Python replace single quotes in string. Using a single replacement operation replace all .

Python replace single quotes in string I tried using the replace function (strmanagable. When I print the string, the newline character causes an extra blank line to be printed, but when I use repr(), you get the string value in Python syntax form, where the single quotes are part of the syntax, not the value. the data also contains data with single quotes. format() Join a list of strings wrapping each string in quotes in Python # Add quotes to a string in Python. if string. A single quote within the string can be encoded by putting two single quotes in a row - as in Pascal. replace('e', 'x', regex=True) it works fine I need to convert it in a valid json string, thus converting only the necessary single quotes to double quotes (e. Output of Json. (You wouldn't always want quotes in your strings. Let me make it simple and clear. " "I'm mostly j Aug 16, 2015 · I want to replace all single quotes in the string with double with the exception of occurrences such as "n't", "'ll", "'m" etc. Mar 29, 2022 · I'm using Python to grab a JSON response. Since you are not using the return value from the first replace, it is discarded and the second iteration of your loop with the character - replaces just this character and not " , in the original string. Jul 31, 2022 · To remove quotes from a given string in python using the re. I ran the script with new input by accident and in my surprise it still replaced all double quote to empty string. If you write a double-quoted string in the console, you will see that the result is shown single-quoted. Nov 16, 2012 · I'm trying to replace all single quotes with double quotes, but leave behind all escaped single quotes. The trouble is Python uses the same backslash escape notation, so the replace operation as detailed above has no effect. It's better to be simpler and more explicit with the code above, though. ^"?,+|(\+)\Z ^ Start of line "?,+ Match an optional double quote and 1 or more comma's | Or (\+) Capture a plus sign in group 1 \Z End of Feb 19, 2010 · Replace single quotes with double quotes in python, for use with insert into database. First, we explained how to remove all quotes from a string using several different methods - str. When an 'r' or 'R' prefix is present, a character following a backslash is included in the string without change, and all backslashes are left in the string. First, we will pass a single quote as the first input argument, an empty string as the second input argument, and the given string as the third input Jun 4, 2020 · python replace backslash and single quote. You can also "escape" the characters: char = '\'' + char + '\'' Mar 4, 2021 · There is no difference between using single or double-quoted strings. My objective would be to split them to a list but still preserve the single and double quotes for other reasons. Mixing Single and Double Quotes in Python. You typed a \ to quote the single quote, but it was plain useless because a single \ in a string quotes the following character (here the quote) and let it go in the string. When Python sees: print somedict What it really does is: sys. Oct 30, 2023 · Hey, This detailed guide will cover python string replace double quotes with single. This caused it to put a single quotes around my inserted data from my variable, and I need those single quotes gone. if I use: df = df. To add quotes to a string in Python: Alternate between single and double quotes. Please note that this is for a language, so it should work for escaped quotes and single quotes as well. map(lambda x: x. My method for acquiring the string is very simple. g. fb = fa. I have a column with addresses, and sometimes it has these characters I want to remove => ' - " - ,(apostrophe, double quotes, commas) I would like to replace these characters with space in one shot. Both representations can be used interchangeably, so it has no sense to try to move from single to double-quotes. 3 documentation Mar 23, 2014 · . sub() function, we will use the single quote and double quotes characters as old_character and an empty string as the new_character. Python script : import re s = "C:\Users\Josh\Desktop" print s print re. Sep 8, 2011 · Remove specific characters from a string in Python. You can also convert objects of other types into strings using str() . In this tutorial, we go through three approaches in which you can escape a single quote character inside a string. replace single quotes with double quotes for string output. lstrip () and rstrip (). Feb 1, 2017 · '\"' doesn't mean anything special to Python, so you needn't to add \ before ",if you run . So I used: Replace(@Strip, char(146), '') which also works for regular single quotes char(39) and any other special Jan 8, 2022 · Python uses single quotes or double quotes for strings : "abc" == 'abc'. Aug 4, 2014 · Triple single quotes will conveniently encapsulate the single quotes often used in SQL queries: c. ) If you wanted to include quotes, you could say "\"bill\"" or '"bill"'. split(',') into a list. I am using python 3. I have a json string that has fields that contain a single quote inside of the data. I was very clear that this was a provisional answer - if this is a python literal, then use python. However, I can't seem to find a way to exclude text between quotes from the substitution process. The problem is, when I use: json_str = json_string. e,g var = '2,000' type(var) # <class 'str'> I want to convert it to int. Any help would be awesome. Oct 7, 2020 · @Jason: Yes, the translate method is very different on Python 2 (or more precisely, it's roughly the same for Python 2 unicode, but different for Python 2 str, which has a translate closer to Python 3's bytes. S. >>> "asd" 'asd' Jul 11, 2020 · For a given string, I'm trying to replace single quotes (') and double quotes (") with \' and \" respectively to render it in a Django view. To make it a bit easier all the values being inserted are strings. I tried this different options: Mar 19, 2015 · I need to replace tabs in a string, but only the tabs, not the spaces. This prints only the text written inside those quotes. ' >>> Why is this happening and what can I do about it? Jul 24, 2012 · Was wondering whether anyone has a clever solution for fixing bad insert statements in Python, exported by a not so clever program. If your "long string" is read from a file (as you mention in a comment) then your question is misleading. Python variable value adding a double quotes. replace to replace all of the straight quotes with curly ones, however, they are all in the same direc Oct 20, 2012 · Now there is a pythonic way of solving this just in case you don't want to use any library. So it has: Mar 27, 2015 · I want to replace a string with (double quotes + string). Replacing comma in Python. It is suitable for straightforward replacements when the quotes are not part of the string content. Feb 12, 2017 · You could also extend Python's str type and wrap your strings with the new type changing the __repr__() method to use double quotes instead of single. Columns id_with_quotes, person_with_quotes are id and person with each item wrapped in single quotes. Apr 12, 2023 · These two approaches are generic and can apply any lambda function, besides one that leverages replace(). 4260. 11. Jun 27, 2018 · In your example, you are using the list representation, which includes square brackets and quotes, the quotes are not in the strings themselves but in the representation of the list, that python automatically generates when you include it in another string with . 0. See also the standard_conforming_strings parameter, which controls whether escaping with backslashes works. Jul 16, 2011 · How you did it. If you want to use double quotes in strings but not single quotes, you can just use single quotes as the delimiter instead: r'what"ever' If you need both kinds of quotes in your string, use a triple-quoted string: r"""what"ev'er""" Oct 29, 2018 · I want to replace single quote(') to double quote(") to make it proper json column value in python dataframe. By using this technique, you can save time and effort when working with strings in Python. Replace(@Strip ,'''','') was not working because the single quote was ascii character 146 instead of 39. Lets use the re module in python to escape the special characters. replace() method to replace the single quotes with double quotes in a string. repla Jun 1, 2023 · In this tutorial, we'll take a look at how to remove quotes from a string in Python. findall(r"'(\w+)'", s) Out[6]: ['Tom', 'Harry', 'rock'] Here: the ' matches a single quote; the \w+ matches one or more word characters; the ' matches a single quote; the parentheses form a capture group: they define the part of the match that gets returned by findall(). This also follows alternative quote usage, i. 1. 'Dianne''s horse'. Sep 16, 2021 · OP doesn't tell us the string format, leaving us to guess. endswith('"'): string = string[1:-1] Edit: I'm sure that you just used string as the variable name for exemplification here and in your real code it has a useful name, but I feel obliged to warn you that there is a module named string in the standard libraries. How can it be achieved? Oct 26, 2019 · I have to replace all of the straight quotation marks (&quot;) to curly ones (“ or ”) I used s. I have the whole dataframe with single quotes because I applied df. " Problem is when I use it as a string in python it adds a backslash before single quotes, as seen here: >>> string '"This is my mom\'s vase", said Kevin. Python, replace all single/double Using Google API and getting the reply in XML format, it was failing to convert to XML data type because of single quotes. To remove apostrophes from a string, a simple approach is to just replace the apostrophe character with an empty string: >>> "didn't". I have tried int(var) But it gives an erro Apr 9, 2019 · In the end, wanted to see 4 columns: id, person, id_with_quotes, person_with_quotes. it gives me data as below ,find works fine and replacing ", with ; also works fine but now i want to get rid of the single double quotes as shown below seems like replace_string=replace_string. translate() with str. In Python string literals, backslash is an escape character Feb 16, 2020 · Python replace ',' within quotes, but keep other commas, then remove the quotes in a string. Series' str Method - str. format(). csv file looks like Unit Id Batch Id Items prod Mar 27, 2017 · The string is correct. Apr 2, 2015 · If you try print str, you'll see it never had quotes in the first place - this is because the quotes mark that str is a string, and are therefore not included. How to replace single quotes within a string with quoted double quotes. 7, you can use the helpful translate() method on strings. Apr 4, 2018 · Where reps is a list of (regex to be replaced, string to replace it with) ordered pairs and transpiled is the text to be transpiled. When replacing single quotes with double quotes or vice versa, you can use the str. dumps() on the data and do a string replace, but it does not work. Sep 7, 2012 · String Constants): To include a single-quote character within a string constant, write two adjacent single quotes, e. replace('"',''); is not removing those single double quotes in beginning of each sentence "sentence1 and Aug 10, 2018 · I wrote a simple script to parse a long string which contains multiple substrings wrapped in single quote. replace(" ' "," " ") This is giving me a hard time. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more. Example 1: Replacing Single Quotes with Escaped Single Quotes. It turns out the non-ASCII character really was a double en dash (−−). the two-character sequence of a backslash followed by the letter n. I have unicoded the query along with the string from the list: Here is my unicoded query: Feb 12, 2019 · 1) Your regex will cause the closing quote of this string to be ignored: '\'foo\''; 2) Your solution still cannot be applied to a whole file, since it would blindly replace the enclosing single quotes of strings containing double quotes (like '"foo"'), without escaping them; 3) There is a bug in PyCharm that causes the opening quote of a prefixed string like an f-string to be considered Aug 14, 2022 · I would like to replace the single quotes with double quotes in the array above, without replacing the single quotes in the json values. Any help is appreciated. 5. Columns id and person remain the same. join () and re. String replace with backslashes in Python. However input string is changed with double quote instead. sub (). Replace string containing quotes in pandas dataframe. The string could contain a non-closed double quote: "But be that gentleman, looking at Dary. You've neglected to show us exactly what output you want. You can create a new string without the double quotes by excluding them in the slice. Jan 3, 2023 · Whenever the user wants to double-quote a string, he can't simply write the string within double quotes inside the fmt. sub("'","\'","Newton's method") The above results in O/P : Newton's method Aug 25, 2021 · How to replace single quotes (') with \' in python? Need to convert from "{'fr': '', 'en': 'Title Edit 02'}" to "{\'fr\': \'\', \'en\': \'Changed\'}" Below can fail if one of the JSON strings itself contains a single quote as pointed out by @Jiaaro. For completeness, you can also use: mystring = mystring. stdout. I tried the below but getting the errors Basically I want to remove the commas in the numbers that are surrounded by quotes and then be able to separate the strings by the commas using . I have the htmlentities correct, but am unsure on how to utilize the str_replace function to replace the single and double quotes that the user might enter into the form. We have to specify both the substrings within the function and a new string is returned containing the replaced characters. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. After that, we'll take a look at how to use strip(), lstrip(), and rstrip() to remove all leading and trailing quotes from strings. replace() Each Series offers the str function, which lets you use other functions such as replace() to manipulate strings within rows of a single column: df['ColumnName'] = df['ColumnName']. replace("'","") EDIT: Strings are immutable, so you have to actually do the replace, and reassign. The input can only be trusted so far. First, we'll explain how to use replace(), join(), and regular expressions to remove all quotes from a string in Python. The method will return a new string where each occurrence of a single quote is replaced with a double quote. we will help you to give an example of python string replace double quote with single quote. replace("'", "") 'didnt' Feb 20, 2024 · Learn how to remove quotes from a string in Python using str. but it doesn't work. Sep 14, 2018 · For example, s here is a string that contains some text, some quote characters, and a newline character. Feb 16, 2024 · Method 1: Using a List Comprehension with Replace() This method employs list comprehension to iterate over each element in the list and the string replace() method to substitute single quotes with double quotes. This is why I've made it [^"]+ . Ask Question Asked 4 years, 7 months ago. Does anyone know a simple way to do this with python regexs? Input: "{ 'name': 'Skrillex', Nov 25, 2022 · Assuming that your text does not contain "special characters" and that whitespace doesn't have to be strictly respected (i. In my web application I need to store my Python string with all single quotes escaped for manipulation later in the client browsers JavaScript. Lets say e'QmfgLu/]sf]/sd is a string and I want to replace ' with ''. To replace single quotes with escaped single quotes in a string, you can use the replace() method in Python. Python Relevant quote from the documentation: A string constant is formed by enclosing the string in single quotes ('). This regex will capture all appropriate single quotes and associated white spaces while ignoring single quotes inside a message. Method 2: Using String Slicing. re. By default, How to replace single quotes within a string with quoted double quotes. Dec 9, 2024 · Using Triple Quotes. replace(' ', ' ') Oct 3, 2022 · Using the replace() Function to Replace Single Quotes with Double Quotes in Python The replace() function in Python is the most used method to replace a part of a string with another substring. Mar 5, 2016 · I'm reading a file and I would like to replace any text which appears between two double quotes like this: If file input is: Hi, I'm an example file! "Hi there example file. Jun 22, 2020 · I am working with JSON, and I am inserting a string into the JSON properties. I had an idea to find the commas within the quotes using regular expression to remove the commas and then removing the quotes with . Aug 7, 2010 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. x. Jan 29, 2021 · Another option is to use a pattern with a lambda to do the replacement, and load the string using StringIO. Else return a double quote. dumps(dic[0]) May 28, 2022 · replace single quote to double quote python pandas dataframe. Dec 14, 2014 · Quoting from Python String Literals Docs,. To print the string along with quotes, he can use various methods including certain escape characters. search(word): word = word. If you want to remove these quotes from a string, the replace() method provides a simple and effective solution. For example: After some benchmarking on using replace several times vs regex replacement on a string of increasing length by power of 2 with 100 replacements added, it seems that on my computer this method is the slowest when the length of the string is lower than 500 characters, and the fastest otherwise. It also does not indicate to me whether the single quote is abutting the start of a word of the end of a word. Actually what you are seeing is the representation of the string, it's added by repr method. , if double quotes are used to enclose the whole string, then direct speech should be in single quotes and vise-versa. replace doesn't do an in-place replace, but instead returns a new string which contains the replacement. ' didn't. replace(r'"', '') I have a string that contains quotes like this: string = "\"This is my mom's vase\", said Kevin. 6/2. startswith('"') and string. Aug 17, 2013 · All "print" does is convert an object to a string and send it to standard output. Python represents backslashes in strings as \\ because the backslash is an Escape Character. Oct 9, 2009 · In Python 2. I didn't May 18, 2018 · I have a number of type string with single quotes. execute('''SELECT sval FROM sdat WHERE instime > NOW() - INTERVAL '1 days' ORDER BY instime ASC''') Share Nov 15, 2020 · The difference between the raw string r'\n' and the non-raw string '\n' is huge because the latter is a special escape sequence that equates to the newline character whereas the former is equivalent to '\\n', i. If you want char to contain those single quotes, you can concatenate them to the original value: char = "'" + char + "'" The single quotes are contained in double quotes, per Python syntax. 20. strip() # the while loop will leave a trailing space, # so the trailing whitespace must be dealt with # before or after the while loop while ' ' in mystring: mystring = mystring. Say, you copied and pasted it from a browser console/whatever. replace("'", "\""). Example input: don't 'George ma'am end. Apr 10, 2020 · I am a trying to learn python and I have an issue where I encounter string that has both single and double quotes that I need to replace. dumps: json. Python allows you to mix single and double quotes within a string to avoid escaping quotation marks. 7. string = raw_input("Please enter string: ") Is there a different way I should be grabbing the string from the user? I'm running Python 2. Apr 9, 2024 · Use the str. You can make use of the builtin string function . test['Address 1']. Hot Network Nov 29, 2018 · The single quotation marks are Python syntax to indicate the data type. it would be okay to trasform a tab into a space, or multiple spaces into a single space), a simple & dirty way of doing this could be using the shlex module to split the text into tokens, then map the tokens by replacing the spaces and adding double quotes in tokens W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. format. While they’re most often used in docstrings (the text that explains how code works), they also have other features that can be used in a variety of situations. at end getting the same output with single quotes. I need to replace a bunch of single quotes with double quotes in a string, but the above isn't working. This article will give you a simple example of python string replace single quote with double quote. . replace(). replace() method and pass the old string (single quote or double quote) as the first argument and the new string (double quote or single quote) as the second argument. We're not clear on what you want for output, as Python forces quotation marks around string output as part of the standard rendering. descripcion. Built-in Types - Text Sequence Type — str — Python 3. Jan 2, 2025 · Using single quotes here would require escaping: 'I\'m excited to visit the Statue of Liberty in New York!' Read How to Get the Index of an Element in a List in Python. replace('"','') but I'm not sure how to. Feb 8, 2018 · I want to prevent users of the REPL from having to manually replace each single quote with a double and single quote before running the command – CrizR Commented Feb 7, 2018 at 22:11 To escape single quote characters inside a string in Python, you can use backslash character before each single quote character in the string, or define the string using double quotes delimiters. e. replace("\'","''") it is changing it to ''. a_str = ´funny single quotes´ long–-and–-short dashes ‘nice single quotes’ “nice double quotes” fixed_str = 'funny single quotes' long--and--short dashes 'nice single quotes' "nice double quotes" By the way, the code above works in Python 3. Here is my current PHP (which works) Nov 17, 2021 · Add single quotes to a variable in Python. python single quotes around certain parts of strings. Replace the single quote (') character from a string. write(somedict. Feb 1, 2014 · replace single quote to double quote python pandas dataframe. That means the use of the % operator, or better yet, the newer and recommended str. Oct 2, 2021 · I am trying to replace the double qoutations in the provided string. Nov 1, 2020 · I need to format it to a string literal containing a proper JSON object like this: {"key1": 4, "key2": "I\'m home"}, so that I can save to a JSON file. replace('"', '') 'abcd efgh' >>> You can use the string function . I tried to do json. Python How to remove \" from a string. str. maketrans(), list comprehension, and filter(). Jun 30, 2010 · As for how to represent a single apostrophe as a string in Python, you can simply surround it with double quotes ("'") or you can escape it inside single quotes ('\''). Dec 21, 2015 · I have been trying to replace a single quote with back slash single quote. Apr 27, 2013 · The list contains strings and I use python string format technique to replace the query with the respective string from the list as iteration progress. C-style escapes using the backslash character are not supported because they are not standard SQL. I want to remove the double quotes from the csv-file, but when i use: df = df. You can just loop through your string and save alpha-numeric characters in a list, adding '*' in place of first instance on non-alphanumeric character. Related. Printf() command. Since you obviously don't fully understand how escaping works, the question as you wrote it down probably is different from the question you really have. the single quotes around word Verbal must not be converted, eventual apostrophes in the text also should not be converted). Oct 30, 2023 · Hello Folks, Now, let's see an article of python string replace single quotes with double. Left here as an example of what does not work. Feb 2, 2024 · Remove Quotes From a String in Python Using the replace() Method. It could also contain a non-closed single quote: 'But be that gentleman, looking at Dary. Need to use it into python. Using a single replacement operation replace all May 17, 2019 · The problem is not the function but the string. DO NOT USE. Using a translation table to map every single quote with a double quote. json_normalize and this changed all double quotes from source to single quotes, so I want to recover the double quotes. Desired string result as below """abcda"sd"asd['first', 'last', 'middle', 'dob', 'gender']abcda"sd"asd""" I need to replace double quotes only inside the square Mar 16, 2022 · Got it, thanks! Should have clarified earlier, but is there an easy way to easily convert this back into a dictionary/tuple or append the string_tuple into a dictionary, as I want to pass in the output of this into a function that takes in a dictionary/tuple. I have been trying this but it results in a string with two backslashes and single quote or without any backslash and single quote. Nov 3, 2015 · I must use htmlentities and str_replace. I'm using pandas and this is the code I have so far to replace one of them. Is the method i am using correct? Is there another method (one-liner preferred) to obtain the desired result. original_string = '"Python is amazing Jan 7, 2019 · I want to replace all instances of a string quote (') with two single quotes ('') in a string. write('\n') As you can see, the dict is always converted to a string (afterall a string is the only datatype you can send to a file such as stdout). Python:Replace tab in double quotes. join() and a generator expression to remove all quotes from a given string: Jun 12, 2018 · This is not a string; it's a list of lists of strings and floats. How to replace single quotes within a string Dec 7, 2017 · Python string. replace() to replace all occurrences of quotes in a given string: >>> s = '"abcd" efgh' >>> s. Oct 12, 2018 · This is a simple string replace. replace('"', '', regex=True) nothing happens. Sep 15, 2016 · How To Remove Quotes From String in Python. You can use the following methods to replace single quotes with double quotes in a Python string. replace (), str. Thank you. triple quotes (""" or ''') in Python work as a pre-formatted block. I used str. Finally, it could contain a single-quote that is meant to be an apostrophe: Don't go there. replace('\"', '\\"'),you will get a single backslash too. print l. One can replace the captured characters with double quotes, while preserving the JSON format. Demo: >>> a = " a 'b' 'c\'d' " >>> a " a 'b' 'c'd' " The back slash has just be eaten in the string. Oct 8, 2023 · In this example, we replace all double quotes (") in the original_string with an empty string, effectively removing them. Sep 19, 2022 · here, Json converting the quotes but also changing the type to str. Mar 29, 2021 · @TimRoberts Python script reads the data from API and creates json file. list1[1] = list1[1]. I'm trying to replace a single escaped quote ' with two single quotes so that I can insert it into SQL server. Another approach to remove double quotes is by using string slicing. * will capture everything up to the last double-quote in your string, instead of the next one. However, this doesn't explain the real issue in your other program. You can't just replace the single quotes in the general case because the string itself may have internal quotes that would not be properly replaced. data from json file will be picked up by google dataflow job and writes to sql server. e. Using the string replace() function to replace all single quotes with double quotes. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. strip () method, as well as its derivatives str. Mar 3, 2015 · Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Apr 1, 2014 · I was getting such Non-ASCII character '\xe2' errors repeatedly with my Python scripts, despite replacing the single-quotes. May 15, 2013 · How would I take the user's string and delete all line breaks to make it a single line of text. I should add, that by "removing" the single quote, you will not be gaining a space after the comma. Here’s an example: Mar 29, 2021 · I tried adding . Apr 3, 2012 · The following regex finds all single words enclosed in quotes: In [6]: re. How about you just take the result of your computation, and add single quotes around it as a second step: mystring = "'"+mystring+"'" – alexis Commented Apr 17, 2013 at 8:21 Jun 9, 2018 · if "'" in word and !apo. Then, we explained the str. It is really useful to know that there are no single quotes in a JSON string. replace(',', '')) May 9, 2023 · In Python, strings (str) can be created by enclosing text in single quotes ', double quotes ", and triple quotes (''', """). Modified 4 years, 7 months ago. replace(), regular expression(re), str. In Python, strings are often enclosed within single ('') or double ("") quotes. So I applied ast to change type. To achieve this, I tried using regular expressions with negative look-ahead to replace all the single quotes (except the escaped single quote) like this: Jan 3, 2023 · In Python, triple quotes let us write strings that span multiple lines, using either three single quotes (''') or three double quotes ("""). translate(None, '\'"'). ' 'Won't Dec 4, 2024 · This allows you to programmatically handle strings that contain quotes within them. Remove single quote from list of strings in pandas dataframe. replace to replace single quote to empty string. On Python 2 for str, you wouldn't need to make a translation table, you'd just do mystr. Mar 13, 2019 · As seen in the picture below, there was added double quotes to the data from each sheet i combined "data from sheet 1", "data from sheet 2" example from data set. replace("'","\n<singlequote>") but this ignores cases where a single quote is used around a word with an apostrophe. Notice that we alternate between double and single quotes in the arguments we passed to str. 4. 48. P. Dec 23, 2021 · df_flat = df_flat. __str__()) sys. 4 on a Mac. replace("'", "\"")), but it replaces single quotes in the json values too, which I don't want. (double quotes + string). It didn't add two single quotes for strings with a single quote in the string. translate). 123, 'Anjanadhri Godowns', CityName I need to replace the single quotes from the dataframe and replace it with double-quotes. eg : Survey No. But repr will use backslash-escapes itself to show unprintable characters, and for consistency (it's supposed to form a Python string literal that, when evaluated, gives back the same string that was the input to repr) also escapes each backslash that occurs in the string. escape(s) Perhaps crucial details were missing from question when answered, but this answer is bad advice - there is no point in the OP writing their own buggy json serializer when a good one already exists in the stdlib Apr 8, 2024 · Add quotes to a string in Python; Add double or single quotes around a variable in Python; Print a variable inside quotation marks using str. When using None as the first argument, this method has the special behavior of deleting all occurences of any character in the second argument. There are a number of ways to do it, the more commonly used would be through the facilities already provided by strings. Importantly, this will not work when two doubly-quoted sub-strings are in the overall string, unless you increment the index at which the next search begins. I'm trying with lote. replace("'", '"', regex=True) To change single quotes to double quotes in the whole pandas df. If group 1 is present (the last plus sign) then return an empty string. wst urtkvd orb igctor dgqre vkohkby wyk kyvyjr lgkmgtb epaaj kxuzz bmxty hqimnjy tvrp copt