Duplin county register of deeds. Register of Deeds: mailto:anita.
Duplin county register of deeds Publications Print. Currently, there are only about 30 deeds in the new database, but over time more will be added this is not unique to the NCGenWeb project, but did you know that you can search the website of the Duplin County Register of Deeds for vital records information going back to the early 1900s? Duplin County Register of Deeds. Main St. Kenansville, NC 28349 (910) 296-2104 Contact Us Duplin County Register of Deeds. Local jurisdictions located in Duplin County include: Albertson; Beulaville; Calypso; Chinquapin; Faison; Kenansville; Magnolia; Rose Hill; Duplin County Register of Deeds. Research Sources. Find information about jury service in this county. com, we understand that your time and money are Official Sources for Duplin County Public Records. 910-296-2108. The primary objective of this office is to record and index real estate documents like assignments, liens, agreements, contracts, deeds of trust Duplin County Register of Deeds. The This page contains contact information for Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) filing offices - County Register of Deeds - in the state of North Carolina. 00 and pay an average tax rate of 0. , Kenansville, NC 28349 Phone (910)296-2108 A really cool feature of the Duplin County Register of Deeds site, duplinrod. Most buildings were constructed between 1950 and 2000, with some properties dating back to as early as 1780. English. United States, North Carolina, Duplin - Land Duplin County, North Carolina: Register of Deeds - Anita Marie Savage: Commissioner Minutes; African-American Co-habitation; Slaves; Land Grant Maps; Marriage Bonds & Certifications; Election Records; Image; 1861 records: Instructions For Searching: More Information Regarding Marriage Bonds & Certifications Records: The Register of Deeds is the official custodian of records for the citizens of Sampson County. and typescript. Local jurisdictions located in Duplin County include: Albertson; Beulaville; Calypso; Chinquapin; Faison; Kenansville; Magnolia; Rose Hill; Anita Marie Savage is currently the register of deeds in Duplin County. 00 each. C. In recognition of the service rendered by Outlaw as Duplin County Register of Deeds, Judge Grady presented a portrait of him to the county. II Durham, NC 27701 Phone: 919-560-0480. Click here to visit the Duplin County Register of Deeds Website. 118 Duplin Street, Kenansville, NC 28349. Search our database of free Duplin County residential property records including ownership, mortgage & deed records, land, parcel, zoning, & structural details, sales history, valuations, property tax assessments & more. com Uniform Conveyancing Blanks. com County: Find essential land records in Duplin County, NC, including property boundaries, deeds, and titles. We record deeds, deeds of trust, powers of attorney, assumed names, military records, plats and maps, and other miscellaneous documents related Marriage records/sources for Duplin County: Register of Deeds – online search of marriage records from early 1900s-present; North Carolina Marriages 1762-1979 – from Family Record Search; Marriages listed in the Duplin Archives Davis H. Click here for more The Duplin County Register of Deeds Office now offers a new system to help citizens better combat fraudulent activity. 2 Pay. The name of offices handling land records varies by state. The Register of Deeds serves as the custodian and manager for real estate related documents as well as the vital records of the county. Faulkner, Assistant Register of Deeds Juliana Garcia, Deputy II Register of Deeds Cassandra Alston, Deputy I Register of Deeds Maggie Powell, Deputy I Register of Deeds. 1 FamilySearch Library General index and record of committees to divide real estate, 1800-1960 FamilySearch Library Nikki H. Monday - Friday, excluding holidays Fax: 919-496-1457 Phone: 919-496-3500 Address: P. Most of the official public records maintained by the Duplin County Register of Deeds, including real property, vital records and maps/plats are searchable on the Register of Deeds website: duplin county rod | Duplin County NC : Duplin County NC search Explore all Land Records and Deeds in Duplin County, North Carolina. I was promoted to assistant Register of Deeds in 2016. Locality Subjects. 🏡📜 DUPLIN COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS Anita Marie Savage, Register of Deeds Post Office Box 970; 118 Duplin Street, Kenansville, NC 28349 Telephone: (910) 296-2108 Fax: (910) 296-2344 anita. Microreproduction of ms. Find Local Rules and Forms that provide procedures and guidelines for courts in Duplin County. Payment Information. Language. Duplin County Register of Deeds. org is an independent organization that gathers Public Records and other information from various Duplin County government and non-government sources. They can be Recorder, Auditor, County Clerk, etc. Govt; Duplin Co. com Services. Get your Duplin County Special Warranty Deed form done right the first time with Deeds. Free Search. Hours: 8:00 to 5:00 M-F. In November 2020, I was elected to the Duplin County Register of Deeds; it was a historic moment becoming the first African American elected to this position. com, we understand that your time and money are valuable Duplin County Register of Deeds. Access land registration records, verify ownership, and conduct comprehensive searches. Some Time Ago Again. Duplin Towns. 76% of a property's assessed value. To get copies of these files, you must submit a request. Serving since: 2020. Davis. The portrait now hangs in the Register of Deeds office. Property records in Duplin County, NC, are kept by the Register of Deeds. Most of the official public records maintained by the Duplin County Register of Deeds, including real property, vital records and maps/plats are searchable on This website requires a frames-enabled browser. Newsletter. Duplin County Clerk in Kenansville, North Carolina. Duplin County is located in the south central section of southeastern North Carolina and is easily accessible by I-40, U. The office files and indexes vital records (birth, death, and marriages) and issues marriage licenses. 296. Deeds. Kenansville, NC 28349 (910) 296-2104 Contact Us Anita Marie Savage (Democratic Party) ran for election for Duplin County Register of Deeds in North Carolina. Featured Links. Also check out the website for other helpful information – forms needed for your legal purposes, locating information about court dates, help on other legal matters, and more. Duplin County death/obituary records & sources. Brinson Mail: Duplin County Register of Deeds Attention: Vital Records Location: Courthouse Annex P. com, we understand that your time and money are valuable The Duplin County Register of Deeds’s office or registry of vital records, offers a wide range of crucial services. Box 970 118 Duplin Street Kenansville, NC 28349 Kenansville, NC 28349 Self Child / Step Child Signature of Person Applying for Certificate Address Births DeathsDQG0DUULDJHV that occurred in Duplin County Only The county households garner median salaries of $47,708. Mailing Address: PO Box 970, Kenansville, NC 28349 Location: Duplin County Courthouse Annex, Room #106 Duplin County Register of Deeds. Savage was on the ballot in the general election on November 5, 2024. The Register of Deeds office provides a standardized, permanent record of real estate ownership and transfers in Sampson County. You can visit the Clerk’s office to view court records using the public access terminals. The Duplin County Register of Deeds. Duplin County Register of Deeds: In the annex is one of the finest Register of Deeds offices in the state. Courthouse Annex - 118 Duplin St, Rm 106 / PO Box 970, Kenansville, North Carolina 28349 . Address: 112 Duplin Street, Kenansville, NC 28349 Duplin County: Anita Marie Savage - Register of Deeds: Check Order Status. Local jurisdictions located in Duplin County include: Albertson; Beulaville; Calypso; Chinquapin; Faison; Kenansville; Magnolia; Rose Hill; The proposed lease excludes approximately 1. The The Duplin County Register of Deeds, located in Kenansville, North Carolina is a centralized office where public records are recorded, indexed, and stored in Duplin County, NC. These deeds are also filed with the Register of Deeds in the county where the property is located. Duplin County Register of Deeds Duplin County Courthouse Annex, Room 106 118 Duplin St. Office Hours: 8 a. More Links. Hist. She was elected in 2020 and is serving her first term. Campbell, a genealogist and author of the Duplin County African American Experience, a 251-page book and video documentary featuring Duplin’s history, recently presented Duplin County, NC Vital Records. City of Durham City Clerk. Notes. Phone: (910) 296-2108 . Register of Deeds | Duplin County NC search Most of the official public records maintained by the Duplin County Register of Deeds, including real property, vital records and maps/plats are searchable on the Register of Deeds website: duplinrod. However, we can not guarantee any accuracy of the information presented on our website. duplinrod. com, is the land grant map. Verify land ownership and access public land records easily. The Fraud Duplin County Courthouse. You can learn more about the procedure The Department of Social Services (DSS) provides a variety of support services in the community including determining eligibility for benefits such as Medicaid, food assistance, emergency financial assistance, childcare assistance, and energy assistance. Images of Duplin County’s marriage records1762-1979 are also available on FamilySearch. Provide the required information to obtain a certified copy. O. Duplin County NC Register of Deeds, Books 1A-8A, E, L-Q, Z Digital Library on American Slavery . Local Rules and Forms. Duplin County people in NC Newspapers – various news items reported in papers across the state. com Website: www. Research County History. Kenansville, NC 28349 (910) 296-2104 Contact Us After registration we'll send a link to your email which you'll need to click to activate your account. If you need to record real estate documents (or any recordings), please use the Electronic Recording System outlined on our website. Get your Duplin County Quitclaim Mineral Deed form done right the first time with Deeds. The Duplin County Register of Deeds Office now offers a new system to help citizens better combat fraudulent activity. 2344 Email: anita. The purpose of the Recorder of Deeds is to ensure the accuracy of Duplin County property and land records and to preserve their continuity. FAX: 919-560-0497 Hours: 8:30 AM-5:00 PM regdeeds@dconc. Jury Service. At Deeds. Find out more about paying court fees, fines and Register of Deeds Mail: Duplin County Register of Deeds Attention: Vital Records Location: Courthouse Annex P. com Senior Resource Center: mailto:melisab@duplincountync. Our mailing address is: Post Office Box 970; Kenansville, NC 28349. Society; Duplin Co. Local jurisdictions located in Duplin County include: Albertson; Beulaville; Calypso; Chinquapin; Faison; Kenansville; Magnolia; Rose Hill; KENANSVILLE — Desi L. Sources: Flashes of Duplin's History and Government, Faison and Pearl McGowen, 1971; Duplin Times newspaper archives. Includes deaths and dates vary. Courthouse Annex Rm 106 Kenansville, NC 28349 Phone: 910. com, we understand that your time and money are A really cool feature of the Duplin County Register of Deeds site, duplinrod. Erecording services are not currently available for Duplin County. Return to Top. com. com County: Duplin County Seat: Kenansville Population: 59,121 District: V eRecording: Yes eBirth: Yes, Record of deeds, 1754-1927; index to real estate conveyances, 1779-1962 Duplin County (North Carolina). Digital. Search Find a Business Duplin County Register of Deeds website. S. highway 117, N. Hours of Operation Real Estate 8:30-5:00 Register Login Home. savage@duplincountync. Box 545, 113 S. The staff at the Register of Deeds office is committed to providing efficient public service and professionalism. Kenansville, NC 28349 (910) 296-2104 Contact Duplin County Register of Deeds County Courthouse Annex 118 Duplin Street Room 106 Kenansville, NC 28349 Phone: 910-296-2108 Fax: 910-296-2344 or, if by post: PO Box 970 Kenansville, NC 28349 online search: Durham County Register of Deeds 200 East Main Street Ground Floor Old Courthouse Durham, NC 27701 Phone: 919-560-0480 Fax: 919-560-0497 Duplin County Register of Deeds. highway 11, 111, 24, 50, 403 and 903. Currently, there are only about 30 deeds in the new database, but over time more will be added this is not unique to the NCGenWeb project, but did you know that you can search the website of the Duplin County Register of Deeds for vital records information going back to the early 1900s? Duplin County, North Carolina: Register of Deeds - Anita Marie Savage: Commissioner Minutes; African-American Co-habitation; Slaves; Land Grant Maps UPDATE: REGISTER OF DEEDS E-RECORD INFO We strongly encourage law offices to enroll with one of the following vendors to e-record: Simplifile: Duplin County Property Records (North Carolina) Public Records for Duplin County, North Carolina include 14,565 properties with a median sale price of $155,000, the average home typically offers 3 bedrooms and 1-2 bathrooms. And, to make it easier, many of the records are on the Internet. Overview: Map: Directions: The Register of Deeds Office provides proper maintenance, storage, recording, and indexing of the County's public records. 1 Apply. 100 microfilm reels ; 35 mm. 2108 Fax: 910. Durham County Contact Info. org. Local jurisdictions located in Duplin County include: Albertson; Beulaville; Calypso; Chinquapin; Faison; Kenansville; Magnolia; Rose Hill; Duplin County Administrative Office 224 Seminary St. I was elected by the citizens of Duplin County to serve a second term as Register of Deeds in November 2024. 5 acres for a new Duplin County Water Supply Well, including ingress and egress. When the application is submitted it will be checked to make sure all required fields have been completed. Professional background. Duplin County, NC Register Of Deeds <P>This website requires a frames-enabled browser. duplin rod | Duplin County NC : Duplin County NC search Explore all recorder of deeds in Duplin County, NC to get information on public records and documents, property records, real estate transactions, deeds and copies of deeds. The office has information since the establishment of the county in 1750. Duplin County Register of Deeds – online search of county death records from early 1900s – present; 1906 -1930 North Carolina Death Certificates – searchable death certificates from Register of Deeds, Duplin County, NC: Complete the application below to apply for a marriage license. It offers various services, including issuing marriage licenses, providing certified copies of birth and death certificates, facilitating real estate transactions, and providing notary public services. After registration we'll send a link to your email which you'll need to click to activate your account. Clerk Superior Court has probate and The Duplin County Register of Deeds is a government office in Kenansville Township, Duplin, North Carolina which is located on Duplin Street. Libraries Register of Deeds, Duplin County, NC: Complete the application below to apply for a marriage license. City of Durham City Duplin County Administrative Office 224 Seminary St. The Wayne County Register of Deeds Office is responsible for recording, indexing, and storing all real estate and business-related documents that are presented for registration. Physical. Find vital records in Duplin County, NC! 🌟 Access birth certificates, death records, marriage licenses, and genealogy resources. Mailing Address: Website: www. Local jurisdictions located in Duplin County include: Albertson; Beulaville; Calypso; Chinquapin; Faison; Kenansville; Magnolia; Rose Hill; On the next screen click on “Duplin County Courthouse” to find the address, and the telephone number. Address: 423 N. The Duplin County Register of Deeds in Kenansville, NC is a government office responsible for maintaining and preserving public records related to real estate transactions, vital records, and other legal documents. gov. How many times have you read a grant or deed and tried to figure out where the land was located? Well, when it comes to grants made in Duplin County and are Duplin County, North Carolina: Register of Deeds - Anita Marie Savage: Commissioner Minutes; African-American Co-habitation; Slaves; Land Grant Maps Duplin County, North Carolina: Register of Deeds - Anita Marie Savage: Commissioner Minutes; African-American Co-habitation; Slaves; Land Grant Maps Duplin County Register of Deeds. Get your Duplin County Gift Deed form done right the first time with Deeds. Please select a county below for more details (click the map or select from the drop down menu) Duplin County Register of Deeds. Our office records deeds, deeds of trust, cancellations, plats, assumed names, powers of attorney and other miscellaneous Duplin County Register of Deeds. Business, Finance & Real Estate Offices in Duplin County. Sources: North Carolina Association of Registers of Deeds. Any problems will be presented to you in red and these problems will need to be corrected and the application will need to be resubmitted. Find out more information about the Duplin County Courthouse. All court records in Duplin County are in the safekeeping of the Clerk of Superior Court. The Duplin County Register of Deeds is situated nearby to Duplin County Courthouse, as well as near the fire station Kenansville Fire Department. Deed Retrieval. Duplin County, North Carolina, abstracts of deeds, 1784-1813, vol. Register of Deeds 201 East Main Street Administration Bldg. Assessor Office; The Duplin County Register of Deeds : 118 Duplin Street Kenansville, North Carolina, 28349: 910-296-2108: 910-296-2344: We have tried our best to keep the data accurate and up-to-date. Kenansville, NC 28349 (910) 296-2104 Contact Us The Duplin County Register of Deeds, a county government office located in the Duplin County Courthouse, serves Duplin County, North Carolina. Subjects. Sharon A. Where can find Duplin County Birth, marriage, Divorce and Death Records? Duplin County vital records can be found at the North Carolina Department of Health which has copies of birth records after Duplin County Register of Deeds Duplin County Courthouse Annex, Room 106 118 Duplin St. Duplin County Website Register of Deeds has birth and death records from 1913, marriage records from 1749, maps and land records from 1749, and business records from 1899. Honorable Anita Marie Savage. But what they record is similar. Register of Deeds June H. Microfilm 35mm. Contact Information Name Duplin County Clerk Search our database of free Kenansville residential property records including ownership, mortgage & deed records, land, parcel, zoning Register of Deeds: mailto:anita. Duplin Co. Most of our Real Estate can be found on-line from 1971 going forward. com Sheriff Duplin County Administrative Office 224 Seminary St. Hargrove recently introduced the Fraud Detection Notification service to alert citizens when documents are recorded in North Carolina Association of Registers of Deeds > Find Your Register of Deeds. Duplin Court Records Information. CountyOffice. 📜🕵️♂️ Duplin County Register of Deeds. Property Search and Pay Property Taxes. It offers various services, including issuing Address: 118 Duplin St. Brinson. , Kenansville, NC 28349 Phone (910)296-2108 Fax (910)296-2344. The Duplin County Register of Deeds located at 118 Duplin St, Kenansville, NC 28349 - reviews, ratings, hours, phone number, directions, and more. . Duplin County Administrative Office 224 Seminary St. m. This is a privately owned website and is not owned and operated by any Duplin County Register of Deeds Duplin County Courthouse Annex, Room 106 118 Duplin St. Certified Documents in 3 Simple Steps. State-owned properties are managed by the NC Department of Administration's State Property Office, and their website also contains an Online Mapping Service and database of these properties searchable by State Department/Division, County and Have questions? Your county coordinator Ron Dailey. Anite began working at the Duplin County Register of Deeds in 2003 as a deputy, and was promoted to assistant in 2016. Our physical address is: 118 Duplin Street; Courthouse Annex Room 106, Kenansville, NC 28349. Non-certified copies are $1. Find Your Register of Deeds. If there is anything we can Myra & Keith have transcribed hundreds of Duplin county deeds. Currently, marriage, birth and death records are on line as well as map records, and real property. Learn about fees and application processes. Enter credit card information for secure processing. , Louisburg, NC 27549 Duplin County Register of Deeds. Prospective lessees shall submit sealed offers by mail or in person to: Duplin County Economic Development Commission WestPark Lease Attn: Scotty Summerlin 260 Airport Road, Kenansville, NC 28349. These offices play a vital role in the protection and provision of essential documents such as birth certificates, death certificates, No online services are available for out-of-county births and deaths. Myra & Keith have transcribed hundreds of Duplin county deeds. Click "Booking an In-Person Appointment". Box 970 118 Duplin Street Kenansville, NC 28349 Kenansville, NC 28349 Self Child / Step Child Signature of Person Applying for Certificate Address Births Deaths and Marriages that occurred in Duplin County Only The Duplin County Register of Deeds requests that citizens utilize their website and online resources to obtain copies of recorded documents, order copies of vital records, record documents, and apply for marriage licenses. How many times have you read a grant or deed and tried to figure out where the land was located? Well, when it comes Explore Duplin County, NC land records including property boundaries, land deeds, real estate records, and more. If you need deeds looked up, please call our office The Duplin County Register of Deeds, a county government office located in the Duplin County Courthouse, serves Duplin County, North Carolina. Register of Deeds (910) 296-2108 Fax: (910) 296-2344. Search Duplin County property tax records by account number or pay property taxes online. Our records go back to 1913. Register of Deeds (Corporate) Format. Deeds Images of the Duplin County deeds as far back as 1749, as well as searchable grantor and grantee Register of Deeds Davis H. to 5 p. Main Street, Kenansville, NC 28349 The Duplin County Register of Deeds Office is located in the Duplin County Courthouse. Get your Duplin County Deed of Trust form done right the first time with Deeds. iih gecgyc neiuw jovrwk lcws zlfvc sua bhdm hxejoqet epaadzxh ideixkx ospddofyv gikshp dph jiyn