Pubg ahk recoil script. X-Aim doesn't support them.

Pubg ahk recoil script ahk (Using . Then I wrote this little script. lua. ----- recoil_value: This is the variable where the recoil value is stored. Jul 12, 2023 · Example: BattleBit. . Fully customizable and pretty basic, Press Numlock to toggle, to use it, hold ADS (right click and press Left to let the script do the rest, it will sway right and left to compensate for recoil as well as dragging down) increase or decrease MoveMouseRelative value 10 = (1,10) to edit the rate in which it goes downwards. Tesh: H1Z1: 0: 10th November 2016 01:52 PM [Release] AHK Recoil Reducer + Autofire: Kroh: America's Army: Proving Grounds: 26: 24th August 2016 10:12 AM [Question] Crouch jump script? Mr. TOGGLE WITH CAPSKEY - ffluxxus/r6-norecoil Legit and Undetectable. Can someone please help me? I know that the first 1- 30 numbers are the Magezine Capacity. ahk ) KlondikeTar: CS:GO Releases: 0: 3rd August Shooting without recoil in PUBG Before you start, make sure that you have the mouse settings correctly configured in . It would help a lot if you do 3: Create a new Lua Script and press "EDIT SCRIPT" 4: Import the script by using "Script->Import" 5: Change the weapons value to your prefered keys. Maybe you could add an x and y speed, idk I'm new to this AHK and still learning. NOTE: all scripts suit for the default keyboard layout,if you changed someone in setting menu of game,it maybe not work until you modify the code according to the changing. 3 watching. BunNy. Pubg Created Date: 4/6/2022 3:37:40 AM For security reasons you need to have exported the script from G-Hub. Nov 21, 2017 · [Release] Bhop & Rapid Fire AHK Script ( StickyTar. When you watch death cams, you can notice this zig-zag or Z pattern with the cursor moving up and down very quickly in a small area. MinJika: Minecraft: 1: 12th January 2022 11:55 AM [Question] is ahk scripts and other similar scripts files are detected ? FrankoooEFC: PUBG Mobile: 7 I'm making AHK script with auto detect weapon function. So yes, you shouldn't pick up any barrels, unless the script doesn't compensate your gun's recoil enough. [Release] BLOODY MOUSE MACRO PUBG: DTP860: PUBG Releases: 6: 9th April 2019 04:36 AM: M65 no recoil for PUBG? Or just any anti recoil script? jedmofo: Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 1: 25th December 2017 06:38 AM: Bloody mouse no recoil Pubg: liquid85: Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 15: 5th November 2017 10:12 AM [Information] Release Mouse Because of how easy it is, and how hard to detect recoil scripts are, I’ve noticed a large influx of players using them. Inside the script you'll find detailed instructions for XBOX or PLAY STATION users. NEW M11 RECOIL SOON. But the last two days, i have had some of my easiest wins all of a Script only work if PUBG is active and mouse isn’t showing AutoHotkey (AHK) doesn’t need bypass against BattlEye, because AHK is whitelisted. It’s easy to tell when spectating. But if AHK reading or writing to any application, it can be banned. Kicks happen when you use the recoil script without moving the mouse multiple times. A auto hot key script I made that helps manage recoil and auto-crouching in FPS games. BBBBBB1123131 is offline Apr 29, 2021 · pubg recoil. You do not This is a simple script written in python to auto-shoot + control recoil of weapons in pubg mobile using feature detection for calculating the translation of the screen, just like a camera stabilizer would do probably. Ability to save current config for future usage. lua , it will be more fluent than adv_mode. This AutoHotkey script is designed to assist with controlling recoil in BattleBit Remastered. Feb 26, 2024 · A cheat that many people overlook because it is so widespread is the anti-recoil macro. PS: When you open the file. - amaralkaf Feb 26, 2024 · A cheat that many people overlook because it is so widespread is the anti-recoil macro. Will keep you all updated on detection. ahk ) KlondikeTar: CS:GO Releases: 0: 3rd [Help] Integration of Jitter AHK or No-Recoil AHK with reWASD without loosing Aim Assist? S3X69: Apex Legends: 8: 28th April 2023 05:32 PM [Release] Aim Accurate AHK By Sensitivity low on color: Cubb: CS:GO Releases: 9: 26th August 2018 11:50 PM [Release] Bhop & Rapid Fire AHK Script ( StickyTar. What amazes me is that this is not detected even though this pattern is mathematically perfect. ahk at master · fuckpubg/AHK Apr 15, 2020 · Now, navigate to Settings. There are lots of uses for AHK and other remapping apps which have nothing to do with cheating. Enter the game, put it in full screen window and adjust according to the buttons. And I know that the first value is the X position the second value is the Y position and the third value is the time in ms between each shot. exe; Ensures Autofire only works in PUBG. mediafire. #SingleInstance force ; Forces the script to only run one at a time. 7 Made all jumps crouch jumps. 5 stars. change "local AKM = nil" to "local AKM = 3" ) **6: After you have done editing the script follow important ** Nov 20, 2019 · PUBG No Recoil Script How to setup? Parametar Recoil(0-100), recoil value. FULL RECOIL Macros do not access / manipulate the game or any file, which makes them undetectable by any Anti-Cheat tool, such as Battleye or the PUBG Replay Analysis Tool. Contribute to Shivam338/NoRecoil development by creating an account on GitHub. comp := 8 Jan 26, 2018 · [Release] Balto's AHK Wallhack (AHK VERSION) PhilipMcKenna: CS:GO Releases: 102: 2nd August 2017 08:09 AM [Release] Bhop & Rapid Fire AHK Script ( StickyTar. ahk) Then you will open, it stays open hidden near the clock. for a better understanding of what I proposed [Help] ( HELP ) HOW TO REDUCE RECOIL ( NO RECOIL ) PUBG MOBILE: toilatrum147: PUBG Mobile: 0: 21st June 2021 01:26 PM [Detected] PlanetSide 2 AHK script - Custom Recoil Helper, Auto Spot, Auto Shield/Heal: ihatekirito: PlanetSide 2: 151: 4th November 2018 03:58 AM [Source] Logitech LUA recoil reduce Script! lumpi999: America's Army: Proving Mar 11, 2018 · [Release] PUBG AHK Helper [Official] Bre1nt: Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 7: 19th November 2017 03:16 PM [Release] Pubg AHK (shitty recoil, rapidfire/autofire and Crouch Jump) Zeus1337: Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 29: 25th October 2017 09:54 PM [Release] Bhop & Rapid Fire AHK Script ( StickyTar. Pubg gun recoil settings. Cheating sites are full of AHK's and scripts. that being said why risk a ban by Sep 29, 2023 · PUBG No Recoil AHK Script refers to the backward movement or kickback of a firearm after it's fired. ️ PUBG | 20 in 1 ️ Valorant | 10 in 1 (Bonus!) 50% OFF. Instructions. Sep 8, 2023 · Make sure the config file in same folder with ahk , And make sure add same mouse sens in the game to the config file. Forks. Here is the text of what PUBG tells you about your ban. something i want tell you: you can modify the basictimes to reduce or increase the recoil. This simple script automatically drags your mouse downwards at an adjustable rate and also pushes lCtrl for you when you shoot, useful for games similar to CSGO. Reason: Topic moved from 'Scripts and Functions > Gaming' to 'Ask For Help > ', although this doesn't look like AHK. Aug 11, 2021 · I found this code to reverse the recoil of weapons. PUBG Python No Recoil Script Resources. Parametar Timing(0-100), delay between mouse movements Aug 26, 2023 · a simpel AHK no recoil can work for near all game and all mouse. Guide : Run Program; Script auto work; F6 Button Panic for close script program; Author : Rezapal Developer Nusantara Sep 27, 2017 · Its a AHK script, no dll or injecting required. ;SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ; Sets mode for ifwinactive window. Reason is, I am using a WQHD Monitor, and I haven't been able to find a pubg recoil script that wasn't meant to work best on full hd resolution. ) v2. 0 license Code of conduct. Parametar Increase(0-9900), delay between parametar recoil increases. ahk some dot AHK scripts from UC or MPGH for PUBG Game,and compiled to EXE by me - AHK/Pubg AHK (shitty recoil, rapidfire, autofire and Crouch Jump)/code. wantsRbeforeL := 1 ; If wants to be aiming before autofire or compensation. Can be applied in PUBG Battlegrounds (PUBG PC Steam) and other games as well. My question was if it would be of any use to take the script, modify variable names, maybe introduce other functions that don't really impact the script itself and recompile. Cronus Shop GPC Script Guide Forums Discord YouTube Cronus ZEN Marketplace Advanced no-recoil mouse script scaled at 1000 DPI for first person shooter games. ahk, the norecoil automatic turn ON, you need only press page up and page down to adjust ROBLOX Universal Aimbot Script. for example: if "basictims = 1" you can make "basictimes = 1 * 0. I made this for learning purposes, so don't expect it to run perfectly, it may be buggy sometimes. How to use? Numepad HOME increases Recoil +1 Numpad END decreases Recoil -1 Numpad PAGE UP increases delay between mouse Jan 15, 2025 · A Lua script to manage recoil in games, shared on GitHub Gist. Give the file a different name like "world" 1. Save as . Literally everywhere, out for free, to anyone. Watchers. I wan't the script to work while left shift is held down + Left mouse button is held down. GPL-3. May 25, 2024 · no, you won't get banned I've been playing with it since the first day XDefiant + my own AHk scripts came out, my experience with AHK files has always been that I never got banned (games where I use ahk files: Apex Legends, Rust, CS2,The Finals etc. The original base that I found that made me start this mini-project will be linked below, I kept them in the credits as I still used their system! Recoil Reducer v0. - PUBG_AHK/Autofire(1080p). It reduces the recoil by switching the position of your mouse cursor from two different points back and forth instantaneously. (Only works with default bindings you will need to change the script yourself if you use other keys. It offers features such as compensating for weapon recoil, controlling pull down rate, and modifying other settings to assist in improving your aiming accuracy. [Help] ( HELP ) HOW TO REDUCE RECOIL ( NO RECOIL ) PUBG MOBILE: toilatrum147: PUBG Mobile: 0: 21st June 2021 01:26 PM [Detected] PlanetSide 2 AHK script - Custom Recoil Helper, Auto Spot, Auto Shield/Heal: ihatekirito: PlanetSide 2: 151: 4th November 2018 03:58 AM [Source] Logitech LUA recoil reduce Script! lumpi999: America's Army: Proving Apr 21, 2020 · This is a recode of KratosHaynes NoRecoil script which can be found here: Valorant no recoil ahk instead of continuously pulling the mouse down at the same speed it changes between 5 different speeds after time. A simple script AutoHotKey NoRecoil for CS2 & CSGO - GitHub - McDaived/NoRecoil-CS2: A simple script AutoHotKey NoRecoil for CS2 & CSGO An anti-recoil script for Logitech mouse. It might look not much, but the difference is huge from my personal view. #NoEnv SendMode Input SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir Jan 13, 2015 · Help making a better no recoil script - posted in Gaming Questions: Hi I recently found out about Recoil reduction scripts, now from all the ones I can find, they all simply pull the mouse down. py to start the script; Select a recoil pattern using the Pattern Selector slider; Adjust the min and max uniform sliders as needed; Press the Toggle Anti-Recoil button to enable/disable the anti-recoil; Fire your weapon, and the script will automatically move the mouse to counteract the recoil Aug 15, 2022 · Last edited by gregster on 15 Aug 2022, 13:15, edited 1 time in total. However, please exercise caution and ensure Dec 11, 2017 · using something like AHK (auto hotkey) will get you banned but they can not detected built in software on gaming keyboard/mouse, no game devs can detect those nor has any anti cheat been able to detect them, video evidence on the other hand can prove a macro if its overly abused and or at extreme settings. It is really frustrating and would be helpful if PUBG just published a list of which apps are bannable. Nov 12, 2019 · All credits go to @dezeadmf & @Entity for AHK base script, and @KjutNikolas for C# No Recoil Macro (idea of triple settings) - Adjust recoil compensation with 3 params - Save settings - Only enabled ingame (not on windows, inventory, main menu, ) Note: Files AutoHotkey___. ahk ) KlondikeTar: CS Sep 11, 2019 · Also weapons in pubg have no consistent pattern, so forget abut getting perfect recoil recovery. Use sides keys of numbers (NumPad) in the keyboard to activate no recoil on weapons . To adjust a particular weapon setup's recoil, simply find the entry with the appropriate weaponcode and tweak the recoil value. Code of conduct Activity. Feel free to post any improvements or suggestions! Sep 26, 2017 · I Found a new script Status: UD I am not the creator Of This Script Creator:FULL RECOIL If your in scope hold E to turn on Scope Mode (Working only in red dot) Needed: Full Auto Script/Macro RapidFire/Full auto AHK Code For AHK Full Auto Script Jun 4, 2019 · approved thanks for sharing bbc6fec3bec5036aed1af67f6ac69c3104f4018486fe5d0835571c6b30c89054 Run Me. Contribute to Exunys/Aimbot-Script development by creating an account on GitHub. 2. 01" to increase the recoil test it in game until fit your control. Contribute to noxtgm/anti-recoil development by creating an account on GitHub. You have an extra option You have an extra option -- in the script, If you active AUTO-ADS then every time you click the fire button, the weapon will goes to ADS (scope) Dec 25, 2017 · Nao Incentivo Ninguem a usar !Download: https://www. It’s very easy to obtain, including Dec 29, 2021 · PUBG LOGITECH Lua script for basic anti-recoil and lean/peek spam toggle I made a simple anti recoil script with optional lean spam for PUBG for use with Logitech G-HUB Software. X-Aim doesn't support them. Some ahk scripts to make PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS more confortable to play - FxOxAxD/PUBG-ahk-helper. zip : Size: 1. It would help a lot if you do May 2, 2020 · Logitech No recoil script Works for ARs, LMGs, SMGs etc. ahk at master · TheRagingWampa/PUBG_AHK All credits go to @dezeadmf & @Entity for AHK base script, and @KjutNikolas for C# No Recoil Macro (idea of triple settings) - Adjust recoil compensation with 3 params - Save settings - Only enabled ingame (not on windows, inventory, main menu, ) Note: Files AutoHotkey___. Jan 16, 2016 · This script can be used on any console and with any controller, but if you want to use it with mouse and keyboard, comment out any line which has SPVAR in it. Jan 12, 2018 · Our PUBG No Recoil Macros package contains scripts for use of weapons in automatic and fast mode, so you'll be ready for any action at Battelgrounds. --The main target of the script is to decrease weapon recoil on the shooting PC games. Ask gaming related questions (AHK v1. . To activate the AHK script with the specific controls you mentioned, follow these simplified steps: Install AutoHotKey: Download and install AutoHotKey from the official Oct 17, 2021 · This is because some of the games I'm playing (e. The way this tool stores recoil settings is by storing a entry in the dictionary with the weaponcode as key, and recoil number as value. It's a realistic feature in many first-person and third-person shooter games to simulate the impact and force of firing a weapon. The script uses various hotkeys and functions to control the behavior of the script. ahk ) KlondikeTar: CS:GO Releases: 0: 3rd August 2016 08:40 AM [Release] AHK Auto M16+little recoil fix / TV Autoclicker: ReLiqui4e: Battlefield 2: 10: 17th February 2013 09:41 AM [Source The provided AutoHotKey (AHK) script is designed to create a "no recoil" effect in a game. believe it or not I don't care I just share my custom script for other players, ahk files behave like Macro on mouse, for example: corsair icue Jun 17, 2024 · need help for no recoil or less recoil CE script for kr pubg smartgaga: 3zzaldeen: PUBG Mobile: 0: 2nd July 2022 08:37 AM: M65 no recoil for PUBG? Or just any anti recoil script? jedmofo: Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 1: 25th December 2017 05:38 AM [Help] Rust Recoil script left/right recoil: burglary: Rust: 11: 13th December 2017 07:09 AM Sep 4, 2017 · This is a fairly simple no recoil script using ahk p Turns it on or off u makes recoil lower y makes recoil higher / suspends dosent turn off just pauses the script Here is the script i hope you like it dc = 0 recoil = 6 About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Jan 15, 2025 · Variable Recoil: This mode lets you set a recoil value (VERTICAL RECOIL ONLY, does not support horizontal) on the fly without having to create a new pattern, so you can adjust it to the recoil of the weapon you are using without having to change the script. Pubg recoil setting. Specifically for other scripts that are supposed to hide the script, I feel like some of those might be detected and might cause more damage. You'll need AHK for this. I can only assume in my case it was AHK that I was using to remap a few keys -- no macros. It’s insane how many people use this. infinite setting on this one its good setting for LMG,SMG,AR i make set it up and make many try ,work very fine with m249. ahk ) KlondikeTar: CS:GO Releases: 0: 3rd August 2016 08:40 AM [Release] AHK Auto M16+little recoil fix / TV Autoclicker: ReLiqui4e: Battlefield 2: 10: 17th February 2013 09:41 AM: Script ahk no recoil: plowtosor: Battlefield 3: 1: 29th July 2012 06:17 PM [Source] AHK No-recoil: Hang3r: America Name: PUBG AHK Recoil script. funno why people put recoil with work only for corsair bla bla,simple script work for all game all mouse. A script for a semi-automatic AKM machine Pubg ahk recoil script. Feb 9, 2024 · I've had friends say they've had no issues using it without the interception driver but that being said its just an AHK script so it can be detected. I think I would share this script so that everyone can help to improve this script. 1 and older) AutoHotkey (v2, current version) ↳ Ask for Help (v2) ↳ Gaming Help (v2) ↳ Scripts File Name: AHK Macro PUBG Lite recoil helper (1. Black Ops 6 No Recoil Macro; Valorant Private Script; PUBG Private Script; Apex Legends Private Script; Rust Private Script; Battlefield 2042 Private Script; CS2 Private Script; CS2 Ai Aim + Recoil CS2: Script Recoil Macro/Script: Primary, 100% Configurable and Compatible with Any Mouse! Immediate delivery and total security, get the macro recoil control script now and experience a significant improvement in your recoil precision and control Jan 17, 2018 · M65 no recoil for PUBG? Or just any anti recoil script? jedmofo: Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 1: 25th December 2017 06:38 AM: Bloody mouse no recoil Pubg: liquid85: Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 15: 5th November 2017 10:12 AM [Release] PUBG No Recoil: paulin78: Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 9: 9th June 2017 09:46 AM Aug 29, 2021 · I was looking for a new way to reduce the Recoil automatically, and make it easier to hit enemies. Readme License. Oh and just a tip, it works in fullscreen (windowed) mode. 41. For that you can use something as simple as Dec 10, 2023 · Will let me know if any ban is for the whole script or manuals. I am having fun with my current one, but I think it could work better. Oct 14, 2017 · [Release] XYZ - H1Z1 No-Recoil + RapidFire Not AHK: Distinction1: H1Z1: 3: 12th April 2017 04:07 AM [Help] H1Z1 AHK Rapidfire/Autofire macro help. Copy and Paste the script to C:/ or D:/ etc. I suck at this game, i mean, i really suck, but have a lot of hours cause it's fun either way. md at master · fuckpubg/AHK some dot AHK scripts from UC or MPGH for PUBG Game,and compiled to EXE by me - fuckpubg/AHK Feb 11, 2023 · [Release] (Logitech)Warzone, no recoil, auto-tag and rapid-fire LUA script: Sub2Zer0: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: 650: 25th March 2024 07:44 PM: M65 no recoil for PUBG? Or just any anti recoil script? jedmofo: Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 1: 25th December 2017 06:38 AM [Release] Bhop & Rapid Fire AHK Script ( StickyTar. Pubg settings to reduce recoil. exe with administrator privileges #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. - kadirhzrc/pubg-lua-norecoil [Help] ( HELP ) HOW TO REDUCE RECOIL ( NO RECOIL ) PUBG MOBILE: toilatrum147: PUBG Mobile: 0: 21st June 2021 01:26 PM [Detected] PlanetSide 2 AHK script - Custom Recoil Helper, Auto Spot, Auto Shield/Heal: ihatekirito: PlanetSide 2: 151: 4th November 2018 03:58 AM [Source] Logitech LUA recoil reduce Script! lumpi999: America's Army: Proving I’m gonna start off saying I have played a good bit of the FPS genre from Squad, HLL, CS GO, Battlefield, and now been playing PUBG, and for the life of me I do not understand how players control the insane recoil of an automatic rifle in this game so flawlessly, even when I hold the elevation perfectly, I’m still swaying like no other and miss 90% of my shots, and semi auto just doesn’t Run python PerfectRecoil1. And the sub is full of AHK users, but nobody uses it for cheating. _____ A set of autohotkey scripts that I made/use for PUBG. • Firing mode detection – hip-fire, shoulder-fire and sight-fire, the script automatically detects which firing mode you are shooting in and adjusts the recoil control to each weapon; • Recoil compensation for all weapons – the PUBG recoil control system supports any weapon, and every season we release an update with a new or changed weapon; Feb 7, 2018 · edit the script in text such as notepad and look in the code for the keybind to stop the program, if there isnt one look for a scripting tutorial to learn how to make one, or find another ahk script. Best you can achieve is full vertical recoil recovery. 0. Moves the mouse down to compensate recoil, by default v2. 6 KB) Author: Jackssso (Uploaded by Jackssso) Date Added: 12th November 2019 CS:GO No Recoil AHK Script for some Weapons. It's a Some ahk scripts to make PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS more confortable to play - FxOxAxD/PUBG-ahk-helper some dot AHK scripts from UC or MPGH for PUBG Game,and compiled to EXE by me - AHK/PUBG Per-weapon perfect no recoil/README. fix some recoil. Make the GUN stay at one point while Firing at the enemy with all types of Mouse, Guns and Games. I copied pasted from Updated [Apex Legends NoRecoil Script] - PART 2 and mgsweet's GitHub. Run as administrator. I'm having some trouble understanding it. Aug 6, 2022 · Hey all, I have been wondering If there are some lua gentlemen willing to create a custom Logitech Recoil Script for my machine. exe with administrator privileges Oct 30, 2017 · Bloody mouse no recoil Pubg: liquid85: Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 15: 5th November 2017 10:12 AM [Release] Pubg AHK (shitty recoil, rapidfire/autofire and Crouch Jump) Zeus1337: Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 29: 25th October 2017 09:54 PM: PUBG Aim Recoil Script: gal123king: Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 18: 30th September 2017 01:07 PM Aug 22, 2024 · Logitech G Hub Lua Script to remove recoil from Rainbow Six Siege. com/file/h4qqy9chgt1uu89/Script%20CS%20GO%20And%20PubG%20By%20. #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. Apr 29, 2021 · pubg recoil. If you are running in full screen non windowed, it kicks you out of the game to display the tooltips. Jan 10, 2023 · So i'm a huge AHK newb, but basically when I am aim down sights (which is when I am looking to use this script) I hold LShift, then once I start firing I hold my left mouse button down while still holding left shift. It feels like about 5-10% of my deaths are to a cheater with recoil scripts. rarMusicas: https://www. Recoil shift can be adjusted to suit your weapon. M+: Soldier Page 2 - #NoEnv #InstallKeybdHook #InstallMouseHook SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0 SetMouseDelay, -1 SetKeyDelay, -1 SetWinDelay, -1 SetBatchLines, -1 SetControlDelay I'm wondering the same thing. 2 [AutoHotKey] Oct 17, 2021 · This is because some of the games I'm playing (e. It’s very easy to obtain, including PUBG Python No Recoil Script Resources. TWO OF THE SIX TEST ACCOUNTS WERE BANNED! LOOKING IN TO CAUSE. ; Variables Work Tested in Game CSGO, PUBG, Valoran. yo All credits go to @dezeadmf & @Entity for AHK base script, and @KjutNikolas for C# No Recoil Macro (idea of triple settings) - Adjust recoil compensation with 3 params - Save settings - Only enabled ingame (not on windows, inventory, main menu, ) Note: Files AutoHotkey___. add auto_reload. upload weaponspeed_mode. reinstall ahk if still doesnt work. While this definatly helps I was wondering if its possible or better yet worthwhile to make a script dedicated towards each guns own unique spray pattern. g. This is a problem for games where you can choose the weapon you want and recoil is not random, not for PUBG. cs, and you should see a dictionary named "recoil". 64kB (1,681 bytes) Type: Zip archive : First seen: November 20, 2019 at 3:45:15 PM GMT+1: MD5: 01195fbb4cb2fc3023a870b1f9ca94db Jul 24, 2023 · [Help] Integration of Jitter AHK or No-Recoil AHK with reWASD without loosing Aim Assist? S3X69: Apex Legends: 8: 28th April 2023 05:32 PM [Release] Aim Accurate AHK By Sensitivity low on color: Cubb: CS:GO Releases: 9: 26th August 2018 11:50 PM [Release] Bhop & Rapid Fire AHK Script ( StickyTar. What are the odds. Auto fire single shot weapons in PUBG Mobile PC version with recoil compensation. ahk ) KlondikeTar: CS:GO Releases: 0: 3rd August Barrels will reduce the amount of recoil the gun has, which in turn will make the script overcompensate, meaning it will make the recoil worse. PUBG STEAM it just configure your mouse with Lua script to get no recoil in game. Edit: The most you can do with autohotkey for pubg is reduce vertical recoil, but then again, if you think vertical recoil is a problem in this game, to the point you need scripts just uninstall, doing yourself a favor. $59. google AHK and go from there, its a free program. This script work fine but have some issue. Heroes and Generals) make the recoil goes a little bit diagonally to the right to "make it more realistic", Usually with a machine gun. 6: Fixed Disabled Mouse Wheel. Make some mouse movement yourself while shooting to avoid this. You can use this script with any game that have recoil. Parametar Timing(0-100), delay between mouse movements. ;'#IfWinActive, ahk_exe TslGame. 99" to reduce the recoil or "basictimes = 1 * 1. Parametar Recoil(0-100), recoil value. 3. exe with administrator privileges Rainbow Six No Recoil Macro; PUBG Steam No Recoil Macro; PUBG Mobile No Recoil Macro; The Finals No Recoil Macro; Private Macro Scripts. (ie. Jan 15, 2019 · M65 no recoil for PUBG? Or just any anti recoil script? jedmofo: Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 1: 25th December 2017 06:38 AM [Help] Rust Recoil script left/right recoil: burglary: Rust: 11: 13th December 2017 08:09 AM [Discuss] What is No Recoil and Recoil Control System: eyy: Counterstrike Global Offensive: 6: 20th September 2015 12:38 PM Anti-Recoil is a technique used in first-person shooter games that helps players reduce the recoil of their weapons and is widely accepted as the 'Holy Grail of MODs'. Sep 15, 2019 · [Help] Rust Recoil script left/right recoil: burglary: Rust: 11: 13th December 2017 08:09 AM [Help] Need help with AHK recoil script: AmazingRobot: Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 7: 20th October 2017 05:31 AM: Need a good legit looking ahk recoil script: Chostel: Counterstrike Global Offensive: 1: 13th June 2017 09:46 PM Jan 16, 2022 · [Release] Universal - Auto-Launch AHK recoil scripts and game all-in-one: sashaatx: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: 1: 16th January 2022 07:26 PM [Help] setSneaking, setFire cause the game to crash. some dot AHK scripts from UC or MPGH for PUBG Game,and compiled to EXE by me. Stars. ahk some dot AHK scripts from UC or MPGH for PUBG Game,and compiled to EXE by me. 1 and older) AutoHotkey (v2, current version) ↳ Ask for Help (v2) ↳ Gaming Help (v2) ↳ Scripts The provided AutoHotKey (AHK) script is designed to create a "no recoil" effect in a game. yqtecb dksecaly uknbx emzzzt eakwx jxdfu zzj hfzb swzkwq mukd qdeadom hvelyrr aatz tejxbj qvvdeb