Amara phasegrasp build lvl 72. Jun 23, 2022 · Amara Leveling Build Guide Levels 2-7.

Amara phasegrasp build lvl 72 Oh, we have all of the DLCs in case a specific piece of gear is needed. Reply reply More replies More replies Phasezerker build that abuses rush stacks. Red tree: ties that bind and richocheting bullets are my favourite. Realistically bottomless mags specifically isnt very meta anymore since we have so many skill points. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Try it Hi everyone, I just started playing bl3 about a week ago. Action Skill. Utilize this interactive tool to craft your best Level 72 Build. Mostly Orange/Blue tree with TTB phasegrasp. Out of all the class mods, I think this one is best in slot not only do you gain max rush stacks on action skill use you also get CDR and Melee Amara updated for level 72. I just cannot figure this out and google is not a huge help right now. Select Phaseslam for the highest damage and AoE. Pas mal d'éléments de Nov 25, 2020 · Amara – Flare Fist Build Skill Tree – Borderlands 3 Tags: Amara Build Guide , Borderlands 3 Character Builds , Borderlands 3 Guide , Joltzdude139 Written by Hey guys i have level 72 amara with skills mostly in the orange and blue skill trees and mainly for elemental damage and fast reloads and good accuracy build. If you want a fun off-meta Amara build, my Dark Army Amara setup is my favorite homebrew I've ever created. Even action skill A subreddit for questions and discussions related to the Demon Hunter class in Diablo 3. . Just like the other “Call” weapons in Borderlands 3, if you manage to score a critical hit with this weapon, your magazine will refill automatically. I have been looking around and haven't seen many builds for Amara, So today I'm showing off the one I have been working on since I hit level 50. #borderlands3 #borderlands #bl3 #amara #amarabuild #bestbuild #bestamarabuild #level72amarabuild #ultimateamara #ultimatebuild #ultimateamarabuild #phasegras Title says it all , finally got to lv72 with amara … just want to know what’s everyone’s go to solo build for her as I’m not sure what to run … Currently going through the mayhem levels … currently stuck on 4/5 and struggling to push past it … Title says it all, I made a build focused on using Phasecast, because so many builds still use ties that bind even after Action Skill Scaling. Simple and to the point. GUARDIAN ANGEL. I've got a Cutsman of each element and while i know it's the go-to for damage, god i hate this gun. This sort of build can run into roadblocks when bossing or raid bossing. 4 points into CONFLUX 0 in RESTLESS, both for great reasons! I present to you the BEST Phaseze Green tree hp and hp regen for start. This build focuses on Phasecast and gun damage. It's time!!! My first ever level 72 Amara build is here and it is a brand new one! Fractured Needle Amara should be able to get you through every single piec I'm using a Ties That Bind Phaselock build on my level 72 Amara and I've got an Action Skill Start Re-Volter but I'm just not doing any damage to anything on Mayhem 11. speed I recently got back into this game and started fresh with Amara and recently got to level 72/M11. I’m playing melee amara, and I’m currently at level 55. com Aug 8, 2024 · In this Borderlands 3 Amara build guide, we've laid out the top-tier builds that you can use in the base game to get the most out of this no-nonsense powerhouse: one for Phasecast, one for Phaseslam, and one for Phasegrasp. I have the blue tree all the way, 3 in green for the up close skill, then the rest is in red to unlock TTB. Flipper, Plasma Coil, Lightshow, Hellwalker, Trevonator, Kybs Worth, OPQ System, NoPewPew, SoulRender, etc. So no capstones for me. Gameplay is phasegrasp, clear 10-15 enemies dick around for 5 secs while you wait for cool down repeat. Howdy Folks! Indestructicon here with another build. Does anyone have a good build that incorporates fracture into it? May 1, 2020 · Today I am so proud to bring you my Angel of Death Phasezerker build. By the end I still had all my level 30 gear still on, other than the occasional blue or green gun I found on the ground. Phasezerker COM with sniper damage and conflux skill, Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge with fire rate and mag size, fire/shock complex root and fire/shock flipper and incendiary light show all with consecutive hits annoints, x8 monarch with 300% phaseslam for bossing and a couple Grasp, shoot, and destroy. Playing on mayhem 3, finishing challenges and side quests. Not only does it make Amara into a one-punch, heal-all powerhouse, but it’s also very hands-on and fun to play. Points in Restless are optional, if you have cool down gear I recommend putting them into Alacrity and Remnant. The recursion already ricochets so when the ricochet occurs through the talent it creates even more projectiles. Nice setup. Mar 13, 2024 · This build is my personal favorite, and it relies on Amara's Splash and Elemental Damage. I had thought of this build for a couple of days but only just got around testing it tonight and wanted to share it! Let's get right into it. Skipping passed how much time I've put into the other games, I've put quite some time in Amara since the game dropped on PC Thursday night. There are different anointments that work better for certain builds, but as a rule those are the 2 best for gun damage builds. Take a look at my Phasegrasp is the best skill. After 17 you can respec and try all most all skill tree spells to find something you prefer. You need blue tree capstone, and enough red tree to get lifesteal skill. Fist of the Elements is the core Tree utilized in this build, which grants very high bonuses to Elemental Damage and Status Effects. I was delighted to see she had something similar to Maya’s phasepower because Maya was my main in BL2 and I loved the concept of phaselock. Feb 29, 2024 · When you pair this build with some fast firing weapons, you are able to wipe out hordes of enemies with very little effort. From here, you should use a high-damage gun and shoot a single bullet to score a Feb 8, 2022 · Heya Buddies, there is a glitch that only Amara can do that allows you to get Infinite HP & Infinite novas. Detailed Builds and Guides for Amara (Siren) in Borderlands 3. Her builds range from elemental damage master to melee brawler to long-range magic nuker. Jul 27, 2022 · #Borderlands3 #Borderlands This is it! She Returns! This is Kurama Amara! This is a gun damage Amara based around the Nine-Tailed Fox, Kurama, from Naruto! H Oct 20, 2020 · Discover the best Amara builds for Borderlands 3, including tips and strategies to maximize her potential. In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know to gear yourself up and play this build at the Sep 25, 2019 · ONE-PUNCH MELEE BUILD. I have provided different options within that will not effect the overall build as a whole. the long charge time, the painfully slow projectile speed (even with a +90% p. (For obvious reasons) Still you can make a Phasecast focused build just as viable. I have hundreds of hours on borderlands 2 and have done a lot of research and testing of dif Dec 21, 2019 · However, this is not essential and you can easily swap to Phaseslam or Phasegrasp based on the anointments you are able to pick up on your gear. I've been using a Phasegrasp build with Stillness of Mind, Ties That Bind, and Fire. com/invite/AaTnZ6gjkM📷 Instagram: https: Bottomless mags is just a catch all term for any build focusing on ammo regen, you see this often in this community with ither builds such as Fade builds for Fl4k or Phasegrasp builds for Amara. Here is my BEST AMARA BUILD that can solo all content and SAVE FILE is included on our discord! If you have enjoyed this video be sure to hit that SUBSCRIBE Good synergy on a melee build that also has Body & Mind in the purple tree. Nous vous présentons ici l'un des builds efficaces pour Amara, l'Elémentaliste. Passives. Some A close-quarters, chaotic Driver gun build. This Jul 4, 2021 · does anyone have a high damage non melee lvl 72 amara build? Login Store Home Discovery Queue Wishlist Points Shop News Stats In this video I showcase 4 of the best Amara builds in Borderlands 3. The build focuses heavily on the Siren Brawl skill tree, specifically on skills that enhance close-quarters combat damage and provide the necessary survivability tools to remain close to enemies for long periods of time. I thought I was gonna take a break but Gearbox sucked me back in! Check out this insanely strong Amara b Driver Amara is soo strong! Unfortunately no recursion but I love playing this build. lootlemon. Duration: 7 seconds Cooldown: 16 seconds Grasp Immune Damage: varies with character level Other than the variant Fist over Matter, using this skill doesn't trigger Samsara. Master Amara the Siren in Borderlands 3 with top builds and solo/co-op strategies. So I would say something clicked in Amara builds right around the mid 50s. ; Violent Tapestry —Violent Tapestry utilises Rush stacks in order to give you a significantly higher chance to apply elemental effects and boost your overall damage output. And I don’t wanna farm specific gear now. This is a build that is easy to play, will help you levelling like no other but also is very viable in end game (though you might want to switch class skill from time to time to kill tough bosses). google. youtube. Below you will find the recommended Passive for "The Burning Ember" Amara Build. Please see tim Jan 4, 2025 · The ultimate guide to the Best Amara Builds Borderlands 3. Unleash her mystical powers and dominate every battle. A powerful build that offers three different ways to one shot bosses without switching gear or abilities. Add 1 Point I'm running the Phasezerker/Ties That Bind/Avatar build and while i love the build, i have found very few weapons that keep up damage at M4 that I don't hate. Takedowns, Hemovorous, Vermivorous, Seer, Spongeboss, Wotan, Scourge they all tremble at the sight of my uh b Sep 5, 2021 · Borderlands 3 Level 72 DAMAGE GODESS AMARA Build! (Mayhem 11) Destroys all the things! My Twitch ⁦https://www. She has 3 totally different action skills with a lot of options to deal with whatever badass you’re facing down. Hi guys, this is my first borderlands 3 build and it is a beast. It's weird that the best weapon in bl2, which is better in bl3, works netter with specific Khaos Queen is Back! Updated with new gear, and a new skill tree! To download the savefile join the discord and download the save from the Save file PC only for a phasegrasp/phasezerker build, especially with mobbing, blue tree is pretty weak. BLITZ. I hope you enj Sep 15, 2019 · Here’s a build that makes solid use of the “Brawl” skill tree to enhance Amara’s melee capabilities. I used her green tree with a splash of blue on release and loved her fracture augment. Dec 7, 2019 · Welcome to our Spiritual Driver build guide for Amara the Siren in Borderlands 3. Turn enemies into fine powder with nothing but Amara's fist in this build! Prioritizing skills that buff Amara's melee attacks, tankiness, & action skill damage, this build creates a destructive melee-focused Amara that can easily go through waves of enemies. Here we will see how the build works in action and certain skill synergies to make this build a very good option: Mechanics: Your AS has a small ICD making you want around 2 seconds before you cast your AS the second time. Personally i would either go full melee (still have to test it out myself; but i wanna make a new Amara for this), or go full on guns and use Phasegrasp. which allows you to go down the path of "after using phasecast, gain 250% weapon damage" with her gun annointments. Wonderful and powerful skill for true melee, when it works. with this skill tree, you have access to not only the phasegrasp abilities, but all of the Phasecast abilities too. This build utilises the Spiritual Driver Class Mod to inflict self damage and turn this into large amounts of movement speed via the Mindfulness Skill. I think this is a really good all around Amara build. You can grasp and phaselock entire grounps of mobs while damaging all of them. I just wanted to give a high level overview of what pieces to look for when trying to build out your damage. Click here to Jul 27, 2021 · This is my level 72 build for Amara. com/class/amara#ecc_02350000000000_3113350333011_5305110113010_005000 Oct 12, 2019 · Phaseslam Melee is one of the many possible builds for Amara the Siren in Borderlands 3. com/watch?v=sixVJmC2QKY #borderlands3 #mayhem10 #bl3 So I’m kind of tired of only using amara for her phasegrasp builds and want to swap it up. If you have no anointments, or those which do not require and action skill, Phasegrasp can be consistently triggered used with no target to keep the effects of Spiritual Driver and your Skills active. Phasegrasp: Amara summons a giant fist that bursts from the ground and locks the targeted enemy in place for a few seconds. I’m level 32 currently in BL3 and doing an elemental Phasegrasp build with Amara. Once identified, Phasegrasp the target using the Ties that Bind Action Skill to Phasegrasp all nearby enemies and link them to the target. I want best solo DPS build with phasegrasp, but without need for specific weapon, because I wanna try anything I’ll find thru my new run with her. At level two, you've unlocked three action skills to choose from: Phasegrasp is for locking down an enemy, Phasecast sends a straight blast, and Phaseslam creates a shockwave that damages surrounding enemies. Dec 7, 2023 · Golden Ratio Amara, a build utilizing the Golden Rule class mod to push the Phasecast weapon damage anointment to its absolute limits. twitch. This is my current build, finished the main story with the fist of the elements tree, re-speced at 36. Apr 13, 2021 · Entire Explanation Video: https://youtu. This skill incapacitates an enemy for a short time. GAMEPLAY VIDEO Nov 29, 2019 · Do Harm —A single skill point in Do Harm means it is possible to gain additional Rush stacks from kills to power up your Violent Tapestry skill. A lot of the upgrades in this tree embrace a more up-close and personal gameplay style Once I got done with that it took me a few difficult runs on m1 slaughterstar to get some decent guns, and then everything just got super easy. Borderlands 3 Best Endgame Builds for Vault Hunters: Join My Discord https://discord. Im running a phasegrasp build (lvl 50) now where i have specced halfway into each of the 3 skill trees. I’m mostly using the green and orange tree, with all the melee bonuses. This build focuses on Elemental Damage and aims to spread its damage to all enemies in an area, making it excels at dealing with large groups of enemies. Nov 14, 2019 · This build is made for beginners and advanced vault hunters. It’s just FUN seeing all those fists rippling out of the floor. The beacon, free radical, hellwalker, monarch, convergence, torrent, and atlas replay work in endgame for all characters even with crappy builds. Not I got back to the game and I’m curious. Use Ties That Bond and Stillness of Mind to phasegrasp the entire battlefield. Phasegrasp is the starting Action Skill in Amara's Fist of the Elements skill tree. Even with bad mods it destroys all content. com. Self explanatory, excellent defensive skill. Amara, with her ethereal powers and brawler attitude, is a versatile character who can dish out serious damage and support her team. If necessary, change your action skill to This is an up-to-date Skill Tree Calculator for Amara - The Siren in Borderlands 3. Not sure about best but I'm using Joltzdude "Light Warrior" build rn. Not only is it a good melee damage increase at all times (100%), but when it procs it is a fresh 83% increase (at level 72) to your base melee Jun 23, 2022 · Amara Leveling Build Guide Levels 2-7. Can anyone point me in a good direction for a non-dlc build for Amara? Currently level 55 grinding to level 72. This build busts every enemies bubble. Looking for "best" will just be recommendations for the items that are overpowered and thus good on pretty much everyone. Spec into elemental dmg. This is an infinite buff and debuff build. Add 2 Points to Helping Hands; Add 3 Points to Samsara; Action Skill: Phasegrasp; Action Skill: Phasecast; Borderlands 3 AMARA Leveling Build Brawl Tree Levels 13-17. I have a melee build based on this model with a few tweaks . I leveled from around 50 to 72 in just a few evenings of running takedowns/slaughter runs. Use your action skill every 8 seconds: “Wrath” - Amara gains increased Gun Damage. Here is my Endgame Amara 101. This trick Involves Amara's Phasegrasp ability. If you want even more crazy and brilliant Amara stuff, check out Stone Swan's amarabuilds. Borderlands 3 Amara BEST PHASEGRASP BUILD MAYHEM 10 LEVEL 57 https://www. Dec 1, 2019 · When playing the Sheriff Amara build, you should identify the strongest and most central target in a group of enemies. “Samsara” - Whenever Amara deals damage to an enemy with her Action Skill, she adds a stack of Samsara. 1 day ago · Today, we're diving deep into the world of Borderlands 3 to explore Amara the Siren's skill tree and some of the best builds you can create in 2025. INTRO. com/class/amara#jdx_05050000100000_3050031000000_5325101003010_0553300503101If you enjoyed this As a rule, Amara's best anointments for a gun damage build are either 250% bonus damage after casting Phasecast (referred to as 250 Phasecast) or 300% bonus damage after casting Phaseslam (300 Phaseslam). Amara can make anything work if you know how to build. A new but nostalgic way to playFind me here:🐦Twitter: https://twitter. Does anyone have a good build that incorporates fracture into it? Moxsy, thiccfila, zkarmaa all have youtube vids explaining the recent change to Amara - Phasezerker is now the go to due to it's interaction with do harm and revelation . Aug 7, 2021 · Best All-Around Amara Build by Moxsy that is great for mobbing. Season one - old god (good tier) Solid shield that boosts elemental dmg. Save Files here: https://drive. Enemies who cannot be incapacitated take instant damage instead. I did both Takedowns on M10 with it, as well as DLC bosses and had no trouble. This build focuses on maximising Amara's damage output in order to deal huge amounts to a single target. I still can't handle M10/11 as well as they can tho, so I was wonder what builds I could use that aren't nerfed to get to their level, or better. I was thinking that maybe something leaning more towards survivability would work best, as usually I'm able to carry the fights with the insane DPS FL4K can dish out. This build is a powerhouse, focusing on under used skills such as DO HARM, VT, and Conf So I’m kind of tired of only using amara for her phasegrasp builds and want to swap it up. Whether you're a melee powerhouse, an elemental DPS machine, or a crowd control specialist, Amara has a build for you. It is insanely fun on amara. Oct 4, 2019 · Dans Borderlands 3, chaque personnage peut se jouer de bien des manières différentes. This is probably the most straightforward Amara gun build, even with the few twists. E Business, Economics, and Finance. Just like my Ultimate Phasecast Amara I wanted to do one for Phasegrasp! This build will allow you to get through anything in the game with ease! I hope you Base game - frozen heart (okay tier) Frozen novas that freezes enemies around you. These builds all dominate endgame content, showing that a siren is a force to be reckon So I reached lvl 72 and I grinded with friends in slaughter shaft for weapons and im pretty geared out with M10 equips. Amara can be built in one of two effective ways – as an elemental or melee powerhouse. Crypto Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 2 votes and 4 comments Aug 7, 2019 · About the Rowan’s Call: The Rowan’s Call is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. This effect is increased after she activates her action skill for a few seconds. For every stack of Samsara, Amara gains increased Gun Damage and Health Regeneration for a few seconds. 3/3 into remnant is a waste tbh, only ever need 1 point since all the damage comes from overkill dmg 5/5 into Anima wasn’t worth it for me either, self dots get the scaling as well so any random barrel damage basically Insta kills you Oct 8, 2019 · 3. I have hundreds of hours on borderlands 2 and have done a lot of research and testing of dif. Build 3 . All you need to do is use your Ties that Bind ability to shoot chained enemies, and then simply sit back and watch the explosions. Phasecast is still one of my favorite action skills and this build revolves all-around that. I started playing mayhem modes, and I feel like this build has kind of reached its peak. Oct 18, 2019 · Welcome to our Elemental Ricochet build guide for Amara the Siren in Borderlands 3. Golden Ratio plays by So I recently started playing Amara, and I've noticed that the Action Skill Elements can still be applied while using the Phasegrasp Action Skill, I've seen that it turns the fists green/red dependant on the element, but as Phasegrasp doesn't actually do damage, what does the element change do? Here is my long-awaited level 60 phasecast build. #borderlands3 #borderlands #bl3 #amara #amarabuild #bestbuild #bestamarabuild #level72amarabuild #elementalamara #elementalbuild #elementalamarabuild #elemen Meleeing as Amara is huge fun for lots of the game, it only stops working at the 'endgame' in the playthrough of True Vault Hunter Mode with Mayhem add-ons that you get after your first playthrough. If you are wanting to deal damage with action skills or grenades, swap to Guardian Angel to perform those actions, then swap back to guns and start blastin'. be/pf3Qv60OMHISkill Tree: https://www. There are talents that make your phasegrasp ricochet projectiles to other enemies and back to the one who is grasped for insane damage. Thank you for watching, hope you enjoyed. A Spiritual Driver Borderlands 3 Amara build that dips into the green tree for Mindfulness remains the best endgame Borderlands 3 Amara build, but now you have more points to spend in Mystical Assault. Aug 21, 2022 · Build Overview. I spent most of my first playthrough as Amara firmly in the Green tree, as the capstone in Green makes melee ULTRA FUN zipping around and 1-shot I recently levelled up an Amara from around 32 to 72 in maybe an hour and a half in the claptrap pit. com/drive TTB / do harm stacking is by far the strongest phasegrasp amara. I've got a Crit, a Trevonator, a Roisen's Thorns, and a Flakker and I just can't kill anything After playing through the game with Amara and getting her to level 50, I felt that Gearbox really nailed Amara’s gameplay. These builds all dominate endgame content, showing that a siren is a force to be reckon In this video I showcase 4 of the best Amara builds in Borderlands 3. Sep 14, 2020 · This build utilizes skills no one else is taking advantage of. He's probably the best Amara technician who ever touched this game, and some of the wild setups he figured out are absolutely nuts. This has been my main build and haven’t had to respec yet for anything. Other stuff like clairvoyance, one pump chump, unkempt harold, and Scoville work better with ideal builds. Is semi-decent while leveling up to level 72 (we're a bit below lvl 50 right now). I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! Khaos Queen, updated with new gear, and a new skill level 72 skill tree! To download the savefile join the discord and download the save from the Save file P See full list on gamesatlas. Build: https://www. Points instead to steady hands are optional (I like handling), feel free to put them into Amina. Jul 8, 2021 · I wanted to release an updated phasegrasp build but do it in a different way! Instead of doing the traditional all blue and red I wanted to see if I could ma Jul 27, 2021 · AMARA Brawl Tree Levels 2-7. It requires the Mystical Assault cap (Avatar) that allows Amara to use her action skill once per cool down along with Phasegrasp only because it has a 16 second cool down. Aug 14, 2024 · Borderlands 3 Amara Fist of the Elements skill tree. so what class mod should i get for Amara? Pretty much the points 60 out of the 72 skill points are decided if you want to use a gun build. Once you understand you can build however you want. I have a question about Amara’s Phasegrasp. While high-end elemental builds can be very viable in most cases, we feel that she shines brightest when built for melee. So The keystone to this build is the Phasezerker class mod. So get out there, Vault Hunters, and show the world what Amara can do! Remember, the key to a great Amara build is choosing the right skills, gear, and playstyle. We can start the build using the Brawl skill tree. Heres a link to the BL3zone build. But seriously this build is so much fun! To download the savefile join the discord and download the save from the Save fi Amara Build. Pretty much the points 60 out of the 72 skill points are decided if you want to use a gun build. This build makes use of the anointment, "While Phasegrasp is active, Amara constantly triggers novas that deal 24756 damage. tv/kodymchugh Click SUBSCRIBE if you I got back to BL3 and I have Amara max level, which I leveled fast with my brother before I left. There are other builds like melee Amara that I think have higher damage potential, but this or a build like it is what I typically keep coming back to as my "main build" for Amara. Invest in personal space and level it up to max. I then tried the Hellzerker build from this subreddit (but the non DLC version) as I saw people saying how important synergy is, etc. This Jakobs Assault Rifle is a great weapon with an alien barrel. Aug 25, 2021 · 5G FL4k updated with even more G's. com/RestAssuredTV🤖 Discord: https://discord. " When you put this anointment on the Frozen Heart, these novas take on properties of that shield, in that they freeze and heal you. So much CC I love it. Action Skill: Phasegrasp; Action Skill: Phasecast; Add 2 Points to Clarity; Add 3 Points to Personal Space; AMARA Brawl Tree Levels 8-12. Gives a sample skill build and explains how to put the supporting pieces of gear together to do what you want. This subreddit is temporarily private as part of a joint protest to Reddit's recent API changes, which breaks third-party apps and moderation tools, effectively forcing users to use the official Reddit app. I don't know the skill names by heart, but the skill with the hourglass gives elemental effect duration, you have one with extra elemental dmg and bonus shock + the ricochet skill and the last one in the tree for 18% dmg on top. gg/fWph27nMoze is next, probably. In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know to gear yourself up and play this build at the highest level. Well today I bring what you have all been waiting for, the updated level 50 buil Jan 23, 2021 · This Borderlands 3 Amara Build guide has been updated for level 65. To download the savefile join the discord and download the save from th Apr 20, 2024 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Jul 13, 2020 · WHATS'S UP BLEW CREW! This is my borderlands 3 lvl 60 amara phasegrasp build that uses revelation with the increased action skill damage on mayhem 10 to do Sep 17, 2019 · Wow oh wow I can't believe how much support and love I got on my last video. By combining Ties That Bind with the Re-Volter you can do A LOT OF DAMAGE! I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. With no red you lose out on very significant elemental dmg and sustain, as well as crowd control via ricochet and ties that bind. Apr 27, 2020 · Here is my Borderlands 3 Amara best phasegrasp build mayhem 10 level 57, the most powerful siren that destroys all in its way in mayhem 10. Oct 18, 2019 · Welcome to our Phasecast Gunmara build guide for Amara the Siren in Borderlands 3. Unlike most Amara builds, this IS NOT A MELEE build. It is excellent at dealing large amounts of damage and is able to traverse maps at high speeds. Golden Ratio plays by Dec 7, 2023 · Golden Ratio Amara, a build utilizing the Golden Rule class mod to push the Phasecast weapon damage anointment to its absolute limits. mrjzbdqk axaqs hqxfzv xed nzhbhkiu yyib isls hfb fucnb udttyygq gessmy rylwu csvxnyufx xvtgu juqh