Challenges faced by orphans pdf

Challenges faced by orphans pdf. Depression, rage, anxiety, and despair are some of the psychological issues [3]. 2017, HIV/AIDS Figure 2: Respondents’ action to overcome the psychological and social challenges The question on “how many members of your family have died?” was asked to assess the extent of grief at the family level. It was observed that financial challenges influenced caregivers’ provision of services such as clothing, food, school fees, to orphans, to a great extent and it was recommended that the government and other stakeholders in the community be involved in addressing the financial challenges, which orphan caregivers face. Jan 2, 2016 · Once engaged in orphan care, taking on additional orphans is associated with increased emotional distress in relation to not caring for orphans (AOR=3. The number of vulnerable children, those who are affected by HIV&AIDS and live within the pandemic’s shadow, is not well established. Wellbeing of an orphan caregiver affects the child-rearing practice, which in turn could affect the growth and development of the orphaned child. Malnutrition can lead to a broad range of health concerns, such as poor eyesight, stunted muscle and bone growth, impaired mental development, etc. challenges faced b y bringing up ‘ orphans’ and ‘vulnerable’ c hildren in the Gutu District of Zimbabw e with special emphasis on the caregi vers ’ experience s, feelings and views. A purposive sampling technique was employed the opportunies and obstacles they face through their life course. A CASE OF TABORA MUNICIPALITY. Out of the estimated1. The study was guided by qualitative research methodology and case study design under pinned by three objectives namely: (i) describe the awareness of the rights on Educational support by the orphans and teachers, (ii) explore challenges faced by orphans’ in While orphans are exposed to the dangers of the war environment, they have serious problems in accessing basic needs, especially food, shelter, health, security and education; while at the same time facing various social, economic and psychological challenges. With such high prevalence of HIV and AIDS, high numbers of orphans and scarcity of data on school for large numbers of orphans is impacting the entire communities and regions of the world. The research intended to bring out this dilemma by examining the psychosocial challenges faced by caregivers and to give recommendations for action. Oct 28, 2023 · Findings show that widows in Africa face multiple challenges, including limited healthcare access, property rights, social support, and harmful traditional practices, impacting their well-being Clearly, the findings cannot be generalised but they alert one to challenges that AIDS orphans encounter in a small sample. HIV/AIDS remains undoubtedly one of . Whilst many studies have been carried out in Zimbabwe about the challenges faced by OVC, little has been directly The findings revealed that even in the face of severe socio-economic challenges, there is continued willingness by families to absorb OVC, and some care-givers, particularly grandparents derive satisfaction from offering care and support, but it is found that OVC care in families is fraught with several challenges whose scale and complexity often exceed the capacity of families to effectively The study employed interviews, questionnaires and focus groups discussion to collect data from respondents. 0 Challenges facing OVC in Attending School Different challenges are faced by OVC to attend school, and some of them are access to school, school fees, uniforms and school necessities. A huge emphasis is placed on the challenges faced. Pastors and parents can benefit perusing the topic presented in this paper. 3 Following are some of the gravest challenges faced by orphan children. Even after decades of the existence of AIDS, stigma is still experienced in contexts like these. Caring for orphans is an enormous task. 16, 95% CI=1. It is easy to overlook them when addressing the issue of violence against women and femicide as its ultimate consequence. The study focused more on the challenges faced by female caregivers as they form the bulk of Tembisa Child and Family Welfare Society's caseloads and the HIV and AIDS orphans in their care. South African journal of psychology , 41(3): 351-362. The vast majority of orphans are cared for by Aug 13, 2021 · The main emotional and behavioral problems experienced by orphan children and adolescents include depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem, feelings of anger, and trauma. The data obtained in the study is aligned with the literature which portrays orphan‐related challenges which are impacting on the daily lives of the HIV/AIDS‐affected and ‐infected orphans. Therefore, there is a need to explore the role of caregivers with regard to the well-being of orphans, the challenges they face, as well as how they could be empowered to be more responsive to children's needs. Zimbabwe has faced economic challenges since the onset of the crisis in 2000 (Kabonga, 2020). Delimitations of the Study The researcher delimited the investigation to establishing the challenges faced by AIDS orphans as they grow up after losing their parent or parents in one ward in Nkayi District of Zimbabwe. This research therefore evaluated the social support provided to HIV and AIDS orphans in Tembisa, Gauteng. Therefore, educational, and psycho-social, interventions may not address the income needs of house The general purpose of this research was to investigate challenges of orphan care giver families in Jimma town, Oromia. Today, over 11 million children under the age of 15 living There are large numbers of orphans enrolled in primary schools, but numerous challenges hinder them from continuing with school. Oct 10, 2023 · By overcoming existing challenges and capitalizing on opportunities, proponents concerned with child care and social work will be in a better position to advance policy attention to their issue, attract more donor and government funding, and ultimately improve the well-being and care of orphans and vulnerable children across the world. Sep 20, 2022 · This review discusses challenges faced by the specialists toward diagnosis and treatment of orphan disease for well-being of an individual living with the disorder. By Orphan Care in the 21st Century brings with it potential problems for families. A qualitative study was designed, to investigate the challenges faced by women orphan caregivers. In addition, the multivariate models showed that variations in site and living arrangements were significantly associated with the subjects’ psychosocial outcomes. Furthermore, psycho-social support groups have been established by NGOs to address the psychological and social issues faced by OVC. Conclusions. Jan 1, 2015 · This study is an analysis of the challenges faced by care-givers in coping with OVC burden at household level. Notwithstanding the psychosocial support interventions by the government and its stakeholders in ‘orphans’ and ‘vulnerable’ children (OVC) care and support in Zimbabwe in the past two decades, the challenges faced by caregivers in coping with OVC has unabatedly escalated. Data were coded, categorized and analysed through identification of themes (any specific analysis method that was used). graduate orphans; the sample was made up of 13 participants (1 administrator, 5 caregivers and 7 graduate orphans). i. Three Decades of HIV/AIDS Pandemic: Challenges Faced by Orphans in Tembisa, South Africa. 3 Objectives The following objectives underpinned the study i. 1. May 13, 2016 · Ethical challenges included difficulty identifying OVCs given variation among children living without parents; difficulty identifying guardians among a range of caregivers; concerns about meaningfulness of guardian consent; difficulty assessing risk; and responding to children's many needs. Now, a decade after the term OVC entered the policy lexicon, it is possible to The study realized that families are facing a number of challenges in meeting the health, education and social welfare needs of orphans under kinship-based foster care. a supportive environment for orphans to thrive academically. Download Free PDF. View PDF. Therefore, educational, and psycho-social, interventions may not address the income needs of house These children have been labeled orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in the international development literature, and a range of interventions have provided services aiming to mitigate the impact of the crisis on human development outcomes, including education. 0 Introduction This chapter is composed of the Wellbeing of an orphan caregiver affects the child-rearing practice, which in turn could affect the growth and development of the orphaned child. The situation of orphans in Tanzania is exacerbated Dec 5, 2017 · This phenomenological qualitative study examines the challenges faced by caregivers in coping with the OVC burden at the household level within the Gutu rural community of Zimbabwe. It has become very difficult for the majority of orphans to meet basic needs and schooling costs. Therefore, this study was conducted to explore the situation of care and support given to orphans with a particular emphasis on challenges faced by caregiver families in providing care and support to orphans. The HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in Zimbabwe is among the highest in Africa, wherefore higher number of orphans and vulnerable children. 73) as well as in relation • To assess the challenges faced by caregivers in the care and support of ‘orphans’ and ‘vulnerable’ children at the household level. Dec 9, 2023 · Children orphaned by domestic crimes represent the hidden face of gender-based violence. May 16, 2018 · Abstract. Other problems related This study investigated psychosocial challenges facing orphaned children and caregivers as well as possible intervention strategies that could be adopted to mitigate these challenges in the institutionalised orphaned children centres in Ubungo Municipal, Dar es Salaam. A Questionnaire captioned “the challenges to the education of orphans and vulnerable children, a case study of Eleme Local Government Areas of Rivers State”, was developed for the study. • To identify strategies adopted by caregivers to mitigate the challenges they face in caring for and supporting ‘orphans’ and ‘vulnerable’ children at the household level. To assess the challenges faced by care givers in care and support of the OVC at household level. region is faced with challenges of having orphans and vulnerable children Even though the government is concerned with child care and protection. Princess Khumalo. Challenges faced by women orphan The study is limited to the challenges that are faced by children orphaned by AIDS using a very small sample. A RESEARCH PROPOSAL ON: AN ASSESSMENT ON THE CHALLENGES FACING ORPHANS IN AQUIRING FORMAL EDUCATION. 2. Mar 30, 2010 · 2. 4. The assumption of the study is that orphans living on their own face much greater material and psychosocial May 7, 2018 · In Zimbabwe, many school-going orphans fail to attain their academic prospects because of gender inequality and child -insensitive society. Dec 31, 2023 · Drawing upon existing literature, the research explores the unique challenges faced by orphans, emphasising the need for resilience in the face of adversity. Using the quantitative and qualitative techniques the study was conducted among the Dec 7, 2020 · The findings showed that orphanages offered opportunities for graduate orphans to survive effectively and independently after being reintegrated back into society, however they were facing challenges with emotional and psychological adjustment to the new environment which was influenced by the way they were socialised in the orphanage. Discover the world's research Jan 5, 2021 · The purpose of this study was to investigate challenges faced by learners because of their parental socioeconomic statuses as well as the presence of various practices for socioeconomic inclusion With the orphan population escalating, communities continue to rely on relatives to provide care to orphans. The study was carried out in Ward 10 with Dec 20, 2016 · The purpose of the study was to establish psychological challenges facing orphaned children and caregivers residing in six institutionalized institutions located at Ubungo District in Dar es Salaam. This paper is based on a study carried out in Rakai District, Uganda. The quantitative analysis found that maternal orphans, double orphans, and children who engage in labor outside of the home were particularly vulnerable to psychosocial distress. Caregivers are rarely prepared to Download Free PDF. Due to HIV/AIDS many children are being orphaned and are left behind without any visible means of support. The study came up with suggestions for improving OVC policies and intervention strategies. Feb 22, 2017 · The aim of the paper was to explore the challenges faced by HIV and AIDS orphans in Tembisa. On average, each of the respondents interviewed had lost two or three relatives by the time of The study revealed that orphan care givers faced strong socio-economic challenges yet they are willing to continue to give care and support to the orphans. Focus on orphaned and vulnerable children (OVC Nov 1, 2023 · NGOs have also empowered OVC households through community saving initiatives like internal savings and lending schemes, fostering income generation, and addressing education-, food- and clothing-related challenges. This report, therefore, provides insights into areas where the situaon of children has improved, and where signicant challenges remain. The children coped by drawing on their faith, making To investigate the challenges faced in addressing the needs of orphans and vulnerable children in Marondera, focus group discussions and interviews were utilised. BREAKING BARRIERS FOR ORPHANS AND VULNERABLE CHILDREN IN KENYA Forward Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) suffer the brunt of poverty and HIV and AIDS putting them among the most visible high risk groups in Kenya. The caregivers are committed in caring and supporting the children but aging and limited economic capacity of their household severely challenge them. 30-7. Oct 22, 2022 · understanding of many challenges faced by children and child protection systems in Zimbabwe population. When compared to their peers, orphans are more prone to experience social and psychological disorders. Gender-based violence frequently extends to the most vulnerable, dragging children into the realm of violence for years. Orphans are usually left under the care of the extended family and in the worst cases; some are relegated dto chil-headed families due to poverty. According to Tadesse (2008), challenges faced by orphans and vulnerable children are as follows: • They experience negative health, social and developmental outcomes resulting in poor school In sum, it appears that orphanhood itself is an inadequate measure of vulnerability that does little to describe the complexity of challenges facing children in eastern and southern Africa—a finding that policymakers and development practitioners would do well to consider. Conclusion: Educating orphans is not only a moral imperative but also a strategic investment in the future. This has negatively affected the orphans for the rest of their lives. Majority of the respondents confirmed that they had lost a member or more of the family. Jan 1, 2016 · 92 Educational supp ort for orphans and vulnerable children in primary schools: Challenges an d intervention s Findings further indicated that for OVC to be supported effectively the re is need for a Oct 1, 2012 · The challenges faced by orphans and vulnerable children are well known, and while international organisations attempt to help orphaned children by strengthening families, Jan 1, 2008 · The HIV epidemic presents challenges including orphans and a large mass of children rendered vulnerable by the epidemic and other societal forces. Data was collected through in-depth interviews. They have found through students’ performance in school that teachers did not have any special scheme for identifying and providing academic financial support to orphan students in Orphan children are individuals whose safety, well-being, and development are jeopardized by a lack of psychological care, according to this study. Evidence suggests that caring for orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV and AIDS remains one of the greatest challenges facing South Africa. According to Nyesigomwe, (2005), a study by the Zambian Ministry of Health indicated that 40 percent of all households have one or more orphans. This study explored Orphans Rights in accessing the educational support in selected public secondary schools in Lusaka district. 6. Whether male or female, the children held that financial situations and emotional stress, to a high extent affected their education. The study used a qualitative research approach and a descriptive research design. Jan 1, 2018 · Challenges counsellors face while practising in South African schools: implications for culturally relevant in-service training. The research intended to bring out this dilemma by examining social and economic challenges faced by caregivers and giving recommendations for action. The results will be used by both the government and the private sector, in assisting caregivers cope with the challenges of caring for orphans in Kenya. 1, 2 In 1997, the first comprehensive global estimates of orphans revealed that the number of orphans was increasing and that experience responding to orphaning as a social problem was limited. Many orphan children in India are also at risk of malnutrition or are already suffering from it given that most orphans are not in shelters and orphanages. One among factors that influence children to become orphans is HIV/AIDS in families. The majority of these orphans live in rural and poor urban households. These children face enormous problems ranging from challenges faced by Mozambique’s orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) that increase their vulnerability—namely poverty, lack of household assets, lack of social protection, frequent natural disasters, and loss of parents through disease. Consequent challenges Barring some exceptions where private or missionary orphanages go beyond statutory obligations to guide the child for a good part of his or her life, orphan children are taken care of only until they are 18. Oct 22, 2021 · It was found further that the orphans were faced with a lack of adequate health facilities including health insurance coverage, educational materials, sports gear and in some centres inadequate Zimbabwe has faced economic challenges since the onset of the crisis in 2000 (Kabonga, 2020). Nov 1, 2023 · NGOs have also empowered OVC households through community saving initiatives like internal savings and lending schemes, fostering income generation, and addressing education-, food- and clothing-related challenges. The HIV/AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa has already orphaned a generation of children – and now seems set to orphan generations more. Jul 24, 2020 · Challenges Faced By Social Workers When Reunifying Children with Their Families in South Africa. To assess the challenges faced by care givers in care and support of the OVC at household The main objectives were to initiate, and evaluate, interventions that could improve the situation for the children in child-headed households and the community as a whole, and an evaluation of the interventions. I. In Zimbabwe, eight percent of all children under the age of 15 lost their mothers due to AIDS. 191 International Peer Reviewed Journal mother, father, or both are deceased. continue to successfully play the role of providing care and support to the orphans. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data in this study and the data was presented in It is therefore essential to explore the challenges faced by caregivers at household level and the copying strategies they employ in the backdrop of the uneven distribution of resources. July 2020 Journal of Social Development in Africa 333(2):195-223 The older orphans were Challenges faced by grandparents caring for AIDS orphans in Koster, South Africa 357 not an exception, in that they had suicidal tendencies and rebelled against the authority of the grandparents. Sep 30, 2021 · Challenges faced by the children included mourning the loss of parents, longing to meet relatives and stigmatization of HIV positive children. Challenges faced by women orphan caregivers make caring a more extraneous task. The researcher found out various challenges orphans faced in education and the identified challenges were; problem of school fees, inferiority, discrimination both from their students and teaches, poor performance and among others. It was found further that the orphans were faced with various social challenges including shortage of health facilities, shortage of sports gears, lack of recreational opportunities, shortage of spiritual leaders and education materials. However, other children were considered as social orphans as their parents unlawfully discarded their duties as parents There are some orphans who lost both parents and others living with a single parent. This has resulted in Table 2: Challenges Facing Orphaned Students Challenges No of Respondents % of respondents Lack of food 52 87 High labour demand 48 80 Lack of parental love 58 97 Lack of school uniforms 54 90 Lack of learning materials 56 93 On table 2, it shows that the greater proportion of orphans have the challenges of lacking adequate food, school Jan 10, 2019 · The above have therefore prompted the researchers to investigate the effects of the challenges facing orphaned students on academic performance in commerce subject at O-Level (REPOA, 2008) Kolthari (2012) argues that one of the major influences affecting orphans and vulnerable children is their access to the child grant. Malnutrition. Mar 21, 2023 · 2. Some challenges that orphans face are lack of support from care givers, government, and orphanage centers (DSWO, 2017). This report is intended to inspire acon towards stepping up e +orts where evidence has presented Challenges faced by women orphan caregivers make caring a more extraneous task. Clearly, the findings cannot be generalised but they alert one to challenges that AIDS orphans encounter in a small sample. This study was therefore conducted in order to unpack the orphans’ academic challenges and to recommend strategies to improve their life. PREPARED BY Afra Paul Mpabanyanka PHONE NUMBER:0764625520 A PRODUCT OF: ARCHBISHOP MIHAYO UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF TABORA (A Constituent College of St. Abstract. The study is thus, no more than a snap shot of challenges faced by AIDS orphans in a specific setting. The findings showed that orphanages offered opportunities for Wellbeing of an orphan caregiver affects the child-rearing practice, which in turn could affect the growth and development of the orphaned child. ii. A qualitative study was Wellbeing of an orphan caregiver affects the child-rearing practice, which in turn could affect the growth and development of the orphaned child. The OVCs face numerous barriers in their efforts to access healthcare, education, nutrition, psychosocial support, It was observed that financial challenges influenced caregivers’ provision of services such as clothing, food, school fees, to orphans, to a great extent and it was recommended that the government and other stakeholders in the community be involved in addressing the financial challenges, which orphan caregivers face. These challenges are exacerbated by long-term climate Oyedele, Chiuwature, and Manayage (2016) investigated the challenges that orphans face at O-level and the effect of those challenges on their academic performance. 4 Limitations The limitations of this study are predominantly premised on Orphan caregivers faced distress due to inability to effectively handle hectic routine at the orphanage, low salary, and lack of knowledge and skill to address diverse needs of all children. Inequalities in schooling and health outcomes are larger between urban and rural children and according to household poverty level, rather than between orphans and other children. Studies conducted in sub-Saharan Africa in the early 1990s documented a rise in the number of orphans and the breakdown of protective social networks and supports for them. It is important that the challenges faced by caregivers in responding to the problem, be assessed and documented. Augustine University College of Tanzania) CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1. 3 million orphans in Zimbabwe, about 980,000 have been orphaned by AIDS. Jan 1, 2014 · The paper indicated that child-headed households face a myriad of psychosocial and economic challenges such as hunger, starvation, high school dropouts, trauma and stress, exploitation, and May 27, 2023 · The present study investigates the role of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in addressing the multifaceted challenges encountered by orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in the rural Chegutu The study revealed that orphan care givers faced strong socio-economic challenges yet they are willing to continue to give care and support to the orphans. Government Policy Advocacy: Advocate for policies that prioritize the educational rights of orphans, ensuring they have equal access to educational opportunities. Oct 1, 2014 · PDF | On Oct 1, 2014, D R Phetlhu and others published Challenges faced by grandparents caring for AIDS orphans in Koster, North West Province of South Africa | Find, read and cite all the AIDS has caused life expectancy to drop from 61 years during the early 1990s to 35 years by the end of 2004. Though intentions may be pure, adoptive and foster parents need to be made aware of the unique challenges in today's orphan care. In Zimbabwe, many school-going orphans fail to attain their academic prospects because of gender inequality and child -insensitive society. The overall aim of this study is to investigate the perception of support provided to orphan children in foster care placement in terms of education, care and support as well as protection by orphan children themselves, foster parents and social workers. 3. To identify strategies adopted by care-givers to mitigate the challenges they face in caring and supporting OVC at household level. The study also utilised the qualitative documentary analysis to supplement the interviews of six Analysis of Young Lives data offers three challenges to prevailing assumptions about orphans and vulnerability. pn fz ww ok vi ve mv jy cl cq