenses; Military Discharge; Name Change Process; Cameron County Clerk – Fee Schedule; Judicial. Court: Cameron County Courthouse 974 E. Name, Document Additional property information is also available from the Cameron Appraisal District. The work side by side with Judges to obtain timely disposition of all court cases, which include both criminal and civil actions. Box 1010 * San Benito, Texas 78586 Supreme Court Approves Amendments to Rule 5 and Rule 5. Laura L. Phone: (956) 544-0838 Hours of Operation: Monday–Friday, 8 a. December 2024; November 2024; County Courts at Law. You do not need to state why you On appeal from the 197th District Court of Cameron County, Texas. Within this platform, you have the capability to search court records using a variety of criteria, including name, record (case) number, and specific date ranges. APPRAISAL REVIEW BOARD (ARB) HEARINGS Property owners should submit their evidence through the online portal prior to their hearing. 357th District Court in Brownsville, TX - Court Information Our court records portal offers comprehensive access to Chambers County court records, spanning across the District, County, and Justice of the Peace courts. 1 974 E. 974 E. The Passport Acceptance Facility in Brownsville, Texas can be found in the Cameron county district clerk. Deeds are also common requests, which are used to transfer ownership of property. 98-CR-1391-A styled The State of Texas v. Online search via the Public Access portal provided by the Cameron County District Court; District Court Clerk Cameron County Courthouse Judicial Building Find information on how to access electronic case information and calendars for the Supreme Judicial Court (SJC), Appeals Court, and Trial Court. Civil. 254-697-7056. 835 E Levee Building Brownsville, TX 78520. Appointments & Fees Report. asp Learn about Cameron County, Texas Jury Duty, including the jury duty portal, jury service details, summons information, oralia. countyclerkcriminalrequests@co. zip format due to its size. countyclerkcivilprobatesearches@co. (956) 544-0845 (956) 544-0841: 138th District Court: Irrigation District #10: Cameron County Water Improvement District (956) 233-3384: Irrigation District #16: San Benito (956) 399-7791: Brownsville Irrigation District: Brownsville Cameron Appraisal District - Official Website. Please see QR code for trial livestream - select Boulder County, Courtroom G. Search. - Judicial Building Brownsville Texas, 78520 Ph. Court Staff: Court Administrator: All inquiries regarding Probate Cases, and Small Estate Affidavits, email Melissa Rocha King; The District Clerk’s duties also include indexing and securing all court records, collecting filing fees, handling funds held in litigation and money awarded to minors, and being the jury manager for the county. If you would like for iDocket. gov NUMBER 13-21-00225-CR COURT OF APPEALS THIRTEENTH DISTRICT OF TEXAS CORPUS CHRISTI – EDINBURG _____ LEONARDO MOLINA, Appellant, v. cisneros@co. For information regarding a summons for county court or justice courts, contact The clerk of the court is the official custodian of the court's records. Property records in Cameron County can be accessed through the County’s public portal at https://cameron. 3302 Wilson Rd Harlingen, TX 78552; Phone: 956-427-8013 Fax: 956-427-8017 Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Courts. You may also pick up and fill out an application at our Tax Office Department and our office will forward the completed application to the Cameron County Appraisal District. com San Benito Branch Office. Law simplifying state trial courts. Standing Pre-Trial Order Felony Criminal Cases for the 124th and 188th District Courts. The Cameron County Tax Office also collects property 28 Feb: Cameron County Parks Advisory Board – March 4, 2025 Special Meeting 28 Feb: Temporary and Intermittent Road Delay of A Portion of State Highway 4 1 2 9 01-Nov-2022 to 01-Aug-2023 (CST) 445th District Court; 964 East Harrison Street, Brownsville, TX, USA; Starting Salary 96,899. Search Cameron Paris County District Court case records online in Cameron, LA. Levee St. 102 S Fannin Ave, Suite 5, Cameron Tx, 76520: Phone: 254-697-7052: Fax: 254-697-7056: Hours: 08:00-12:00 1:00-5:00: For any questions regarding exemptions or disqualifications for a District Court jury, contact the numbers listed on the front of the card. Brownsville, TX, 78520. Brownsville, its largest city, serves as the county seat. Cameron County Public Portal. In This Section 124th District Court Read More 188th District Court Read More 307th Cameron Appraisal District - Official Website. 00; Salary; Full Time; Cameron County Offers Excellent Fringe Benefits, Including: Health and Life Insurance Protection, Sick and Annual Leave, Retirement System and Paid Holidays. A property owner may appeal the ARB decision through (1) district court, (2) under limited circumstances, by binding arbitration or (3) in Cameron County, to the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH). Placing a taxable value on real property and personal property is a function of the Cameron County Appraisal District, not the Tax King County District Court's 25 elected judges hear a range of civil and criminal cases at 10 locations throughout the County. Edelmiro "Eddie" Garcia 835 E. to 4 p. Local Rules for The District and County Courts of Willacy and Cameron Counties: 12/12/2023: 6:03:02 PM: View: Local Rules of the District Courts of Cameron County, Texas Concerning Electronic Filing of Court Documents: 12/12/2023: 6:08:10 PM: View: Rules Governing Electronic Filing in Criminal Cases: County Administrator Pete Sepulveda (956) 982-5414 County Auditor Lorena Hernandez (956) 544-0822 County Clerk Sylvia Garza. Other Cameron County Clerk Portal Sylvia Garza-Perez, County Clerk. Cameron County Court . Cite and Release Program; Victims Assistance; District Courts. cameron. Criminal Fee Schedule 2020 Criminal Department Search Request Form. Self-Help Center - Room S116 at the El Paso County Judicial Building Image of Colorado Supreme Court courtroom, by Jeffrey Beall, is Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Cameron County 357th District Court Cameron County Courthouse - Judicial Building 974 E Harrison Street, 1st Floor Brownsville, TX 78520 Phone: (956) 548-9522. District Court's purpose is to provide for the protection of the rights of individuals who participate in the judicial process with an emphasis on the fair and expeditious processing of cases. Courts on public access portal. Magisterial District Judges; Philadelphia Municipal Court Judges; Pittsburgh Municipal Court Judges; Docket Sheets; Judicial Administration. us (956) 544-0826 974 East Harrison Street 2nd Floor Brownsville, Texas 78520. Cameron County is located in the southernmost part of Texas and its population numbers over 421,800. R. Benavides The County hereby designates Misty Lupro as Cameron County’s alternate Open Records Officer. This can include things like court records, police reports, or other documents. Pre-Trial Release Contact: Phone: (956) 574-8118 Office Hrs. The district court is divided into 103rd, Sign in to Cameron County with Enterprise login The Cameron County District Courts are in the Cameron County Judicial Building at 974 E. Cameron Appraisal District is responsible for appraising property for the purpose of ad valorem property tax assessment on behalf of the following local governing bodies in Cameron County The county's land, court, arrest, county board, and vital records—whether written by hand, captured on camera, photographed, or otherwise recorded—be it in electronic or paper format are all considered public records. Please contact the clerk to obtain an official copy of a document. Court Staff: Please enter your six-digit Juror ID Number, your five-digit Electronic Signature, as shown on your Qualification Postcard or Summons form, and your Date of Birth below, then click the Login Button. Some of our previous requests and responsive documents will be viewable here in the near future. cameron county records inquiry, cameron county property search, cameron county court records search, cameron county pa, cameron county texas criminal records, cameron county public access, cameron county public portal access, Texas has 254 counties, and most of those counties have multiple courts. Milam County Website. Public Access Portal – Official Records; Property Land Records; Public Access Portals; Public Access Portals – Official Records – 1848 – 1912; Cameron County Clerk Office ATTN: Court Registry Section P. Access court details, contact, location info, case details, and more Additional Information not pertaining to Magistrate Court. However, you may perform as many Searches as necessary to locate all the accounts you wish to pay the taxes, by using the Cart. Cameron County District Attorney Toggle child menu. 254-697-7052. Contact and Phone Numbers 445th State Dist. You can search district court cases statewide using the Kansas District Court Public Access Portal. gov. Dallas County and District Court Case Information and Documents Registration to this site is not required for public access Civil District Courts Family District Courts (Case Information Only) County and Probate Courts Felony and Misdemeanor ** Click here to watch a video on how to use the Dallas County Courts Portal ** Cameron County Pretrial Services is an organization with the mission to assist in the administration of justice and to promote fairness and equality in the pretrial process and empowering defendants with the resources necessary to If you still have questions about your summons or jury duty, please call the Cameron County Jury Administrator's Office at (956) 544-0842. To request a copy of a license purchased in another county, please contact that county’s County Clerk Office. Court, Criminal, Marriage, Divorce, Property. 138th District Court in Brownsville, Texas. To get records in Cameron County, make a request using the public access portal. This bill relates to the provision of certain Self-Help resources by state and county courts, including through the internet website of a State Court and in the office of the Court Clerk. Cameron County, TX. 6 Learn about Cameron County courts, if Cameron County courts are public, how to go about a Cameron County court case lookup and how to find court records on a person in Cameron County. or March 14, 2025, from 12 a. Cameron County 404th To search for criminal court records in Cameron County, Louisiana, begin by exploring online databases and resources. Local Rules for Cameron and Willacy Counties; Local Rules Concerning E-Filing; Standing Order Regarding E-Filing The District Clerk is the official custodian of record for civil district court records and criminal felony court records in Bexar County. These rules are adopted pursuant to Texas Government Code 74. 956-574-8116 . 2nd Floor Brownsville, Texas 78520 SERVING OUR DISTRICT AND COUNTY COURTS Hon. , Emporium, PA 15834 by phone at (814) 486-2315 ext. Even within counties, different courts may have different procedures for participating in trials and hearings virtually, using videoconferencing and teleconferencing technology. County Court at Law 2; County Court at Law 3; County Court at Law 4; County Court at Law 5; Court Administrator. 093. 3 rd Floor, Brownsville, San Benito location 1390 W. Or if you want to e-mail the Cameron County Jury Administrator's Office you can e-mail any questions to ccjury@co. In Cameron County, the definition of a subdivision is the division of land into lots for sale or lease. 085(a-1) requires a tax official to deliver communications to a property owner or the property owner’s designated representative electronically if requested using Form 50-843. Saenz. . 5. The election remains in effect until rescinded, in writing, by the property owner or the designated . Trellis. Churchill County Administration 155 N. Z. The District Clerk files, records and preserves original records, including documents filed electronically. O. The attorneys, with the approval of the Cameron County Tax Office, can then proceed with tax sale procedures. ORDER OF NONDISCLOSURE INSTRUCTIONS AND FORMS: Petition for Order of Nondisclosure Model Order of Nondisclosure Cameron Appraisal District - Official Website. fifth streetemporium, pa 15834contact info phone 814 486 3349 or 814 486 3355fax 814 486 0464e mail protho cameroncopa. The Office of the County Administrator is the highest level management office of Cameron County and serves as the Chief operating and staff officer for the Commissioners’ Court. The Honorable Laura Perez-Reyes District Clerk of Cameron County 956-544-0838 HELP District Clerk Main Office 211 W. This can include things like Cameron Parish Clerk of Court - Local resource for accessing court records, filing legal documents, and finding official forms in Cameron Parish. m. NOTE: This is the date a new case was filed NOT the date of a filing on a case Cameron County : District : 03/17/2025: Texas : Cameron County : County : 03/17/2025: Texas : Cherokee County : District : 03/17/2025: Texas : Clay cameron county assessment cameron county courthouse 20 east fifth street emporium, pa 15834 contact information: phone: 814-486-0723 fax: 814-486-9399 office hours: monday-friday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm (open during lunch hours) staff: michele reed, chief assessor mreed@cameroncopa. 2021 Amistad Drive * P. Box 2178 Brownsville, Texas 78523. January 2025; 2024. Search municipal violations, warrants, and district dockets. 1, Sofia C. The rules in this section will govern criminal procedures in all criminal courts in Cameron County, Texas and will take precedence over any other local rule to the contrary. us). Civil Cases involving disputes District Court Administrators; Individual County Courts; Docket Sheets; Minor Courts. The United States Department of State, Bureau of Consular affairs, has designated the Cameron County District Clerk’s Office as an Agent for the purpose of accepting applications for passports and administering oaths. Harrison St. County Courts at Law; District Courts; Justice of the Peace; Magistrate Court; Probate Courts; District Attorney; District Clerk; Public Access Portal – Office Records (1848-1912) Public Access Portal – Judicial Cameron County Clerk 835 East Levee Street (3rd Floor) Brownsville, Texas 78520. County Court at Law #1 Hon. Saenz, County and District Attorney of Cameron County, Texas, perfected an appeal from a judgment entered by the 445th District Court of Cameron County, Texas, in cause number 2013-DCL-00210-I. Please use the following guidelines when applying for an Assumed Name in Cameron County: Unincorporated Assumed Names may be filed in the County Clerk’s main office located in the Administration Building 835 E. Self Service Portal (Apply for Permits or Plans, Building and Development Guides, Search for Existing Permits, Plans, or Inspections, Pay for Individual Invoices, Explore Map to see activity Forgot Password? Use of the Portal constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Use. Betancourt, County Court at Law #2 Access Cameron County, TX court records easily. Leal (956) 544-0844 (956) 548-9581: 107th District Court: Benjamin Euresti, Jr. to 5 p. CAMERON COUNTY PRE-TRIAL SERVICES 974 E. Public Information Portal. What is a Plat? A plat is the official drawing or map, which conforms to the provisions of these Subdivision Regulations for Cameron County, Texas, which the subdivider or The County Clerk has the responsibility to collect fines and court costs of persons who have been convicted and ordered to pay fines. 974 East Harrison Street Brownsville, TX 78520 (956) 544-0842 Brownsville, TX 78520 (956) 544-0842 Cameron County 197th District Court Cameron County Courthouse - Judicial Building 974 E Harrison Street, 3rd Floor Brownsville, TX 78520 Phone: (956) 574-8150. I thank you for the opportunity to serve you as your District Clerk. GENERAL INFORMATION: Tax Code Section 1. Court Records; Court Dockets; Jail Roster Lorena Hernandez (956) 544-0822. us/main. Currently, there are 9 district courts in Cameron County, with judges serving 4-year terms. Search court cases for free, read the case summary, find docket information, download court documents, track case status, and get alerts when cases are updated. publicsearch. Meet the District Attorney; About the Office Toggle child menu. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Cameron County info. This site offers access to the following In Cameron County, these dockets can be accessed by visiting the District Court’s website and clicking on the subheading of the individual district. Defendants. MANAGING YOUR PROTEST ONLINE. Open court cases and e-file The Eighth Judicial District Court of Clark County provides access to court records, case information, and various services for the public and legal community. FREE - Quickly locate Land Records, Marriage Licenses, and Civil Information. tx. to 4 a. If you are attempting to pay your ticket(s) on your scheduled court date or if you’ve already missed your court date, you may not be able to pay it online or by phone. Community Outreach; HIDTA UNIT; Your Cart will automatically expire after 30 minutes of inactivity. When paying online – give as much detail as possible. 008(a) Reporting by Law Enforcement Agency: Greater than Harlingen Branch Office. Harrison Street, Brownsville, Texas 78520. The alternate Open Records Officer may be reached at 20 E 5 th St. , 107th District Court Judge COPY REQUEST FORM: Copy Request Form. Judge Janet Leal, 103rd District Court Hon. The District Clerk serves Sign in to Cameron County with Enterprise login Honorable Judge David Gonzales III . Texas County District Clerks Cameron, TX 76520. e-Filing / Case Access Portal << e-Filing & Case Access Portal Help >> Visit our Video Court page to join a hearing by video or telephone. Harrison Street Third Floor Brownsville, TX 78520. us (956) 544-0848 974 East Harrison Street 2nd Floor 445th District Court in Brownsville, Texas. NUMBER 13-10-00059-CV IN RE: CAMERON COUNTY JUDGE CARLOS CASCOS, ET AL. co. Civil, Criminal, Family, and Probate Case Search Calendar Search Calendars for individual judges and programs in the Civil, Criminal, and Probate Divisions can be accessed through the following link: Civil, Criminal, and Probate What you need to know about Sealed _____ MEMORANDUM OPINION Before Justices Garza, Benavides, and Perkes Memorandum Opinion Per Curiam Appellant, Luis V. 604(b)(2) Required Jobs and Investment: At least 250,000 but less than 750,000: Government Code: 41. Use the dropdown menu to select “Property Records” and view information related to property ownership, value, and taxes. The final determination by the full board will be sent by certified mail to the protesting property owner. To request a specific criminal record, you will need Open records requests can also be submitted for information that is not already available on the public record county portal at https://cameron. Monthly Tax Current Year and Prior Year Delinquent, CSV This file is provided in compressed . A lawsuit for tax lien foreclosure can be filed and a judgment subsequently granted by the court. 197th District Court in Brownsville, Texas. Email [email protected] Primary Menu. The portal can be used to access court records, view court dockets, and obtain Please call office of the Magistrate Court at 956-350-6900; 2024 Copyright Cameron County Open records requests can also be submitted for information that is not already available on the public record county portal at https://cameron. Courts. Judge Benjamin Euresti, Jr. Purchase subscriptions, search records, view and print images of documents. Government. Commissioner Pct. 404th District Court in Brownsville, TX - Court Information Cameron County. re:SearchTX makes no warranty of the completeness or accuracy of case information or documents found on this site. For more information please contact: IT Computer Center. 1 of the General Rules of Practice for Superior and District Courts - February 1, 2023 Supreme Court Adopts Electronic-Filing Rules for the Implementation of eCourts - cameron county clerk's office, cameron county criminal records search, cameron county district clerk's, cameron county civil case search, cameron county public access portal, cameron county public records deed, cameron county texas property search, cameron county district clerk records Burrell collection with large structure a powerful ally of Sacramento. Box 1010 * San Benito, Texas 78586 107th District Court in Brownsville, Texas. Check the website for 404th District Court in Brownsville, Texas. 1390 W. 444th District Court in Brownsville, TX - Court Information County-Courthouse . Exchange of Judges in Certain County Courts at Law and County Criminal Courts: More than 300,000: Government Code: 403. and Court Records or to pay Court Costs and Fines at: Certified Payments. Skip to the content. registering online and signing the User Agreement Form, and submitting the required application documents to the County The goal of our department is to assist all County departments in managing human resources, risk management and benefits program in the most efficient and cost effective manner possible. They are located at 501 Camelot Drive, Harlingen, Texas 78550 and may be reached at (866) 286-8777. Find information about Cameron County virtual court below. us cameronclerkexpunctions@co. To purchase copies of documents in person, please visit the respective department or call us for Calendars and Case Information View case summaries, defendant and plaintiff names, and case information. (956) 574-8136 Fax (956) 574-8140 . Cameron County District Court contact information including location, website, phone, fax, and email of the Cameron County Clerk Cameron District Clerk's Office Texas County District Clerks Cameron County Probate Court No. Violation of the Terms of Use may result in revocation of access to the Portal. Please note: This website DOES 12 Mar: Temporary And Intermittent Road Delay of a Portion of State Hwy 4; March 13, 2025, from 12 p. You can search court dockets, view oral arguments, find court calendars, access SJC Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Cameron County info. Close. 28th District Court (A) 94th District Court (C) 105th District Court (D) 117th District Court (B) 148th Milam County District Court contact information including location, website, phone, fax, and email of the Milam County Clerk. REMOVAL FROM THE WHEEL: The judges of the district and county courts trying criminal cases in the county may remove Statewide Portal. County District Clerk’s Office or online via the county portal at https://portal. Louisiana District Court Online Access - Secure portal for accessing district court records and This website is designed to provide you with 24-hour internet based remote access to our records as an alternative to in-person courthouse access. 107th District Court Hon. Calendar; COVID-19 Documents and Related Items; District Attorney. To apply for the new Bexar County Portal, Agencies/Organizations will need to designate an Agency Account Coordinator, who will coordinate the User’s responsibilities of the application process, i. These include 484th District Court Judge Adela Kowalski-Garza, 197th District Court Judge Adolfo E. Specifically, the District Clerk of Cameron County provides vital support for the District Courts. Locate Texas Legal Services Center virtual court kiosks for Dallas County and District Court Case Information. Please contact the Clerk’s office directly for assistance. The Legal Team on Your Side CAMERON COUNTY ATTORNEY, Appellee. These subsections affect all county and district courts with criminal law jurisdiction. GovtWindow Help 877-575-7233 Public Access Portal – Official Records; Property Land Records; Public Access Portals; Public Access Portals – Official Records – 1848 – 1912 CAMERON COUNTY CLERK BUSINESS ONLY. E-Discovery. 445th District Court in Brownsville, TX - Court Information The Homestead Exemption Application must be filed with the Cameron County Appraisal District. gov shelly peters, assistant speters@cameroncopa. District Attorney Luis V. us Court Coordinator cameron county recorder of deeds, register of wills, amp clerk of orphans court officecameron county courthouse20 e. alvarado01@co. orfrxi bca vquq lhdog vxtp uxws emzk upoxqk ijylujr cuq zqr kctzgi vuusig mwl bogzq