Bl3 new dedicated drops not working. It increases world drops, not specific drops.

Bl3 new dedicated drops not working Schlooter only boosts the chance for world drop items. When looking at the DLC, it seems like they made the items designated and world drops for all enemies, which is why you see so many of the items, especially the new class mods. I'm still not getting good drops on the dedicated drop pools I'm farming for and that pisses me off but what can ya do 70% of the legendaries not being dedicated drops and just hoping whatever legendaries one of the default psychos dropped was the one you wanted/needed for your build Tell me you haven't played Bl3 without telling me you haven't played Bl3. The one pictured here is acid. Ps. The best place to get the piece of gear that you want is to farm the dedicated drop source. Edit: Correction, his dedicated drop is the Freeman. Its stated that "One of 2K Games' most "beloved" franchises" is getting a sequel" So, thoughts? I never really played BL3 when it first came out, and my disc has been collecting dust for well over a year. Games for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Steam, Epic Games, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. Dedicated drop rates are locked. Old. The Real Housewives of Atlanta; The Bachelor; Sister Wives; 90 Day Fiance; Wife Swap; The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas In general, dedicated drops are better bc it provides farm variety and allows more easily for build diversity bc you can chase specific items. Happened to me too. They were much lower, but there weren't anointments so you didn't have to continuously farm for the right anointment. I do recall that it's not that common but 1 in 3 hours seems really low. tv/kodymchughAll Dedicated Drops Pl The dedicated drops were not effected by the nerf. They do drop often and sometimes too often, most of the world drops are not even half decent but it does make farming a lot easier though. Feel free to ask questions about it! (Note: there is one item I am still confirming but everything else is done) I played borderlands 3 a lot on release but stopped right before DLC 1 released, not that there's more and new content i decided to replay the game. Zkarma did a video on it while testing the kaoson and monarch drop rates. It does work in DLCs though since you were going at bosses, it might not work there even if these things can also be a world drop from bosses rather than dedicated and therefore could technically be buffed from shlooter. Bl2 veteran here, the drop rate sucked in bl2 and it now sucks in bl3 too. Head to Twin gods cathedral, I got like 5 of them in an hour, alongside a ton of butcher, facepuncher, trevonators, etc, and dozens of artifacts, Reply reply This is a nice hotfix. But the fact that they are essentially required to get dedicated drops at all is terrible. I am level 60 and have been working my way up through Mayhem levels and have been farming Gigamind and Captain Traunt for their specific drops. Let's take the hex for instance. New. twitch. I don't care. Exit the game and go back in, waiting to make sure the hotfix is applied to your game. If the Boss is at the end of a Trial of Takedown, set the drop rate to 35%. I usually only ever had at most two legendaries usable at any time (appropriate and functional for my level, I mean. Dedicated drops stay the same but your chance for a legendary goes up with more badasses. e. The balance between dedicated and world drops needs a big change. The higher drop rate on M11 only applies to world drops. I don't think it affected dedicated drops though and it is a dedicated drop for Traunt. Not sure how many of you heard the news. 5% drop rate. If you post here about these things, you will be shunned and talked to quite harshly. 3 does dedicated drops better and i think the best system would be either have a 30% dedicated droprate for a boss and no more than 3 dedicated drops per boss or have each item be 10% drop chance but its a separate drop chance to the other items in the pool. Sometimes the fish aren’t biting. I've recently jumped back into BL3 on the PS5 (Holy shit the game runs so well, like damn) and I've been enjoying the new DLC content. As a side note, I tried getting a BB from A9k for about an hour yesterday and got exactly 0. Drop rates are the same across modes, one just gets more badasses in TVHM. This subreddit is NOT for hookups, finding drugs, tourists, or tourist questions. You'll see an increase in legendary drops from chests and containers as well as adds, but not from bosses. the descriptor says its the same as M10 but with less loot and experience given. Raise it slightly just for bosses with multi drops. Bosses also have more HP. The other responses are correct, dedicated drops are not effected by lootaplosion or the shlooter. However the level of Mayhem "may" affect the chance of whether or not any drop my be anointed or not. Can the Hellwalker actually drop w/ consecutive hits? 4546041: Even Better Than The CMT? 4271990: Recursion drop on Normal not working? Or just unlucky? 4499211: New 8 legendary weapons? 4334514: Bouncing pair/hippity hopper drops: 4500949: The Cartels Event has nerfed droprates in other maps: 3472370: Is there a general idea of what the best Why not increase the dedicated drop rate, increase the number of drops from bosses, and then activate the "Red Chest Event" inside of Vaults? If we really want to get creative, turn the trials and takedown into dedicated world drops that ONLY drop the takedown/trial gear at a severely reduced rate so that the entire experience can be rewarding Jan 16, 2022 · Made Trial bosses drop dedicated Class Mods for the player's current class more often (if they drop class mods for more than one class from their dedicated loot pool. Last night when I was playing I found 3 chests with double world drops in only 1 hour, plus a couple more chests with single drops. There's been no problem getting other legendaries from him, I've got about three dozen SerialKillers plus a bunch of Old God Sheilds and other more random drops. Additionally, Mayhem drop rates do not affect dedicated drops either, only world drops. They all have there own dedicated drop rate regardless of loot pools. Since those can be dedicated drops if you can kill a car and make your back in the 12 seconds (very easy for Zane with clone, but I have seen others do it with Torgue stickies) you increase how many Legendaries you get. Thanks for the guide. I'm aware that they become more common on mayhem, as they should. I don’t mind the idea that you can gather these loot dice to increase your odds of getting dedicated drops. Spreadsheet. Many, many Road Dog runs with nothing but world drops. ) Version 1. I. I killed Beef Plissken 30 times in Karass canyon (Mayhem 11). ) whereas world legendary drop rate can get higher to the extent that going through chaos chamber will give you so many Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 1 vote and 5 comments Jul 24, 2020 · In this video we go over all the new dedicated drop locations that we have found. Patch changed dedicated drops so here's what I've found so far: Rax/Max - Messy Breakup (or Messy Breakup can WD) Sheega - Commander Planetoid and a non-unique x4 shock Zappy Dayumned Zooka (first non unique dedicated drop I've ever seen) Rohner - Dictator possible, he dropped nothing in more than 10 runs for me so that may be his drop But the drops do feel exciting on Normal mode for sure. For instance, Graveward has 3 dedicated drops: The Lob, Ward, and Grave. So technically you could find the god roll gun for you in normal and not get it in mayhem after hours of grinding. Drop Pod Not Working [ Bug Report ] 🏷️ My drop pod on Sanctuary has stopped working and only works when it chooses. 3 Added Rachel the Anointed's item pool to Crushjaw as a separate drop in order to deal with not being able to directly adjust Rachel's pool. World drops can be lowered by 50% or more. As far as I'm aware luck is only for world drops. i like the new mayhem modes and im currently playing on 10, but i don't seem to understand the purpose of 11. It was in bl2 but not in bl3. In 2 hours of playing time, I'd love to see 2-3 legendarys I need and 5 random world drops and not 60 random world drops. You'll want to farm most items on M11 so they drop at max mayhem, but in this case Aug 5, 2021 · Just got the Schlooter artifact and killed the scrap-trap boos with a total of 3 legendary drops. Borderlands 2 had a very different system for legendary drop rates. The best way to get legendary weapons in Borderlands 3 is by farming their dedicated drop sources. Bl3 is too easy on any difficulty to ever use mods unironically. ) - Added legacy weapons to vanilla content. In fact I think that’s a great idea. Also tvhm is easier if you use the correct element since it does greatly more damage than in normal mode. All tourist questions of any type should be asked at r/askNOLA. You definitely need mayhem 1 so it drops at your level, reduce kill time as much as possible and good luck! Oct 19, 2022 · The Shlooter only works for 12 seconds after a kill (including shooting your own vehicle until you get a "Pandoran flat") on Non-Dedicated drops (i. Not doing either of those will let the game (not the cloud in this case) overwrite your changes. If I do a slaughter there's like 20 legendaries on M10 BL3 is the only game in the franchise that you can just shrug off legendaries. I am on PS5 and I am trying to farm a free radical for Moze. On deathless Moze, that means you have to go down and either die or get a second win LOL Business, Economics, and Finance. I accidentally bought the shlooter around lvl35 (stopped opening the chest after that) but wasn't disappointed, the loot was delightful. 500 is much more The dedicated source is Road Dog but his drop rates are abysmal, he has three items in his pool and it's incredibly rare for even one of them to drop. That’s not how dedicated drops work in this game. All of the other stuff he drops is then pulled from the pool of world drops. Maybe just bad luck. Dedicated drop rates has to be buffed a lot. That said, dedicated drops were not affected by the world drop nerf, nor are they affected by the Shlooter. Killavolt is a dedicated drop for the Monarch assault rifle, which is pictured here. I also noticed a marked increase in legendary drops by using a second controller to load my mule character in split screen. Q&A. Even checked that the hotfixes applied board is on. The Borderlands game franchise, including all DLC, sequels, pre-sequels, and re-pre-sequels. 345K subscribers in the Borderlands community. Higher mayhem levels should increase the drop rates for dedicated loot because the main part of the endgame is to get anointed versions of the legendaries that already work for your build, so simply just getting none anointed brainstormer after 5 hours doesn't make sense unless you're playing this game for a living. Controversial. Not the dedicated According to Glitching Queen and the Wiki, his dedicated drop is the P. One run and one drop proves nothing. Monarch Understandably people get excited when they get a legendary they didnt know existed. r/borderlands3 • NEW 💎Diamond Key💎 shift code for BL3, so if your so inclined you can easily get UNLIMITED KEYS (PC and CONSOLE) ((K9C3J-3TFBF-K9JFC-Z33T3-9HJH9)) Many say that it just increases Rare/epic rarity drops but there are a few that say it increases world drop legendaries but not dedicated or anointed rates. Jul 26, 2024 · This mod adds dedicated legendaries and pearlescents, as well as loyalty Class Mods and other unique item drops to bosses across the vanilla game and DLCs. Honestly, if these dedicated drops are truly increased I hope this is telling enough to how rudderless BL3 is compared to BL2 especially in this… Majorly increasing the dedicated drop rate across the board would introduce more of a problem than there was with the world drop spam, as more than just making a ding noise less impressive, it would actually make the legendaries and good rolls themselves feel like less of a big deal. I've seen 4 legendaries drop (not counting the story rewards). It’s bad rng. No guarantee that a VR will drop, but you'll have more bites at the proverbial apple. But there is a chance Borderlands 4 might be shown next month at the Summer Game Fest instead of PAX which proved to be a bust for BL this year. com Dedicated drops should scale with Mayhem level. Dedicated drops were also much more specific in BL2, with the specific enemy only having one specific legendary in their drop pool. Make it make sense So unless you are looking for just the absolute base model of something, even though world loot drops may interfere with getting the dedicated drop, I have to think getting a special anoint on the dedicated drop item would be pretty much impossible without mayhem mode. Jan 29, 2025 · You can play the game on higher difficulty tiers to increase the loot drops, however, there are a few different tricks you can do to increase the loot or even by-pass farming. In short, if something is a world drop, the best way to get it is whatever gives you the most legendaries in the shortest time. I think that's due to the ripper being a world drop with "increased chance" from Shiv. I think they mean because the odds of getting a dedicated drop from a boss that has multiple items in their pool is inherently always going to be pretty low regardless of loot luck (9% at 40k for 2 in the pool, 6% for 3, etc. I farmed the Rampager and watched him jump about for 2 hours for an Otto's Idol, but none dropped. Legendaries, being made of unique parts that make them legendary rather than higher quality parts, aren't affected. Each mayhem adds more loot. I recently decided to give it another shot and I’ve been having some fun with it. The guns in BL3 look and feel so great, so new drops are always fun. The quality of BL2 loot just doesn't justify the drop rate- Sure Legendaries and Pearls especially are really rare and can be exciting when they do drop, but most of them are boring/ugly/suck. If you want to do something more entertaining run the Slaughter Shaft. That's how it was explained in another posts and suggested just farming in tvhm no mayhem if you're looking for the dedicated drop. Moderation for this subreddit is being handled by dedicated members of the community, who are not officially affiliated with Tencent. Related Topics Borderlands 3 First-person shooter Shooter game Gaming All the bonuses related to “luck” don’t actually work in BL3. The recent patch spread the loot around to more enemies. It could come to BL3, but I believe the author is working on a similar application for Destiny 2. BL3 drops a lot of mostly only good on normal mode legendary items and that entices new players to want to find more. The Blood-Starved Beast comes in all elements as well as no element. Am I doing something wrong, or is it just bad luck? I am relatively new to Bl3, so I'm not sure if there are other factors at play that I'm not aware of. The shlooter only increases world drop chance, not dedicated drops (so if you are farming a specific boss for a specific item, it wouldn’t help as it only increases the chance of getting legendaries in general from normal mobs). No. For me it's a combo, seratonin is produced by my brain doing the content and getting a rare cool drop (not so much with BL3 obviously) so farming for the same piece for hours isn't the ideal solution either, but the current loot system is too broken. Either keep the 100% drop rate. Playing TTWL made me want to play BL3 again. & no, you cannot respec your guardian rank, so I would recommend not putting points into luck. Even then, it is not a guarantee, but a much greater chance. Anything blue or higher that you don't pick up yourself will be picked up and sent to lost loot. not even a single monarch or sandhawk drop to admire. Along with that she will world drop assorted whites, greens, blues, purples and legendary gear like with every names enemy or boss. Been farming killavolt and katagawa jr for hours for their mayhem 6+ dedicated drops ( monarch, sandhawk ) with no gains. Dedicated drop rates are ten percent, therefore 9/10 times you kill him, none of the dedicated drops will actually drop. Pushed the farm for about 11 hours. I'm level 42, chapter 19. Dedicated drops are not affected by increased Mayhem level. At least thats what i gather, i haven't gotten it yet. Jun 14, 2024 · The legendary drop rate in BL2 is generally around 10% for dedicated drops, in BL3 it's generally around 15% so there is a slight increase that seems to be pretty significant nonetheless. Before it would give me 1-4 so yeah, disappointing. Welcome to the Official MultiVersus Subreddit for the free-to-play crossover fighting game developed by Player First Games and published by Warner Bros. Mayhem also does not increase the drop rate By comparison, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands has the dedicated drop rate and World drop rate tied to the same Loot Luck mechanic, all while decreasing the total dedicated sources and reducing their individual drop rates from ~20% in BL3 to ~7. BL3 Item Submission ^ SUBMIT A NEW ITEM TO THE SPREADSHEET HERE! I'm aware that dedicated loot drops are changing and am here for the update. I have killed one punch a few dozen times today in mayhem 6 A combination of 2 and 3. Please. This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG from HoYoverse. Lasodactyl’s drop rate is the same as all dlc3 drops (~33%). If you're farming a boss, it's probably because you're after a specific drop, not world drops. I like the rates but sometimes I don't at the same time. So now I can't do missions for the time being Rotate certain Legendaries on a weekly basis and make those not in rotation as World drops. I got a lot of those from him. I'm going to farm the takedown now for a Redistributor and would rather have a different modifier if It doesn't include dedicated drops. To fix this, you have to deplete your shield once. In order to mod your profile (Guardian Rank): You must be out of the game with it closed. Increase dedicated Legendary drop rate to 15% with Boss world drop rates set at 5%. Schlooter doesn't work on dedicated drop. But please, hold off from submitting a drop if you are not 100% sure it does drop over and over from a certain enemy. Mayhem doesn't affect dedicated drops, and with no way to influence what drops from world drop pool, any boosters to that are just a shot in the dark. You will have people who will say it definitely helps get legendaries and dedicated drops, and you will have people who say it only helps with world drops, and people who will say it only helps whites to greens, greens to blues, blues to purples. Apr 3, 2024 · - Added Pearls to vanilla content. Not tryna be rude either, lol. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. It's Piss is a dedicated drop. The only exceptions are things that ONLY drop from their dedicated source. Luck does not affect legendary drops whatsoever. All M4 Legendaries are anointed. 4. Every legendary has a dedicated drop. Azalea is listed as a dedicated drop for that, so that works, but VR is also a world drop, so a place that works very well for a general farm method is the Slaughter Shaft. A couple weeks ago I accidentally played one of the trials that had a temporary boost (don’t recall the name of this even I learned after the fact…) that made the boss impossible it was such a bullet sponge I literally ran out of time before I killed him (and almost out of ammo) so I’m hoping these bosses aren’t I do not think its ever really been explained by Gearbox, and it is all just speculation. I recommend farming something else for the time being. 2 however does a far better job when it comes to world drops It's more efficient to farm slaughtershaft or big bosses than it is to farm the dedicated source of pretty much everything. g. All bosses, even bosses that did not spawn before, will now respawn and can even be farmed. the Westergun from Private Beans, seem to drop it about half the time in Mayhem 3 co-op, and the Warden didn't drop a single Sickle over 10 runs. I used one for a while without any noticeable difference in loot quality so I ended up sacking it as the -75% health just wasn't worth it imo. Shlooter only drops world drops. ) - DEDICATED DROP SOURCE LISTED ON MOST WEAPONS. All you can do is grind unfortunately. It’s actually a really good drop rate in comparison to the base game, mainly bc all dedicated drops have only 1 item as well. It increases world drops, not specific drops. Therefore, the drop % does nothing for you, and the lack of damage hurts you. piles, boxes, lockers, chests, random enemies, and drops from unique/boss enemies that aren't already boosted in their loot pools). If you run the Slaughter Shaft, it wont be unusual for a single run to give you 100-200 legendary world drops. It just makes white & green less likely to drop, & blue & purple more likely. If you drop something, the game thinks "they dont want it" and ignores The Infernal Wish shield is one of the best shields in the game but currently, it is bugged. Hellwalker can world drop so play enough of the Circles of Slaughter (maybe wear a Shlooter) and you’re bound to get one eventually. Only world drops benefit from those. My go-to weapons are a M10 OPQ System, M10 Plaguebearer, M10 Kaoson (radiation), and then whatever else that seems to have good stats. No evidence to support it, just ancedotal at this time due to how early this new mechanic is. Amara's new class mod is a fixed 3% drop chance from Sylestro and I ran that 36 times before I got the mod to drop with almost 14% luck increase through guardian ranks. This will make far The mod " better loot mod " increase and garanted 100% dedidaced droops from bosses / mods Another mod like "balance lejendaryes droops " make dlc weapons, coms and artifacs be a lejendary world drop pools, this means you can get muse o company man from coomon vendors machines and open worls bosses/mobs Since it's guaranteed drops and we don't need to worry about anointments on class mods, I'm just farming the Trial of Survival on Normal with no Mayhem, clearing it in under 4min (thanks Anarchy) and getting 3 mod drops every time. 5% chance of dropping the monarch. It took a while to get right in BL3 too. Ruiner drops around 50+ per run and has no immunity phases. Maybe when it was new? I only played it this year, been working my way through the four games back-to-back, and BL1 had what seemed to me like a normal level of legendary drops. Problem is, the BL3 Better Loot mod changes way more stuff and not only the droprates in mayhem. If they do not spawn, go back to the vending machine save and quit. And not everyone wants to farm Ruiner just for eridium or save quit to farm eridium rich areas. More loot means less chance of getting one specific drop you're looking for. So here's the deal, I would like to try using one pump chump. Reply reply More replies More replies Enemies that have a dedicated drop, e. Best things are the dedicated drops, less sniper drops and the increase to Eridium drops in the chests. The enemy you have to kill has 3 dedicated drops in his pool. In BL3 drop rates are generally quite generous. tv/kodymchugh Click SUBSCRIBE if you. Oct 19, 2022 · The Shlooter only works for 12 seconds after a kill (including shooting your own vehicle until you get a "Pandoran flat") on Non-Dedicated drops (i. If you reset your game, or if you unequip/re-equip the shield, the +1 projectile bonus will not work. If you were talking about BL2 balancing mods I would understand but when anyone tries to say BL3 is "too difficult" as a justification for using mods I get the feeling they need a binky and a diaper change and maybe neeed to learn how to read first because the skill trees make it This is the subreddit for the Greater New Orleans area. We’ll probably see quite a few fixes and changes over the coming months. Farm Dedicated Loot Sources. The best way to farm for a specific weapon It has another odd interaction of increasing the number of Legendaries you get from using a Diamond Key. I'd say the drop rates are about right as they are. ) - Contraband remains mostly unchanged. If you dont know about the Monarch it is a Borderlands 3 Main Story dedicated to Killavolt only drop and is rated as one of Borderlands 3's must have assault rifles. But they somehow made an all world drop system that kept legendaries special but achievable. BL2 made world drops a God RNG event but they also moved almost completely to set drop based system. By the time you're at M11 and wearing a shlooter, world drops will be left and right. Reply reply More replies More replies More replies More replies More replies Top 1% Rank by size Road Dog is the dedicated drop source, farm him enough and you’ll get the drop. ) But nowhere near what my experience in BL3 is Finally finished my new Drop Rate spreadsheet for after all the Dedicated Loot changes, everything was found in calculated via game files so no bias RNG. Nov 13, 2020 · M11 is more efficient for farming dedicated drops due to not having to deal with modifiers. Or, dear Gearbox, Delete a dozen more anointments that NO ONE uses, spread the loot pool even more (there are still enemies with no drop and items with no dedicated drops), and raise the drop chance to 50% like in dlc3. This sub is for locals to discuss all things New Orleans. I will be hunting down these drops myself as usual. I have been trying to farm one punch man to get it, the usual method of going to a new-U near the target, killing it, quitting and reloading. T Mk III SMG. On m6+, KV has always had a 16. Keep in mind that DEDICATED DROPS ARE NOT AFFECTED BY EITHER OF THESE. M10 is more efficient for farming WORLD drops (if you're just farming any legendary) but can be annoying farming dedicated drops. Another sad thing is that dedicated drops dont get boost from Mayhem drop modifiers. Trust me, mayhem and shlooter are both boosting your legendary world drop rates. Just to clarify, there are world drops (enemies drop random loot and there is a chance for that loot to be legendary, the shlooter increases this RANDOM drop by A LOT and thus a lot of loot from normal enemies such as psychos that would usually be a blue or something become legendary when using the shlooter, same with bosses that might usually drop a few blues or something, if you use the Luck increases the chances that a gun that drops would be one rarity higher than what it otherwise would have been. Crypto Borderlands 3 ALL LEGENDARY PISTOL DEDICATED DROPS LOCATIONS! Full Guide w/ Time Stamps! My Twitch ⁦https://www. Reply reply More replies More replies More replies Jul 26, 2020 · *NEW* DEADEYE + HUNTER SEEKER DEDICATED DROP LOCATION!! [BL3] New Drop Rates Included! My Twitch ⁦https://www. Also, if you're new to modding, for the love of God and your own sanity, back up your character save file before you make changes so you can recover it if need be. A big NO to a grinder. Anything you drop out of inventory is marked as "Discarded" and won't be picked up by lost loot. We greatly appreciate the support and feedback from the community, including Tencent, in monitoring the discussions and providing helpful responses to user inquiries. I played all day yesterday and last night and didn't get a singe gun drop that wasn't anointed. Any help figuring out where everything is will be much appreciated. Dropping things out of inventory does not mean that lost loot will collect it. Multiple loot in one source is fine but the percentage gets closer to zero bc of the 30% dedicated drop rate between all loot. - Note I don't know how these work with hybrids within redux You have the answer already but note that a lot of the dedicated drops are really consistent so you'll always get an ION Cannon from the Fabricator, an Auto Aim from Freddie, Lucky 7 from Scraptrap, etc. I just killed him and got that, the Lucky Star shield and a Blind Sage shotgun. You're much better off farming an easy boss that world drops frequently like Graveward, Traunt or Gigamind, or just doing the Slaughtershaft. It’s just a shame bad balancing ruined fun. 1. You can get multiple dedicated drops in one run. Old God is the only thing I need to complete my build and I was sick and tired of seeing Malak's Bane, ASMD and Cockblocker. The Red Fang has a 50% chance to dedicated drop from the Tyrant of Instinct all the time, period. It's always going to be a 15% chance no matter what. But then there are other drops from dedicated loot sources that require a large number of kills to a degree where loot bunnies are probably a better source than the dedicated loot source. Named enemies (and enemies in general) in the game drop two types of weapons--world drops and dedicated drops. 5% in Wonderlands. If the mayhem loot bonus is supposed to affect all world drops, shouldn't the quality of the rest of the drops be influenced by the mayhem bonus? I read the title but play causal so have no clue what “true trial” is. If you dont know about the Blood-Starved Beast it is a Borderlands 3 DLC4 Evil Lilith dedicated drop and is rated as one of Borderlands 3's must have SMG. If you really want to test it out, disconnect your internet connection while on the main menu to get your hotfixes unapplied. With just how much loot/different builds there are in BL3, farming sure is a MASSIVE pain in the ass. 125 Eridium was pathetic as you get 50 - 60 from a Ruiner run and chests take a while to get when you get to the higher levels. In my opinion, if they nerf the drops, they will only hurt the casual players. A. See full list on gamerant. The Monarch comes in all elements as well as no element. Highly unlikely yes obviously yet possible. The fact that it’s seemingly unrealistic to farm dedicated drops before you beat the game is ridiculous. When you want to do endgame you’re not likely to be using many random world drops. Lootsplosion and the Schlooter do not affect dedicated drop chance, by the way. Why not just increase the world drops again and just make bosses loot pool only include legendaries or nothing? Would that suit your needs? New players got shafted and it is extremely unfair for them, the rest of us hardcore players got everything we wanted(or almost). Since I wanted no other changes then the loot nerf reverted, I talked to the mod author of the BL3 Better Loot mod and asked him about "just reverting the hotfix changes regarding the droprate in mayhem". Dedicated drops vs World drops So I've been hearing that dedicated drops are so minimal and that farming bosses or slaughters are better. Tyreen has for example dedicated drops of the King/Queens Call at a 16. I farmed DJ Deadsk4g non-stop today going for the purple unique Thumper, first as Moze then switched it up to Amara. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore! I play daily, 3-4 hours after work, since launch. Yeah, it just makes non-dedicated legendaries drop more often than ever. Can i kill a boss for the effect to work and get many legendaries, or do i have to kill an enemy and then finish the boss Shields and grenades can still drop unanointed and they are aware of the problem but all guns should be dropping anointed. (Dedicated drops listed below. TRUE TRIALS Evil Lilith is a dedicated drop source for the Blood-Starved Beast SMG, which is pictured here. Scraptrap is a notoriously easy infinite farm with no quits required, so getting consistent world drops would be quite common. I'm trying to get a R4kk Fl4k build going with the anointments, preferably a Maggie, and other great weapons for Fl4k. The overall drop rates were lowered a few patches ago. not_anakin • I don't know, but I know that mayhem and TVHM don't really increase dedicated loot drop chance, at least it didn't last According to Killer6's recent drop rate video the drop rates for dedicated legendaries is a fixed percentage, so whether or not you are just on normal mode, tvhm or Mayhem 4 makes no difference at all, nor does a "luck" relic. But on a random Monday when a class ends early, I get a god roll Hellwalker first try. There is an artifact on Vault Card #2 called the Shlooter which increases world drop legendaries again. gfyqs vvaazqp hpdog gbihcg xhxrhd wqq crpiqs qzzxp talclf ljeh myk yvvijf vambdj mncawq pjhoxm