Flute scales with finger chart pdf. pdf: File Size: 2315 kb .
Flute scales with finger chart pdf A chromatic scale is a nondiatonic scale consisting entirely of half-step intervals, having no tonic due to the equal spacing of its tones. Flute Scale Finger Chart: Flute For Dummies Karen Evans Moratz,2009-11-20 An excellent primer for those with little or no experience playing the flute Always wanted to play the flute Are you a former flautist who wants to refresh your skills Flute For Dummies is the Flute Fingering Chart • Chromatic scale= Single thumb • bDouble thumb (D. com; Modern Flute / Piccolo / Alto Flute Fingering Chart The Comprehensive Scale Catalog is an extensive set of scales that can serve to inspire melodies in your flute playing. com Created Date: 8/3/2007 9:05:38 AM This graphic can be used as a reference for the fingering and trill charts. These fingerings can be used for two octaves. On this page, you'll find: An easy-to-read fingering chart for flute; A quick WALK-THROUGH video, showing you EXACTLY where to put your fingers on the flute; And as a bonus, you'll learn: How to AVOID the 4 REALLY common MISTAKES beginner flute players make when reading a fingering chart transverse bamboo flute Bansuri North Indian transverse bamboo flute picture of bansuri Description The Bansuri is a transverse bamboo flute with finger holes plus one hole for blowing It is closed at the end closest to the blowing hole Its fingered holes are large enough to permit half or partial holing, thus Templates PDF. 9 x 12 Method for the One-Keyed Flute Janice Dockendorff Boland,1998-06-05 This indispensable manual for present-day Multiphonic_Flute_Fingering_Chart - Free download as PDF File (. In addition, once you can play the note B, you simply add one more key to play the note A, and so on. . And here is a full scale KIT, with links to all free pdf flute scales. * The actual pitch of a bass flute is eight tones (one octave) down from the written score. It includes details on half-closed holes, the use of subtle bends of the head to accentuate notes, and notes that the lowest and highest tones are rarely used in traditional compositions but can be explored more in improvisation. Fast slur with F#. In tune. Take time to align your fingers to the correct key on the flute. Also, native flute fingering charts for various musical keys and octaves. One-octave major scales follow. PDF Download: Flute Fingering Chart. Always check whether your flute player is playing a flute with open holes or closed holes. NAF Fingering Charts. Remember, the flute is held extending to the right side of your body, your left hand will always control the keys at the top of the flute body. Fingering Chart for Tin Whistle in D. Major scales and arpeggios for Flute; Minor scales and arpeggios for Flute; Chromatic scales for Flute; Diatonic scales. I've given them to students to progress on their own as well. 33 Jul 8, 2024 · Here's everything you need to know about your flute scales, all in one place. The D fingering chart is A flute fingering chart is a diagram that visually maps out which keys and holes on the flute must be pressed or left open to produce each musical note. PDF download format. This is because the ultimate length of the flute is only ascertained once it is completed. cgflute. The catalog is meant to be a tool for exploration of scales from world music traditions. Print out the illustrations if you want a handy reference during your music making! Flute fingering chart ♭= flat note ♯= sharp note = key left open = key pressed down Watch for notes that can have alternative fingerings, such as A♯/ B♭ If you are playing the Hall Crystal Flute in F, this chart will play the exact notes shown below. They're excellent for beginners, providing a clear visual guide for initial note recognition and finger placement. Clarinet Fingering Chart. Flute Fingerings Highest Octave Super C High B o o oco High Bb/A# ooò o High A O O High Ab/G# High G 000 High Gb/F# High F o oo High E OOÒ O OO Click to download and print scales -----> flute_scales. The data provided in the flute measurement charts above are accurate. However, it is suggested to obtain a tube that is a few inches lengthier than the given measurement. Irish Flute in D - Accidentals: Simple: 19th Century Folk Flutes: Complete : NATIVE AMERICAN FLUTE: Native American Flute (6 Hole) Simple: Complete: Several: Native American Flute (5 Hole) Simple: Several: Charts for specific NAF flutes: Several: Native American Flute (6 Hole Diatonic Major) Complete: Eagle Bone Flute (3 Hole, No Thumb This document provides a basic fingering chart for flute and piccolo covering the first three octaves from B3 to C7. Or bookmark this website page to use as a reference for learning and playing all fluteland. Arpeggios (or arpeggi, which is the correct plural of the Italian term arpeggio) are like scales, but only made up of the first, third and fifth notes of a scale. Melodic Minor Scales - Multiple Octaves. This style is used by players who follow Pannalal Ghosh's school of thought, as opposed to Hariprasad Chaurasia's and involves covering the seventh hole to produce the note "ma". The figure of the flute on the left correlates with the standard fingering diagram on the right to tell you which of the flute’s keys are represented in which specific places on the fingering chart. If you want to download this fingering chart as a PDF, that you can save on your computer or print out to use for your learning, practicing or simply as a reference…I have a link below, where you can download this chart. There is an alternate fingering for A#/Bb that has been included too. Use the flute fingering chart above to continue learning the other notes. Learn fingering charts with our interactive fingering tool or download and print the fingerings in PDF format, all of that for free! 4 simple patterns. Even so, their fingering patterns follow similar paths as is commonly found with concert flutes. Two-octave Major Arpeggios. The fingering charts in the back of most band method books do not show how the different octaves share the same fingering, making them less effective at helping students make sense of the notes and fingering on the flute. Tuba Click on an instrument name to go to that chart. The fingerings are specific to High Spirits Mid-Tone A minor Native American flutes. Reliability of the flute measurement charts . Jun 7, 2024 · Alto Flute and Bass Flute Fingering Charts. PDF to Flipbook. Flute Fingering Chart - B-Nat Thumb. Quote from Angelita Floyd from pg. The These fingering charts are inspired by the fingering charts published by Johann Joachim Quantz (1697–1773) in his treatise On Playing the Flute which was first published in 1752. Sa of a flute can be at any pitch. I suggest you print out these two pages in addition to the blank fingering chart that follows, so that you can write in new and alternate fingerings for your own flute notebook. You can also visit these specific pages: Gemeinhardt wants to help you enjoy and improve your flute playing skills and methods. [ A major scale with the fourth degree raised by a half - step. Each chart displays holes on the flute and the keys you should press or leave open to produce a specific note. Once tone production is established on a mouthpiece and a flutist has their balance points in place (see printable on balance points for help), the scale is th May 11, 2018 · A handy basic fingering chart for those learning to play the Flute or Piccolo. Fingering Chart for Eight-Key Simple-System Flute. Major Scales - 2 octaves. 30+ Ultimate Chart Template Bundle. Fast slur with E. txt) or read online for free. Ionian mode scales for Flute (major scales) Dorian mode scales for Flute; Phrygian mode scales for Flute; Lydian mode scales for Flute; Mixolydian mode scales for Flute; Aeolian mode scales for Flute (minor scales) Locrian 12 Major Scales S1O1 - Flute. Some creative ideas are offered for scales on my flute blog too. The charts show the fingerings for primary and secondary scales as well as a full chromatic scale. pranaflutes. Use the Title: FLUTE COMPLETE CHROMATIC SCALE Author: Cece Worrall-Rubin Created Date: 2/3/2020 6:38:39 PM Title: All 12 Major Scale two octaves Created Date: 8/8/2016 6:54:50 PM 9 - D Major Scale (Concert D) 10 - G Major Scale (Concert G) 11 - C Major Scale (Concert C) 12 - F Major Scale (Concert F) TEMPO CHECK OFF Scale 1 OCTAVE 80 BPM 1 OCTAVE 100 BPM 2 OCTAVE 100 BPM 2 OCTAVE 120 BPM 2 OCTAVE 140 BPM 1 - Concert B b Major 2 - Concert E b Major 3 - Concert A b Major 4 - Concert D b Major 5 - Concert G b Major If you want to download this fingering chart as a PDF, that you can save on your computer or print out to use for your learning, practicing or simply as a reference…I have a link below, where you can download this chart. The fingerings to use for playing quarter tones and microtones are not very common to most flute players. Need a new fingering chart? Or a scale sheet? Flute Fingering Chart: File Size: 670 kb: fun_tunes___star_wars_happy_birthday_-tbone_bar_bsn. Even the 5th (the Pa) is slightly different. This list of 66 scales is meant to be a tool for exploration of scales from various world music traditions. pdf) or read online for free. Chromatic Fingering Charts for Wind Instruments Flute Oboe Clarinet Saxophone Bassoon Trumpet Horn in F Trombone Baritone B. Plus, you’ll find it much easier to review the information anytime you need to. The exercises are designed to be purely technical, so if they're playing their instruments correctly (check out the warm-ups section) and have a fingering chart they should be able to do so. The exact fingering positions of 3rd octave notes (above Pa3) may vary depending upon the individual bamboo and the player’s blowing style. Finger Chart for the Bansuri. With its easy-to-follow layout, you can easily learn and remember the fingerings for all of your favorite songs and scales. Filled circles indicate closed finger holes, open circles indicate open finger holes, half-filled circles indicate partially covered finger holes and diamonds indicate the use of keys. Soprano (Tenor) recorder fingering chart Alto recorder fingering chart There are also a number of on-line resources detailing the fingerings used to play the recorder. . In this article, you’ll see the flute high notes fingering charts below and my top 3 tips for mastering high notes. The saxophone and clarinet fingering charts work for all the instruments in the family. Keyboard Notes (One Octave) Recorder Flute Interactive Flute Fingering Chart Oboe Bassoon Clarinet & Bass Clarinet Interactive Clarinet Fingering Chart - Low Notes Interactive Clarinet Fingering Chart - High Notes Soprano, Alto, Tenor, & Baritone Saxophone Interactive Saxophone Fingering Chart French Horn This document provides fingerings charts for a wide variety of scales. pdf: File Size: 27 kb: Click the image of the instrument for which you need a fingering chart. 001000 1000 I ood O' 01 e OOC 0 01 oo 0001 00 1 1000 01000 001000 O 1000 100 001000001 001000 001000 000 000 000 1000 o 000 . Also, unlike most fingering charts, THIS chart features the "thumb B-flat" key on most notes, instead of the pedagogically Flute fingering chart Musical instrument guide Alternate fingering Alternate fingering. -E Major & QQQQ 43. The easy-to-follow design makes this flute fingering chart convenient, especially for visual learners. Adobe PDF, Illustrator; You may also like. Plus, get a FREE downloadable scale checklist to enhance your practice routine! For flute teachers and band directors that need an easy way to teach the B flat scale, here is a visually easy printable for your students. Large circles show the pri-mary, most-used notes of the whistle, small circles the lesser-used notes or fingerings. Indigenous Flute Fingering Chart. Feb 16, 2024 · Use this flute fingering chart for beginners as a reference! Reading a flute fingering chart is straightforward once you understand its layout. Here it is assumed to be at note C. Natural Minor Scales and Arpeggios- Multiple Octaves. Access the one-stop library of PDF templates and forms to create personalized Flute Fingering Charts - ready-made and free to download, edit, fill and print. Flute Fingering Chart - Free download as PDF File (. Natural Minor Scales and Arpeggios - One Octave. Fingering Charts. Martin Doyle studied Quantz at the beginning of his flute making career and found On Playing the Flute to be a great source of inspiration and information regarding Flute Major Scales Circle of Fifths (Sharps) C Major (Concert C) G Major (Concert G) D Major (Concert D) A Major (Concert A) E Major (Concert E) B Major (Concert B) A flute fingering chart features a diagram of the flute, which helps you relate the chart to the actual flute in your hands. Most players of Native American flutes use a very small number of alternate scales . Newspaper. The First Five Notes! Trombone F Eb D C Bb b b All the way in 1st Position Just barely behind the bell 3rd Position A bit past the bell 4th Position About as far as you can comfortably reach Chart of Regular and Trill Fingerings for Flute The diagrams below identify the keys of the instrument by the names and numbers used in the chart. Major Scales and Arpeggios - One Octave. com Score Two octaves in every keys. Title: All 12 Major Scales one octave Created Date: 8/8/2016 6:23:34 PM This document provides fingering charts for Hall Crystal Flutes and Piccolos in the keys of D, C, Eb, F, G, and A. Title: Untitled The flute finger chart PDF is an invaluable tool for students and professionals alike. pdf: File Size: 24 kb: File Type: pdf: Download File. pdf. * The actual pitch of a piccolo is eight tones (one octave) up from the written score. Here is a chart which shows the names of the degrees of the Bilawal 'That' [parent scale] Here you can try out our flute tab for free. It's pretty easy to understand, it's just every note. The image below shows a fingering chart for bansuris players using the seventh hole. Bass and Alto Flute Fingering Charts are an extension of the more commonly seen concert flute fingering charts but may differ due to the larger sizes. I, Miller Browne, Mullan, Peter Worrell, Tony Millyard, Crosette, Pro Corps, Ferris, Ammo & Co. It displays the note, written pitch, fingering, and a brief description for standard fingerings. It provides a quick reference guide for the proper finger placement required to play the full range of notes on the instrument. Apr 12, 2020 · B Major (3 octaves) & QQQQ Q 31. pdf), Text File (. Fast slur with F or Bb. Chromatic Scales. -A Major Feb 17, 2024 · Flute fingering charts can be a great way to have all the fingerings in one place! Below is the main chart with three octaves of notes. The entire set of fingering charts is available in one Native American Flute Fingerings PDF file. C major F major G major Bb major D major Eb major A major Ab major & Section 3: Different Scales in Carnatic Flute/Music About Scales and its importance Understanding every Scale and its applications Section 4: Physical Disciplines of Carnatic Flute Right sitting Posture & Ways to get Pure Sound on Carnatic Flute How to hold the flute in Cross Fingering technique Beginner Flute Finger Chart: Flute For Dummies Karen Evans Moratz,2009-11-20 An excellent primer for those with little or no experience playing the flute Always wanted to play the flute Are you a former flautist who wants to refresh your skills Flute For Dummies is the Scales; Sheet Music; Sight Reading; Theory Charts; Warm Up; External Links; Sight Reading; ClarinetFingering. In Indian music the Sargam system corresponds to the European Solfege system's names of the notes. com Created Date: 8/3/2007 9:05:38 AM This document is a fingering chart for the Turkish ney flute that shows the finger placements and head positions needed to play notes across its five registers. LONG-LASTING MATERIALS: We laminated this flute fingering chart so that it will last you longer even after constant use. Here are the top 3 challenges when playing A Major: Thumb Key Transition: The transition Title: two octave major scales - flute - Full Score Author: Joe Created Date: 3/16/2012 10:42:54 AM * From the fifth bar onward, the fingering for E-C#(Db) is the same as for an octave. six-hole flutes tuned to the diatonic scale. * The actual pitch of an alto flute is four tones down from the written score. Chromatic Scales! Use these one-octave chromatic scale exercises to reinforce your comfort in enharmonic spellings. Common misfingerings in Band Flutists (this pdf shows the common mis-fingerings, and also, very importantly, explains the three common fingerings for B-flat) 4. Many players use them to “ get out of a rut ” and expand their music. Etudes. Author: Allison Flute Studio Fingering charts for flute, trumpet, clarinet, saxophone and more. Minor Scales - 2 octaves. Feb 17, 2024 · With over 14 years of experience as a flute teacher, I have successfully coached numerous students on mastering high notes. This section offers useful information about flute playing, including how to practice to get the best results, tips on fingering, how to care for your flute and how to form a flute choir. It explains that the D fingering chart is standard because it places the notes in the center of the music staff, but charts are also provided for other keys. Flute Trill Chart Download a FREE PDF version here Please note that most of these trills will also work with your Thumb B-flat key down (except for anything with F#/Gb and, of course, B-natural). Harmonic Minor Scales - Multiple Octaves. Use in fast slurs with Eb on other models. Major Scales & Arpeggios Chew Sze Gee ig: @cgflute • www. Oboe. Standard (Basic) Flute Trill Fingering Chart Author: flutefarm Keywords: DAFLGZandpE,BAA7RnvRLKI Created Date: 9/6/2022 8:43:31 PM Midtone G Fingering Chart (6-Hole Native American Style Flute) Midtone G Pentatonic minor scale: Alternative Midtone G Pentatonic minor scale: Saxophone Fingering Chart Created by Brian Stahl A#/Bb B C C#/Db D D#/Eb E F . Explore the different types of scales including Major, Minor, Chromatic and Pentatonic. Really awesome flute fingering chart. This document provides fingerings charts for a wide variety of scales. ] Sa [Do] is played with the first three finger holes closed. Great basic fingering for bass flute. Major Scales and (40 pages in pdf - totally free scale book!) Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 . Fingering chart blank (for writing in new fingerings for trills, tremelos, and alternate flute fingerings) 3. Cliffy Rea, Hawkes & SOns Crown AZ, Rudall FLUTE SCALE SHEET C Major (no flats/sharps) F Major (1 flat) The possibilities depend on the flute player’s flute. PDF Download: Irish Flute Fingering Chart. Trills are a form of musical ornamentation which involves a rapid, slurred, alternation between a main note and the note above. Flute Fingering Chart Author: Jon Petrie Subject: Flute Fingering Chart Keywords: Flute Fingering Chart Created Date: 5/9/2013 12:30:06 AM Best Flute Fingering Charts Online. pdf: File Size: 2315 kb Two-octave major scales can be found here: Two-octave Major Scales. Th) major scales: F, B , Eb, A b, D • Single thumb major scales: C, G, D, A, E, B, F# • Optional double thumbs marked in grey, depending on the key signature • When using this fingering chart for piccolo, tuning tendencies will be opposite of the flute. musx Author: 3696100410 Created Date: 7/24/2018 10:36:05 PM Flute Fingering Chart. Using metronome (60-140) to practice. com Flute Scale Finger Chart: Flute For Dummies Karen Evans Moratz,2009-11-20 An excellent primer for those with little or no experience playing the flute Always wanted to play the flute Are you a former flautist who wants to refresh your skills Flute For Dummies is the Flute Fingering Chart. NOTE: these are basic fingering charts. 46 Flute Fingering Charts are collected for any of your needs. fluteland. Bassoon. To play the natural minor scale, ignore the parenthesized alterations. This flute fingering chart helps students quickly find any note in the essential range of the flute. So, if you’re ready to get started on your musical Flute Fingering Chart Low Octave Low Octave Only use this alternate fingering when changing between B and B These alternate fingerings may work better on some flutes * * * * b n B Thumb Key B Thumb Key n b n B Thumb Key B Thumb Key b Every note that requires a thumb key may be played using either key (except the B’s & high F ). Flute Scale Information. Bassoon | Clarinet | Cornet | Flute | French Horn | Oboe | Saxophone | Trombone | Tuba Printable Flute Scales Printable scales in PDF format for the flute student. Martin Doyle studied Quantz at the beginning of his flute making career and found On Playing the Flute to be a great source of inspiration and information regarding To complicate things even further, the melodic variant is usually played only when going up the scale (ascending scale), but is replaced by the natural scale when going down (descending scale). Midtone G# Fingering Chart (6-Hole Native American Style Flute) Midtone G# Pentatonic minor scale: Alternative Midtone G# Pentatonic minor scale: View, download and print Flute Major Scales - Circle Of Fourths (flats) pdf template or form online. Chromatic Finger Charts: These charts detail all twelve notes of the chromatic scale. Circle of Fifths. Flute Fingering Chart. It is important to learn this scale when learning to play music, if not just to make sure you know all the notes on your instrument. Instead of straining and guessing for the top notes of leaps, you These fingering charts are inspired by the fingering charts published by Johann Joachim Quantz (1697–1773) in his treatise On Playing the Flute which was first published in 1752. Blockis Recorder Fingerings is the best and most complete source for recorder fingerings available including English fingerings, German fingerings, Ganassi fingerings If you want to download this fingering chart as a PDF, that you can save on your computer or print out to use for your learning, practicing or simply as a reference…I have a link below, where you can download this chart. Major Scales and Arpeggios - Multiple Octaves. If you find yourself straining in any way, just fill in the larger leaps with longtones, glissandos, or scale notes. • C# · C# trill key Bansuri - Indian Bamboo Flute: Fingering Chart. Below you can find all the minor scales, with all the possible alterations. Please note, there are alternative fingerings and we have included some of the most common examples on the interactive flute fingering chart. Feb 10, 2024 · Flute Harmonic Minor Scales- Top tips for E harmonic minor: Smooth Transition Over the F# to G Jump: Work on the transition between F# and the raised G note, which can be tricky due to the half-hole fingering for F#. Flute Fingering Chart Brenda Murphy,1992 (Music Sales America). A B C# D E F# G# A; Three sharp (F#, C#, G#) to contend with. But they are very nearby, and the untrained ear usually cannot distinguish them easily. This is for the Kalyan 'That', which corresponds to the Lydian mode in European music. Jul 19, 2022 · Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music of Multiphonic Flute Fingering Chart - AntoniaMakridakis for Multiphonic Flute Fingering Chart arranged by AntoniaMakridakis for Flute (Solo) High C Fingering Chart (6-Hole Native American Style Flute) High C Pentatonic minor scale: Alternative High C Pentatonic minor scale: Visit www. Welcome p to The Woodwind Fingering Guide! While you'll probably like to jump straight to the extensive Fingering Charts section, you can also ask and answer questions in the Forum or share your own fingerings to be added to this site, and check out Past and Future Additions to the site. Therefore, write down the fingering below or above the note in the score. Boland also addresses topics ranging from the basics of choosing a flute and assembling it to more advanced concepts such as tone color and eighteenth-century articulation patterns. This laminated reference chart shows fingerings, a notation guide, instrument care tips and an instrument diagram. C. Basic Flute Fingering Chart: Jennifer Cluff created this two page fingering chart in pdf for printing out. Digital beginner's how to play the native flute instructional booklet in English and in German - available in . This is a fingering chart that can be used to teach the flute. Reproduced here for educational purposes from Bansuri Player - David Philipson's Web Site. Or bookmark this website page to use as a reference for learning and playing all notes This finger chart is suitable for 5 keyed versions of the following Bb band flutes ; Miller Wicks N. com flute fingering chart active color. Title: Untitled Created Date: 8/14/2019 1:54:23 AM The right-hand thumb isn’t listed because its job is solely to balance the flute, not to depress any of the flute’s keys. Title: fingering_1ページ Created Date: 3/24/2021 11:30:29 AM Mar 12, 2020 · Flute Twelve Major Scales Concert Bb Scale Concert Eb Scale Concert Ab Scale Concert Db Scale Concert F Scale Concert C Scale Concert G Scale Concert D Scale Concert A Scale Concert E Scale Concert B Scale Concert Gb Scale - round thumb - round thumb - round chromatic fingering or 1&4 chromatic fingering or 1&4 chromatic fingering or 1&4 May 11, 2020 · Melodic Minor Scales - Multiple Octaves. Feb 5, 2024 · A major scale. Note that some notes have more than one • 1 · Index finger key (F) • 2 · Middle finger key (E) • 3 · Ring finger key (D) Right Hand Trill Keys • Bb · Bb trill key The Bb trill key is located above the first finger key of the right hand and is used to trill A#-B in the first and second octaves as well as to give an alternative fingering to Bb. Double Tonguing. Dec 27, 2007 · Basic Flute Fingering Chart (free two-page PDF) 2. -B Major (2 octaves) & QQQQ Q 38. The Comprehensive Scale Catalog is an extensive set of scales that can serve to inspire melodies in your flute playing. As an option, you may prefer to use the D chart as a transposing chart. Filled circles indicate closed finger holes, open circles indicate open finger holes, half-filled circles indicate partially covered finger holes. The above book was written for novice to intermediate flute students to go along with a James Galway 30 day Scale Challenge using Moyse books. In this system, not a single note is exactly the same as our “equal temperated” or “European 12 tone scale”. One of the skills of playing harmonic minor scales in thirds is being able to effortlessly leap a minor third to the raised seventh note of the scale. 123 of 'The Gilbert Legacy' According to Gilbert's teaching there is a definite distinction between facility (ease of playing) and "technique"; facility being the ability to move just the fingers quickly, whereas technique includes quick fingers in combination with proper sound and musical expression. These would be good for private lessons or supplementary material. Baritone T. Large circles show the primary, most-used notes of the flute, small circles the lesser-used notes or Nov 10, 2022 · COLOR-CODED NOTES: This flute fingering chart features color-coded notes to help beginners remember the finger positions. Circled key or keys are used in the execution of the trills. from early treatises along with solo flute literature and instructional text and fingering charts. The fingerings are designed for typical six-hole contemporary Native American flutes tuned to a pentatonic minor scale (often called a "Mode 1/4" flute). The above chart shows the basic fingerings for the bansuri. This chart provides you with the basic fingerings for all the notes on the flute. The chart is intended to teach primary fingerings used by all flutists, noting fingerings are the same across flute sizes unless specified. Each fingering chart is provided with finger diagrams in two orientations: mouth-end up and mouth end down (“inverted”). Jul 17, 2023 · 6. Flute and piccolo fingering chart. dyamt loeqwb pdkd fseth rzgbbqw ihrrdtt oaqg xbkpckn cwmv xaijy trxe dlapve jswf upmj peck