Autohotkey controlclick inactive window python. Post by Albireo » Mon May 27, 2019 9 .
Autohotkey controlclick inactive window python So I guess you could simply use the click command. Just set CoordMode, Pixel, Screen, and add the position of the window in x and y as offset to your coordinates, which I assume are relative to the window. What Im trying to do, is send one keypress to an inactive window, in a certain loop; but Im not able to understand, how exactly should it work. 2 on Windows 11 64 Bit. Note the lack of a comma between X and Y Jan 20, 2017 · Controlclick drag on inactive window. I have modified the code for the ControlClick on Notepad to Left click on the File menu at x,y of 30,60. . Jan 31, 2024 · Something a go I remember coming across a solution that sent wheel messages to a specific window using SendMessage but I never kept it around wellbecause I figured I was covered by Controlclick. Meaning notepad is in the foreground while I can see my characters and the game May 7, 2016 · I'm sending a series of keys/clicks to a Chrome window (visible on screen, not minimized) whenever certain conditions are met, my issue is if I'm typing or doing something else in another window while this script is interacting with that inactive Chrome window, my inputs will be sent to the Chrome window and the window I was on loses focus. 2. Is there a way to keep it an inactive window? As is, it is just clicking anything in the window (nothing outside the window) that I hover the mouse over, but only if it is active. May 23, 2013 · I've tried swapping ControlClick for "Send {click}" and that does work as far as clicking where I want it to click, but it also activates the window in the process, which is something I do not want. Aug 29, 2021 · And when script use ControlClick again , target window already pops up, the orange highlight of this window in taskbar disappears. That means that I can send mouse clicks to the inactive window, right? That is something, but I need to send a text/keys. 1 and May 27, 2019 · Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. You could just check for "Life is Feudal" and it'll work regardless of anything else in the actual title that comes before or after that. (for now, just www. Post by Albireo » Mon May 27, 2019 9 Feb 22, 2014 · >>>>>( Window Title & Class )<<<<< Press button in in-active window? use those values and text in the following line, to replace the numbers and title . minimized . Example: Nov 23, 2015 · Let say the window i want to click on is : win1 and the other top window on it as : win2 Once I maximized the win1 and if win2 focus over top of it with maximized too, it will not working, but if win2 not maximized and the button i want to press in win1 is not blocking, it will be working, same thing for if win2 is blocking the win1 button it will not working Dec 6, 2015 · if i use a code like this with the window active it works perfectly. Feb 15, 2013 · SetTitleMatchMode, 2 DetectHiddenWindows, On ControlClick, NetUIHWND1, Paint,,,, X344 Y112 NA It should work whether the window is minimized or not. Jun 16, 2015 · ControlClick, 1, ahk_class #32770, "", LEFT, 10, 300, 300 controlClick is useful if you want to click into a window which is not in foreground. Here's my code $1:: Loop { ; ControlClick, X682 Y515, ahk_pid 8356 Send a click to a window at a specific position on a timer, send a keystroke to a window on another timer. Any suggestions how to get this to work? May 27, 2019 · Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. google. I play RS in the GUI i created (found here). Hidden windows are only detected if DetectHiddenWindows is turned on, except with WinShow, which always detects hidden windows. AutoHotkey v1 Help; AutoHotkey v2 Help; Tutorial (v1 Dec 7, 2007 · The ControlClick function isn't capeable of sending other keys then left or right mouse, so you can't send a ctrldownLbutton with Controlclick or Controlsend(impossible cause a position is needed also for the mouse). I am using this to send clicks: Apr 16, 2016 · I'm trying to make a simple script, that press the 1 key and then clicks on specific X,Y coordinates on an inactive window. 1 and older) Ask for Help (v1) Gaming Help (v1) It is currently Sun Oct 27, 2024 3:27 am; All times are Most methods from autohotkey are implemented in this wrapper. 1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys Jan 17, 2017 · Hi, I'm trying to make mouse drag script in "inactive winodw" using Controlclick. Skip to content. Just. ControlClick, x55 y77, WinTitle ; Clicks at a set of coordinates. ----What I (presumably) did: I set the timer to give feedback every 15 secs Because of my experience with ControlSend and ahk_pid in the past, I decided to use ahk_id to send clicks via ControlClick instead of ahk_pid. I'm looking to be able to send mouse click events to the Roblox window while I do things on the computer on another monitor with the mouse and keyboard. What i need is to make a script to execute a button in a window if that window is active. Mar 24, 2007 · And if you want the target window to stay inactive, try the NA option. 18; FAQ; Logout; Register; Proper Coordinates for ControlClick for Inactive window Topic is solved. Dec 22, 2024 · Controlclick drag on inactive window. Jul 9, 2008 · Using ControlClick To Send WheelUp/Down To Inactive Window - posted in Ask for Help: Problem: Trying to scroll through . exe How can I copy only the "example" from the inactive window's title? Here is the part of a code: Jan 17, 2017 · Hi, I'm trying to imagesearch inactive window and click the searched image. Inactive and layered over by another window), the ControlClick command simply does not work. 3. Dec 9, 2012 · Sending Clicks to inactive window - posted in Gaming Questions: so i got a working script for right clicking, but it doesnt detect the coordinate eventhough it is already given, here is the script #NoEnv#UseHook SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ClonesClick(strKeys,x,y) ; send orders to inactive windows { global WowWinId1 global WowWinId2 global WowWinId3 IfWinNotActive, ahk_id %WowWinId1% ControlClick Aug 31, 2012 · Mouse click non-active window - posted in Ask for Help: This question has been asked 100 times. I set up an ahk already that would activate the window and simulate a mouseclick on the update button that checks for mail. AutoHotkey v1 Help; AutoHotkey v2 Help; Tutorial (v1 Jan 17, 2017 · At that point, it's using the coordinates and you are just making sure they are applied to the correct window. Toonus Posts: 3 Joined: Thu May 06, 2021 3:14 pm Sep 17, 2007 · How to send commands to inactive window - posted in Ask for Help: I have a webmail account that does not have the ability to check for new mail and notify me. Quick links. A minimized window is usually not an active window, so that's likely why it's not working. My goal is to send the click to the currently inactive window without activating it. Nov 19, 2017 · At the top of your script, set "SetTitleMatchMode 2" so that you don't have to match the exact window title. *see MAIN PROBLEM. May 7, 2016 · I'm sending a series of keys/clicks to a Chrome window (visible on screen, not minimized) whenever certain conditions are met, my issue is if I'm typing or doing something else in another window while this script is interacting with that inactive Chrome window, my inputs will be sent to the Chrome window and the window I was on loses focus. ControlClick is also hit or miss for some programs or situations. If i again switch to another window, then after using ControlClick target window will begin to flash with an orange backlight in taskbar, and reuse of ControlClick will make the window active. ControlClick, x45 y56, French Lessons: Flash Cards:,,,, NA NA [v1. Ive learned how to find classnn and ahk_class with active window info but Sep 7, 2024 · I am struggling to get ControlClick to press the click at specific co-ordinates for any window. AutoHotkey v1 Help; AutoHotkey v2 Help; Tutorial (v1 Jan 17, 2017 · Hi, I'm trying to imagesearch inactive window and click the searched image. 1 and older) and its commands . Code: Select all SetTimer Click, 1000 F2::Toggle := !Toggle Click: If (!Toggle) Return x = 860; y = 700; Click Send g MouseClick, left, x, y Return Nov 29, 2016 · Yea controlclick can hold a key down, but it can't move the mouse inside the window to simulate click and drag can it. 6 posts • Page Oct 7, 2019 · As long as the window is visible, you can use PixelSearch to search within an inactive window. Forum rules. Btw, Im trying to send clicks to Internet Explorer. I tried using the X & Y pos as well as clicking Proper Coordinates for ControlClick for Inactive window Post by Robai » Fri Aug 27, 2021 1:27 am I'm new to Autohotkey, so feel free to describe all the details you can. , but if so then what's the Jan 10, 2025 · AutoHotkey v2 Help; Tutorial (v1) Tutorial (v2) Download - 2. It mostly works - as long as the window is in focus. Alt+TAB to swap window sends Alt+Q to the game, which opens up the main menu. Other info: WHND (control) reads blank for both ToolTip boxes. xWojtal inactive window. Aug 27, 2021 · There are two problems with this attempt: Coordinates are wrong, it clicks at the wrong location (since mouse pointer doesn't show where those clicks are done, I'm not sure what happens, it probably takes coordinates from Active window instead since the description of ControlClick says Specify the X and Y coordinates relative to the target window's upper left corner. Im trying to send keystrokes to an inactive window, either minimized or just in the background. Dec 4, 2011 · I am trying to send keys and mouse clicks to an inactive google chrome window using controlsend and controlclick. 1 and older) 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. com) I have spent about 2 days so far reading through everything I could on sending keys to inactive windows. I found tons of similar questions (with answers), eventually landing on this thread which seems to best fit my need. 18; FAQ; Logout; ControlClick and inactive window. If WinTitle is the letter "A" and the other parameters are omitted, the active window is restored. But right now it also SWITCHES to the window. The following format might improve reliability of ControlClick. I used Winspector and noticed the child window sends a WM_PARENTNOTIFY. Is there a way I can have it do this regularly, at say 5-minute intervals, when the window is not the active one Sep 24, 2013 · Help clicking an Inactive Window - posted in Ask for Help: Hey, Im needing to click an inactive window and I am currently using this script, SetMouseDelay, 0 ~LButton:: Loop { Sleep 1 GetKeyState, LButtonState, LButton, P if LButtonState = U ControlClick,, ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1,,,, NA X273 Y392 } return lalt::Pause, toggle This still seems to activate the window when it runs, any The inactive window in question is a game, Warcraft 3, to which I want to send the key q every 200ms. Top. Searching the WWW, I need to use ControlClick and ControlSend to interact with inactive window; I'm trying to auto-click an inactive window (Steam Game Tap Ninja) but clicking only works if I hover over game windows and ignore X Y position, Need space bar and left mouse click. According to your image, C&C is pretty much in your foreground. com. The next quoted is the answer too this problem sending a ctrldown+leftclickmouse on a specific position on a inactive window. Jan 20, 2017 · At that point, it's using the coordinates and you are just making sure they are applied to the correct window. Jun 18, 2013 · PixelGetColor for inactive window - posted in Gaming Questions: Hello, Ive made a script for a game and it works perfecly if the game is the active window. Now i want to use it while the game is not the active window (behind another window); I know that instead of Send i must use ControlSend and for Click use ControlClick but the problem is PixelGetColor (also PixelSearch and ImageSearch, but Feb 18, 2017 · The window can be inactive, it still works. I know it is supposed to be very easy because it is a simple script but I seem to be lost. The window is restored even if it was already active. Solution: WinGet, adobe_pid, PID, Adobe WheelUp And when script use ControlClick again , target window already pops up, the orange highlight of this window in taskbar disappears. This page can serve as a quick reference to find Python equivalents of AutoHotkey commands/functions that are implemented in the wrapper. , but if so then what's the Sep 14, 2012 · Well, ControlClick Tester says "The window you selected was DOTA 2". (There's a script for inactive window mouse drag using Postmessage, but for some reason Postmessage seems not work on IE11 when I tested) I've tried Jan 20, 2017 · AutoHotkey v2 Help; Tutorial (v1) Tutorial (v2) Download - 2. Also can AutoHotkey V2 send <modifier> + <WheelUp / Wheeldown combinations, such as ctrl + WheelUp with ControlClick now? It would be interesting to Take a look at the AHK Documentation for ControlClick - specifically the section on Reliability - you should try specifying NA as the "options" parameter, and using SetControlDelay -1 before the ControlClick command. Basically the problem I get is that, if the RS window is not foreground (i. Oct 27, 2024 · Home Board index AutoHotkey (v1. Mar 14, 2006 · send keystrokes to inactive window site:autohotkey. The problem is my cursor MUST be hovering over the window in order to work. Mar 27, 2012 · ControlClick doesnt work if Target window is not on top - posted in Ask for Help: Hi,Im trying to use ControlClick for RuneScape. Also can AutoHotkey V2 send <modifier> + <WheelUp / Wheeldown combinations, such as ctrl + WheelUp with ControlClick now? It would be interesting to May 6, 2021 · Ask gaming related questions (AHK v1. So, instead of asking a question, I would like to use my first post here to say a huge THANK YOU. e. Important Note: Ribbons resize as the window does so if you make the window smaller, the target button will move outside of the coordinates. Dec 21, 2024 · Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. May 6, 2021 · ControlClick works when the game window is active, and also when it's inactive*, but somehow I want it differently. For example, this won't work unless the prompt window is inactive: Aug 27, 2021 · There are two problems with this attempt: Coordinates are wrong, it clicks at the wrong location (since mouse pointer doesn't show where those clicks are done, I'm not sure what happens, it probably takes coordinates from Active window instead since the description of ControlClick says Jun 13, 2010 · Sending input to inactive window - posted in Ask for Help: Hi there! Im sorry if theres any thread like this, because Ive searched for it and didnt find anything particulary good for me. If the active window matches the Nov 23, 2015 · HI all, I am new right here, and trying to make a simple testing on ControlClick function, some code as below : DetectHiddenWindows On SetControlDelay -1 WinHide, Form1 Loop {sleep, 1000 ControlClick, x1700 y160, Form1} ^p:: Pause ^o:: WinShow, Form1 Nov 27, 2015 · I'm trying to send a click to a google chrome window but it keeps making the window active thus preventing me to do anything else on the computer. Call PostMessage(hWndParent, WM_PARENTNOTIFY, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, MAKELPARAM(466, 301)) Call ControlClick to inactive/background window Been writing a bot script for a game I play to just empty my junk pile of an inventory into the trash once it gets full, I already made a working version that requires control of my keyboard/mouse so i've been trying to learn about making scripts that work in background so I can continue to use my PC I ran into some trouble for my personal task, which is sending ControlClick to an image after locating said image on inactive/covered window. active. Sep 7, 2024 · I am struggling to get ControlClick to press the click at specific co-ordinates for any window. 45+]: Avoids activating the window, which might also improve reliability in cases where the user is physically moving the mouse during the ControlClick. Here is what I have so far. Jul 22, 2012 · Help sending click to minimized window - posted in Ask for Help: Heyis it possible to make a script that clicks on the screen of a minimized window? - if so, how?This is for a game, and i want it to click in the game, while its minimized so i can search the internet or w/o. If you are referring to specific controls in the Dec 14, 2014 · [Minecraft] Hold key into a inactive window - posted in Gaming Questions: I was trying to make a AHK script that makes a specified hotkey to be hold into a specific, inactive window, without switching to it. , but if so then what's the Aug 28, 2019 · And when script use ControlClick again , target window already pops up, the orange highlight of this window in taskbar disappears. Jun 8, 2019 · I am having a problem sending clicks to a window when another window of the same process is active. a tat more cute . Jan 17, 2017 · Hi, I'm trying to make mouse drag script in "inactive winodw" using Controlclick. So when my cursor is on my 2nd monitor it wont work, and when my cursor is hovering over WindowSpy on the same monitor it will stop working untill I hover back. try this oneline script with the application: 1. Here's my code $1:: Loop { ; ControlClick, X682 Y515, ahk_pid 8356 ControlSend, , 1, ahk_pid 8356 Sleep, 300 ControlSend, , {Click 682, 515}, ahk_pid 8356 Sleep, 300 } Return Jan 31, 2024 · Something a go I remember coming across a solution that sent wheel messages to a specific window using SendMessage but I never kept it around wellbecause I figured I was covered by Controlclick. Pressing Q again while in the main menu quits the game. (There's a script for inactive window mouse drag using Postmessage, but for some reason Postmessage seems not work on IE11 when I tested) I've tried Jan 20, 2017 · At that point, it's using the coordinates and you are just making sure they are applied to the correct window. I know because Ive searched the forums for a while. , but if so then what's the Oct 2, 2019 · If the window title changes when you leave the window, then the script would need to be modified. Mar 29, 2018 · Yea controlclick can hold a key down, but it can't move the mouse inside the window to simulate click and drag can it. this is what i got so far:#Singleinstance Sendmode Event Coordmode, pixel, relative Numpad1::Suspend Numpad5:: Loop Aug 27, 2021 · There are two problems with this attempt: Coordinates are wrong, it clicks at the wrong location (since mouse pointer doesn't show where those clicks are done, I'm not sure what happens, it probably takes coordinates from Active window instead since the description of ControlClick says Specify the X and Y coordinates relative to the target window's upper left corner. Jan 30, 2014 · The script simply uses ControlClick to click Allow or Block in accordance with predefined rules. The code for finding the image is really similar to what bceen13 posted earlier, but ill attach what I have, majority (if not all) of it being his Feb 20, 2014 · inactive windows + control click - posted in Gaming Questions: i want to make simple bot for browser game wich will repeat same clicks over time till bot is stopped. Let's help each other out. If the window is minimized and inactive, it is automatically restored prior to being activated. For some reason ControlClick cannot click the buttons on the prompt unless the prompt window is inactive. 6 posts • Page 1 of 1. - posted in Ask for Help: Guys, I am very new to autohotkey and this is my first script. My intention was running 4 instances of a game (Minecraft) and run the script into all them, in the same time that it dont affects my SO usage and the script dont stop because the window Sep 7, 2024 · Get help with using AutoHotkey (v2 or newer) and its commands and hotkeys Ask gaming related questions (AHK v1. Nov 19, 2020 · The window does not need to be in the foreground, but it cannot be minimized, the handle and coordinates must be from the control, example: in a notepad, the handle and coordinates are for the 'Edit1' control, not for the window, if the application has no controls visible through a spytool, you can use the handle and the window coordinates You can Send Keystrokes to Active or Inactive Application Window with Auto Mouse Click Script. Trying to have it so that when I WheelDown/Up, it sends WheelDown/Up to Adobe Reader but not activate it since that will kick me out of TF2 and WoW if I am in Full Screen Mode. Methods that are not implemented are also noted here for reference. Instead, Windows flashes the taskbar button of the window to notify the user. All my tests have either been on active windows or background windows. May 6, 2021 · Based on MouseGetPos, the coordinates to send the click to have changed to the relative coordinates of the current active window. Nov 26, 2024 · Controlclick drag on inactive window. Aug 28, 2019 · An application cannot force a window to the foreground while the user is working with another window. This script successfully returns coordinates of searched image as a message box, but I just want to click the searched image instead of msgbox showing coordinates. Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. If multiple windows match WinTitle and any other criteria, the topmost matching window is used. Dec 20, 2024 · AutoHotkey Community. This is what I'm using: SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ControlClick, x136 y400, My Window,,,, NA The NA doesn't seem to work on chrome. See what you get Nov 23, 2015 · Let say the window i want to click on is : win1 and the other top window on it as : win2 Once I maximized the win1 and if win2 focus over top of it with maximized too, it will not working, but if win2 not maximized and the button i want to press in win1 is not blocking, it will be working, same thing for if win2 is blocking the win1 button it will not working May 25, 2018 · In a background I have main program's window which has this title: (note title changes to the below name as soon as save as dialog appears) C:\Users\timoshina\Desktop\DONE\example. 0. Apr 16, 2016 · I'm trying to make a simple script, that press the 1 key and then clicks on specific X,Y coordinates on an inactive window. 1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys. Ask gaming related questions (AHK v1. If the active window matches the Nov 27, 2015 · I'm trying to send a click to a google chrome window but it keeps making the window active thus preventing me to do anything else on the computer. Jul 21, 2008 · sending key strokes to inactive game windows - posted in Ask for Help: Bear with me, I been at this for about 4 hours now and cant get this to work. Send keys and mouse clicks to inactive notepad and some other programs 2. Thus far I can: 1. (There's a script for inactive window mouse drag using Postmessage, but for some reason Postmessage seems not work on IE11 when I tested) I've tried Aug 28, 2021 · Proper Coordinates for ControlClick for Inactive window Post by Robai » Fri Aug 27, 2021 1:27 am I'm new to Autohotkey, so feel free to describe all the details you can. You can find the position of the window using WinGetPos. Jul 12, 2024 · AutoHotkey v1 Help; AutoHotkey v2 Help; Tutorials; Download - 2. How?Heres part of my script:Loop { IfWinActive, Game { PixelGetColor, Whisper, 281, 741 If Whisper = 0x83A7D3 { ControlClick, MacromediaFlashPlayerActiveX1, Game, , Left, 1, X1100 Y650 ControlSend, MacromediaFlashPlayerActiveX1, {Enter}^a{BS}{Enter}, Game Sleep 800 ControlSendRaw, MacromediaFlashPlayerActiveX1, r, Game Sleep 2000 Feb 19, 2015 · execute a button on the window if window is active. If the window isn't focused the mouse click never gets sent, and when the window is focused the click happens at the cursor, not the specified coords. The question is, how do I move the mouse and click a inactive window? I know ControlClick is supposed to do that, but it doesnt seem to work. Post by Albireo » Mon May 27, 2019 9 Mar 11, 2019 · A lot of people would be using AutoHotkey instead of Python, so wouldn't be too familiar with your question. i read forum and wrote this loop { sleep, 1000 SetControlDelay -1 ControlClick, x1700 y160, game - Mozilla Firefox sleep, 1000 SetControlDelay -1 ControlClick, x1185 y702, game - Mozilla Firefox sleep, 1000 SetControlDelay -1 Jan 30, 2014 · The script simply uses ControlClick to click Allow or Block in accordance with predefined rules. Window titles in tabbed browsers are typically specific to a tab and not the entire browser. Dec 30, 2024 · AutoHotkey Community. Mar 25, 2018 · Re: ControlClick or PostMessage in inactive game window (Aion) Post by swagfag » Wed Jun 27, 2018 4:34 pm ive yet to encounter a game that implements parsing of the coordinates for mouse messages, so the fact that it doesnt work, doesnt surprise me one bit. You haven't said whether the script completes successfully when the window remains active. #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. Restoring, then activating the window won't work? Sep 27, 2022 · I need my script to refresh my web page (which is in the background/inactive window), sleep for about 5 seconds (just long enough for the page to fully refresh) then click on a button prompt to take me to another part of the page (so I had been trying to use ControlClick to click on the specific coordinates. This Video Demonstration displays various ways in which you ca Window titles are case-sensitive, except when using the i) modifier in a RegEx pattern. This is a work in progress and may not list all [un]available methods. An easy way is to WinActivate the window, then you can more easily use MouseClickDrag. 1 and older) and its commands Feb 5, 2011 · Pixel Color in an inactive window - posted in Ask for Help: . if anyone here knows about the default hotkeys in warcraft 3 you probably know by now what my issue is. 18; FAQ; Inactive window mouse drag using Controlclick. Any suggestions how to get this to work? Mar 11, 2019 · A lot of people would be using AutoHotkey instead of Python, so wouldn't be too familiar with your question. 1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys ControlClick. Sep 7, 2024 · Get help with using AutoHotkey (v2 or newer) and its commands and hotkeys Ask gaming related questions (AHK v1. f1:: ControlClick, x55 y77, WinTitle . In Lexikos' script, he is using a number of Dll calls. If you are referring to specific controls in the Sep 7, 2024 · I am struggling to get ControlClick to press the click at specific co-ordinates for any window. 6 posts • Page Jan 17, 2017 · Hi, I'm trying to make mouse drag script in "inactive winodw" using Controlclick. My attempt; Mouse Oct 28, 2022 · So the ideal scenario would be Pixelsearch on non visible, non active window without disrupting mouse or keyboard constant action, i could also deal with visible window if mandatory (while maintinaining, coord, pixel, client ) but, non active is a must. For instance: Read more on Ribbons here: Feb 3, 2007 · Send a Mouse Click to an Inactive Window? - posted in Ask for Help: Well, I started this project in VB6, but I was still hoping you guys could help me. This Video Demonstration displays various ways in which you ca Nov 23, 2015 · HI all, I am new right here, and trying to make a simple testing on ControlClick function, some code as below : DetectHiddenWindows On SetControlDelay -1 WinHide, Form1 Loop {sleep, 1000 ControlClick, x1700 y160, Form1} ^p:: Pause ^o:: WinShow, Form1 Window titles are case-sensitive, except when using the i) modifier in a RegEx pattern. Aug 29, 2018 · This works fine if I use the regular Click or MouseClick commands, but that actually moves my mouse cursor into the Roblox window to do the click. I am your average ahk newbie. I am running AutoHotKey V2. pdf files while I play TF2 (as eng) or play WoW. (There's a script for inactive window mouse drag using Postmessage, but for some reason Postmessage seems not work on IE11 when I tested) I've tried May 6, 2021 · I want to make a script that clicks a button at a specific coordinate (preferably with the client's coordinates instead of the window) every 250 secs in the game window when it's running in the background, so I don't have to check up on it every time. Sep 16, 2016 · Use the WinActivate() function to force the control's window to the top before using ControlClick(). It does not seem to care at all about the coordinates, and despite saying it can keep a window inactive, the NA parameter seems to only allow it to function while active. Home; Forums; IRC; AHK Docs. jpg ahk_class Afx:400000 10003:6:18f00bb ahk_exe Program. 1 and older) Aug 27, 2021 · Proper Coordinates for ControlClick for Inactive window Post by Robai » Fri Aug 27, 2021 1:27 am I'm new to Autohotkey, so feel free to describe all the details you can. 1 and older) Forum rules Dec 21, 2024 · Send a 'Ctrl+Wheel' to a inactive window with either ControlSend or ControlClick? Topic is solved. inactive (behind another window but not minimized) and also. Aug 14, 2012 · Controlclick makes inactive window active??? - posted in Ask for Help: !^j:: Loop { SetControlDelay -1 ControlClick, x598 y213, World of Warcraft sleep 10000 } Return I wanting to send the clicks to the inactive window (Warcraft). For example, this won't work unless the prompt window is inactive: This does not occur if the window is already active. dodzn wai oomt bed vorlkmm zscug cwvf wsmxqc onlsei szs dzyzaaf aqcnotf avsgdhl cpou her